197 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable file
197 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# PostText v0.1
# Jul 22
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
use Mojo::Pg;
use Data::Dumper; # For your debugging pleasure
# Load the local modules too
use lib 'lib';
use PostText::Model::Thread;
use PostText::Model::Remark;
# Load Mojo plugins
plugin 'Config';
plugin 'TagHelpers::Pagination';
plugin AssetPack => {pipes => [qw{Css Combine}]};
# Helpers
helper pg => sub {
state $pg = Mojo::Pg->new(app->config->{app->mode}{'pg_string'})
helper thread => sub {
state $thread = PostText::Model::Thread->new(pg => shift->pg)
helper remark => sub {
state $remark = PostText::Model::Remark->new(pg => shift->pg)
# Begin routing
under sub ($c) {
$c->session(expires => time() + 31536000);
# Root
get '/', sub ($c) { $c->redirect_to('list') };
# List
group {
under 'list';
get '/:list_page', [list_page => qr/[0-9]+/], {list_page => 1}, sub ($c) {
my $base_path = $c->match->path_for(list_page => undef)->{'path'};
my $this_page = $c->param('list_page');
my $last_page = $c->thread->get_last_page();
my $threads = $c->thread->get_threads_by_page($this_page);
$c->stash(status => 404) unless $threads->[0];
threads => $threads,
this_page => $this_page,
last_page => $last_page,
base_path => $base_path
# Post
group {
any [qw{GET POST}], '/post', sub ($c) {
my $v;
$v = $c->validation() if $c->req->method eq 'POST';
if ($v && $v->has_data) {
my $thread_author = $c->param('name' );
my $thread_title = $c->param('title');
my $thread_body = $c->param('post' );
$v->required('name' )->size(1, 63 );
$v->required('title')->size(1, 127 );
$v->required('post' )->size(2, 4000);
if ($v->has_error) {
$c->stash(status => 400)
else {
return $c->redirect_to('list');
return $c->render();
under '/post';
any [qw{GET POST}], '/:thread_id', [thread_id => qr/[0-9]+/], sub ($c) {
my ($thread_id, $v) = ($c->param('thread_id'), undef);
$v = $c->validation() if $c->req->method eq 'POST';
if ($v && $v->has_data) {
my $remark_name = $c->param('name');
my $remark_body = $c->param('post');
$v->required('name' )->size(1, 63 );
$v->required('post' )->size(2, 4000);
if ($v->has_error) {
$c->stash(status => 400)
else {
return $c->redirect_to(
{thread_id => $thread_id}
my $thread = $c->thread->get_thread_by_id($thread_id);
$c->stash(thread => $thread);
return $c->render();
# Thread
group {
under '/thread/:thread_id', [thread_id => qr/[0-9]+/];
get '/:remark_page',
[remark_page => qr/[0-9]+/],
{remark_page => 1}, sub ($c) {
my $thread_id = $c->param('thread_id');
my $thread = $c->thread->get_thread_by_id($thread_id);
my $base_path = $c->match->path_for(remark_page => undef)->{'path'};
my $this_page = $c->param('remark_page');
my $last_page = $c->remark->get_last_page_by_thread_id($thread_id);
my $remarks =
$c->remark->get_remarks_by_thread_id($thread_id, $this_page);
# Probably a better way to do this 404 stuff I reckon
# Check for existence of thread
if (my $thread_body = %$thread{'body'}) {
thread => $thread,
base_path => $base_path,
this_page => $this_page,
last_page => $last_page,
remarks => $remarks
else {
thread => [],
status => 404
# Check for existance of remark page number
$c->stash(status => 404) unless $remarks->[0] || 1 >= $this_page;
# Configure things
app->secrets(app->config->{'secrets'}) || die $@;
if (my $threads_per_page = app->config->{'threads_per_page'}) {
if (my $remarks_per_page = app->config->{'remarks_per_page'}) {
app->asset->process('main.css', 'css/PostText.css');
# Send it