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Gemini server written in Common Lisp


geml will have nothing to serve until you configure at least one domain and root.

root = /srv/gmi

NOTE: Until Server Name Identification is achieved only the first domain you configure will work. Certificates will still be generated for other configured domains they will just be unreachable.


To get an executable bin/geml-server run make.

make && bin/geml-server -h


To install the build to /usr/local/bin/geml-server use sudo make install which will also wire up systemd so you can sudo systemctl enable --now geml

You'll need to sudo systemctl restart geml whenever you update /etc/geml/geml.ini... you did do that didn't you?

sudo cp /etc/geml/geml.example.ini /etc/geml/geml.ini

make install also sets up a geml system user and you may want to add yourself to that group.

usermod -a -G geml $USER

yeet it

To undo all that run these:

sudo make uninstall
make clean

NOTE: The automatically created TLS certs will still be at /var/lib/geml you can (re)use those elsewhere or also just delete them.