swagg boi e46e0b78c4 Some clean-up and new additions:
- New entry to the News page
- Made titles of the various pages more consistent within the head tags
- Added some accessibility tweaks: titles to iframes, meta description tags and labels to input tags
- Removed version pinning from cpanfile that was no longer needed
2021-06-10 20:41:27 -04:00

146 lines
4.7 KiB

% title 'News';
% layout 'swagg';
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06/08/2021 - <b>New ISP</b><br>
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Once again in the process of moving and I've subscribed to a new
ISP. This comes with some good news and some bad news. Good news
is it's a fiber connection that will be much faster. The bad news
is it is not a business class connection like my previous
connection was (as I wouldn't have been able to afford a business
class fiber connection) which limits the support I'll get from the
ISP I'm sure. For example IPv6 support appears to be
non-existant. This means www and ipv6.swagg.net will still carry
on (as they're migrated to the cloud) however the hostnames I have
self-hosted still such as chat and mirror.swagg.net will not. Also
as I haven't moved just yet, there will be downtime when I move
the gear this weekend (6/11/2021 - 6/13/2021).
I hope to restore IPv6 support one way or another... If the ISP
won't support this then I'll be left to implement some sort of
tunnel. I performed a tcpdump from my new firewall and haven't
seen any IPv6 traffic outside of the firewall throwing out
unanswered DHCPv6 requests but other subscribers in my area report
IPv6 being turned on throughout this year. More to come...
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6/25/2020 - <b>Major Downtime Coming</b><br>
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I am going to be moving equipment this weekend (6/26/2020 to
6/28/2020) so there may be a full day or two of downtime while I piece
everything together. In the future I'm going to move the MOTD and this
little news section to another server because this message kind of
defeats the purpose (didn't help I posted it at the last minute
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1/17/2020 - <b>New Domain Name</b><br>
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I purchased the swagg.net domain name last year but never go
around to cutting over from the old one. As with the move from
swagg.ddns.net, I'm going to hold onto swagg.cc to serve redirects
but eventually I'll be letting it go as swagg.cc actually costs me
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7/26/2019 - <b>Now serving HTTPS</b><br>
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<p>I got bored and changed stuff and now there's HTTPS</p>
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7/17/2019 - <b>New IP addresses</b><br>
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Due to me physically moving my server (and everything) to my new
place in Northern VA, there was some downtime (2 days) and
SwaggNet now has all new IP addresses. I think it's done now but
there may be some more downtime at night during the weekend as I
have to clean up my cabling as things got a bit spaghettified
during the move and I haven't had the time to unravel it all.
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5/13/2019 - <b>New domain name</b> (and IPv6!!)<br>
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I've been quietly playing around with IPv6 for some time and
finally felt comfortable going "global" with it, however the old
domain name (swagg.ddns.net) was a free Dynamic DNS name and thus
was not configurable as an AAAA (IPv6)
record. Therefore <a href="http://swagg.cc">swagg.cc</a> is now
the new domain name for SwaggNet and swagg.ddns.net has be
reconfigured to simply point to swagg.cc and will stay that way as
long as I can hold on to that name. swagg.cc should now resolve to
IPv4 or IPv6 and if you're curious or want to test your own IPv6
configuration, I've also
created <a href="http://ipv6.swagg.cc">ipv6.swagg.cc</a> which
will only be used for IPv6 records so using ipv6.swagg.cc should
essentially force an IPv6 session if everything's been set up