% title 'About Me'; % layout 'swagg';

All about Daniel

Northern Virginia (near DC) - mail - Resume

My name is Daniel and I want to be a Perl / Unix hacker when I grow up.


These are old and bad, please check out my git repos


Here are some shell scripts I've written:

apt-up.sh - shell script that waits 10 min for a user to log into a Debian/Ubuntu system then proceeds to update the system via the apt-get package manager if no one logs in, finishing with a system shutdown
tf2server01-bup.bash - bash script to tarball, encrypt, and upload a back-up of a game server
fedup-swagg.sh - shell script to upgrade Fedora releases
yum-up.sh - shell script to update system via yum package manager and email me if a (service) restart is required
stripe-cache-sizer.sh - small shell script with a simple for-loop that sets the stripe cache size on an mdraid array


I'm learning Perl now too

papicat.pl - (perpetually work-in-progress) CLI client for Akamai's OPEN EdgeGrid API
cpcodes.pl - simple script to extract some info from debug headers for Akamaized hostnames
ula6-swagg.pl - turns a MAC address into an IPv6 ULA prefix
smac.pl - takes a list of misformatted MAC addresses from arguments or standard input and substitutes them for the correct format
pingy.pl - sends a couple pings to IP(v6) addresses and restarts routing services if host(s) are unreachable


Warranty: If my script breaks your system, you get to keep both pieces.