FROM perl:5.32 # Dependency time RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y upgrade RUN apt-get -y install fortune-mod ruby RUN cpanm CGI RUN cpanm CGI::Carp RUN cpanm Mojolicious RUN cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::CGI RUN cpanm Number::Format RUN cpanm Regexp::Common # Version 0.106 of Getopt::Long::Descriptive won't build for me; as # it's just a dependency for WebService::Mattermost anyways let's just # go with 0.105 since we know that works RUN cpanm RJBS/Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.105.tar.gz RUN cpanm WebService::Mattermost RUN cpanm XML::LibXML RUN gem install cgi RUN gem install ipaddress # Move it WORKDIR /opt COPY cgi-bin/ ./cgi-bin/ COPY public/ ./public/ COPY templates/ ./templates/ COPY .mmCreds.xml . COPY .msg.bans . COPY .name.bans . COPY www-swagg.conf . COPY . # Finish setting up the environment ENV MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY=1 # Send it CMD ["perl", "", "daemon", "-m", "production"]