% layout 'default'; % title 'Sign';

Sign the Guestbook

<%= label_for name => 'Name' %> <%= text_field name =>'Anonymous', maxlength => 63, minlength => 1 %>
<%= label_for url => 'Homepage URL' %> <%= text_field 'url', maxlength => 255 %> <% if (my $error = validation->error('url')) { =%>

URL does not appear to be <%= link_to 'RFC 2616', 'https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2616/#section-3.2.2' %> compliant.

<% } =%>
<%= label_for message => 'Message' %> <%= text_area 'message', maxlength => 2000, minlength => 2, required => 'true', rows => 6 %> <% if (my $error = validation->error('message')) { =%>

Message must be less than 2,000 characters and cannot be blank.

<% } =%>


<% for my $answer (@$answers) { =%> <%= radio_button answer => $answer %> <%= label_for answer => $answer ? $right_answer_label : pop @$wrong_answer_labels %> <% } =%>
<%= submit_button 'Sign it', class => 'win95button' %>