2023-07-28 14:26:18 +00:00
[cmp (require :cmp)
luasnip (require :luasnip)
2023-07-28 14:38:06 +00:00
{:options (fn []
(set vim.o.termguicolors true)
(set vim.o.mouse :a)
(set vim.o.clipboard :unnamedplus)
(vim.cmd.colorscheme :everforest))
2023-07-28 14:26:18 +00:00
2023-07-28 14:38:06 +00:00
:keymap (fn []
(let [nmap #(vim.keymap.set [:n] $1 $2 {:desc $3})]
(nmap "<Tab>" ":bnext<CR>" "Next Buffer")
(nmap "<S-Tab>" ":bprevious<CR>" "Previous Buffer")
(nmap "<C-X>" ":write|bdelete<CR>" "Save and delete buffer")
(nmap "<C-P>" ":Telescope find_files<CR>" "Telescope find_files")
(nmap "<C-F>" ":Telescope live_grep<CR>" "Telescope live_grep")
(nmap "<C-B>" ":Telescope buffers<CR>" "Telescope buffers")
(nmap "<C-T>" ":Telescope treesitter<CR>" "Telescope treesitter")))
2023-07-28 14:26:18 +00:00
2023-07-28 14:47:02 +00:00
[:c :lua :vim :vimdoc :query ; required
:fennel] ; add new languages here
2023-07-28 14:26:18 +00:00
{:lua_ls {:filetypes [:lua]
{:workspace {:checkThirdParty false} }
:telemetry {:enable false}
:diagnostics {:globals
:fennel_language_server {:filetypes [:fennel]
{:workspace {:library (vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths)}
:diagnostics {:globals
:bashls {:filetypes [:bash]}}
2023-07-28 14:38:06 +00:00
2023-07-28 14:26:18 +00:00
:lsp-attach (fn [_ bufnr]
[nmap #(vim.keymap.set :n $1 $2 {:buffer bufnr :desc (.. "LSP: " $3)})
telescope (require :telescope.builtin)
(nmap :gd vim.lsp.buf.definition "[G]o to [D]efiniton")
(nmap :gr telescope.lsp_references "[G]o to [R]eferences")
(nmap :gI vim.lsp.buf.implementation "[G]o to [I]mplementation")
(vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command bufnr "Format"
"Format current buffer with LSP")))
2023-07-28 14:47:02 +00:00
{:<C-j> (cmp.mapping.select_next_item)
:<C-k> (cmp.mapping.select_prev_item)
:<C-d> (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs -4)
:<C-f> (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs 4)
:<C-Space> (cmp.mapping.complete)
:<CR> (cmp.mapping.confirm {:behavior cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace :select true})
:<Tab> (cmp.mapping (fn [fallback]
(if (cmp.visible) (cmp.select_prev_item)
(luasnip.expand_or_locally_jumpable) (luasnip.expand_or_jump)
(fallback))) [:i :s])
:<S-Tab> (cmp.mapping (fn [fallback]
(if (cmp.visible) (cmp.select_prev_item)
(luasnip.locally_jumpable -1) (luasnip.jump -1)
(fallback))) [:i :s])}})