# gmi-web ![CC0](https://licensebuttons.net/p/zero/1.0/80x15.png) **Vision**: Provide the lowest common denominator between HTML/CSS/JS and Gemini. ## HTML spec Check out the annotated [example.html](https://gmi.eattherich.club/example.html)! Due to the ambiguity of HTML several translations from Gemini exist in the wild. I propose the following standard: ```
↔ >↔ ``` ↔ =>↔ #[##] ``` The `` for a link should be presented without any parent elements. Many implementations use `
` to enforce "block" styling as opposed to the default "inline" which renders the link next to the previous block instead of below it. But the nested markup adds an unnecessary layer of indirection in semantics and when parsing. `` has the same effect (gmi.css uses this). ### inline media Optionally, if a link is consumable by ``, `