The converted Gemini document should exist inside the `<body>`. Consider if sharing the page with other HTML to put the core document inside `<main>`. Each available line-type may be translated using the following guide:
List items must be wrapped with a `<ul>` tag. Empty lines should simply be represented as `<p><br></p>`. Take care to render `<pre>` blocks with their original formatting, DO NOT indent the generated
`<a>` tags are considered [inline elements]( which has presentational implications—CSS 2.1's _Normal Flow_ renders inline elements vertically. Gemini only deals with horizontally flowing content, this can be addressed by either re-defining `a {display: block;}` at the CSS level or by wrapping `<a>` tags in a "block" level element such as `<p>`. [MDN: Changing Element Levels](
If a link is consumable by `<img>`, `<audio>` or `<video>` you may insert the respective tag inline instead of an `<a>`. Images and video should be styled to have `max-width: 100%;` so they don't overflow the body. It's a good idea to also include the "controls" attribute. These are all categorized as inline just like `<a>` and should be handled accordingly.
When producing a complete and valid HTML5 document the first declaration is the required `<!DOCTYPE html>`. At the root of a document is the `<html>` tag which should have a [`lang` attribute which declares the overall language of the page]( and if necessary should also include `dir="rtl"`.