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# MySQL server details
# server: domain or IP of MySQL server
# database: a MySQL database that the user specified has read/write access to
# user: username to authenticate as
# password: password for user
server: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database: 'cytube3'
user: 'cytube3'
password: ''
# Define IPs/ports to listen on
# Each entry MUST define ip and port (ip can be '' to bind all available addresses)
# Each entry should set http, https, and/or io to true to listen for the corresponding
# service on that port. http/io and https/io can be combined, but if http and https
# are both specified, only https will be bound to that port.
# If you don't specify a url, the url io.domain:port or https.domain:port will be assumed
# for non-ssl and ssl websockets, respectively. You can override this by specifying the
# url for a websocket listener.
# Default HTTP server - default interface, port 8080
- ip: ''
port: 8080
http: true
# Uncomment below to enable HTTPS/SSL websockets
# Note that you must also set https->enabled = true in the https definition
# - ip: ''
# port: 8443
# https: true
# io: true
# Default Socket.IO server - default interface, port 1337
- ip: ''
port: 1337
io: true
# Example of how to bind an extra port to HTTP and Socket.IO
# - ip: ''
# port: 8081
# http: true
# io: true
# url: 'http://my-other-thing.site.com:8081'
# HTTP server details
# Even though you may specify multiple ports to listen on for HTTP above,
# one port must be specified as default for the purposes of generating
# links with the appropriate port
default-port: 8080
domain: 'http://localhost'
# Specifies the root domain for cookies. If you have multiple domains
# e.g. a.example.com and b.example.com, the root domain is example.com
root-domain: 'localhost'
# Specify alternate domains/hosts that are allowed to set the login cookie
# Leave out the http://
- ''
# Use express-minify to minify CSS and Javascript
minify: false
# Max-Age for caching. Value should be an integer in milliseconds or a string accepted by
# the `ms` module. Set to 0 to disable caching.
max-age: '7d'
# Set to false to disable gzip compression
gzip: true
# Customize the threshold byte size for applying gzip
gzip-threshold: 1024
# Secret used for signed cookies. Can be anything, but make it unique and hard to guess
cookie-secret: 'change-me'
# HTTPS server details
enabled: false
# Even though you may specify multiple ports to listen on for HTTPS above,
# one port must be specified as default for the purposes of generating
# links with the appropriate port
default-port: 8443
domain: 'https://localhost'
keyfile: 'localhost.key'
passphrase: ''
certfile: 'localhost.cert'
cafile: ''
# Allow certain account pages to redirect to HTTPS if HTTPS is enabled.
# You may want to set this to false if you are reverse proxying HTTPS to a
# non-HTTPS address.
redirect: true
# Page template values
# title goes in the upper left corner, description goes in a <meta> tag
title: 'CyTube',
description: 'Free, open source synchtube'
# Socket.IO server details
# In most cases this will be the same as the http.domain.
# However, if your HTTP traffic is going through a proxy (e.g. cloudflare)
# you will want to set up a passthrough domain for socket.io.
# If the root of this domain is not the same as the root of your HTTP domain
# (or HTTPS if SSL is enabled), logins won't work.
domain: 'http://localhost'
# Even though you may specify multiple ports to listen on for HTTP above,
# one port must be specified as default for the purposes of generating
# links with the appropriate port
default-port: 1337
# limit the number of concurrent socket connections per IP address
ip-connection-limit: 10
# Mailer details (used for sending password reset links)
# see https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer
enabled: false
service: 'Gmail'
user: 'some.user@gmail.com'
pass: 'supersecretpassword'
from-address: 'some.user@gmail.com'
from-name: 'CyTube Services'
# YouTube v3 API key
# See https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application
# Google is closing the v2 API (which allowed anonymous requests) on
# April 20, 2015 so you must register a v3 API key now.
# NOTE: You must generate a Server key under Public API access, NOT a
# browser key.
youtube-v3-key: ''
# Minutes between saving channel state to disk
channel-save-interval: 5
# Limit for the number of channels a user can register
max-channels-per-user: 5
# Limit for the number of accounts an IP address can register
max-accounts-per-ip: 5
# Minimum number of seconds between guest logins from the same IP
guest-login-delay: 60
# Configure statistics tracking
# Interval (in milliseconds) between data points - default 1h
interval: 3600000
# Maximum age of a datapoint (ms) before it is deleted - default 24h
max-age: 86400000
# Configure periodic clearing of old alias data
# Interval (in milliseconds) between subsequent runs of clearing
purge-interval: 3600000
# Maximum age of an alias (in milliseconds) - default 1 month
max-age: 2592000000
# Workaround for Vimeo blocking my domain
vimeo-workaround: false
# OPTIONAL: Use Vimeo's OAuth API instead of the anonymous API.
# This allows you to add private videos that have embedding enabled.
# See https://developer.vimeo.com/apps/new to register for this API.
# Note that in order to use this feature you must agree to Vimeo's
# Terms of Service and License Agreement.
enabled: false
consumer-key: ''
secret: ''
# Regular expressions for defining reserved user and channel names and page titles
# The list of regular expressions will be joined with an OR, and compared without
# case sensitivity.
# Default: reserve any name containing "admin[istrator]" or "owner" as a word
# but only if it is separated by a dash or underscore (e.g. dadmin is not reserved
# but d-admin is)
- '^(.*?[-_])?admin(istrator)?([-_].*)?$'
- '^(.*?[-_])?owner([-_].*)?$'
- '^(.*?[-_])?admin(istrator)?([-_].*)?$'
- '^(.*?[-_])?owner([-_].*)?$'
pagetitles: []
# Provide a contact list for the /contact page
- name: 'calzoneman'
title: 'Developer'
email: 'cyzon@cytu.be'
max-items: 4000
# How often (in seconds), mediaUpdate packets are broadcast to clients
update-interval: 5
# If set to true, when the ipThrottle and lastguestlogin rate limiters are cleared
# periodically, the garbage collector will be invoked immediately.
# The server must be invoked with node --expose-gc index.js for this to have any effect.
aggressive-gc: false
# Allows you to blacklist certain channels. Users will be automatically kicked
# upon trying to join one.
channel-blacklist: []
# If you have ffmpeg installed, you can query metadata from raw files, allowing
# server-synched raw file playback. This requires the following:
# * ffmpeg must be installed on the server
enabled: false
link-domain-blacklist: []
# Drop root if started as root!!
enabled: false
group: 'users'
user: 'user'
# how long to wait in ms before changing uid/gid
timeout: 15