2018-12-07 20:35:00 -08:00

52 lines
2.2 KiB

extends layout.pug
block content
if internalError
h2 Error
| Your account deletion request could not be processed due to an internal
| error. Please try again later and ask an administrator for assistance
| if the problem persists.
else if !loggedIn
h2 Authentication Required
| You must 
a(href="/login") log in
|   before requesting deletion of your account.
else if authFailed
h2 Authentication failed
p= reason
else if channelCount > 0
h2 Delete Account
| Your account cannot be deleted because you have one or more channels
| registered. In order to delete your account, you must first 
a(href="/account/channels") delete them
|  or ask an administrator to transfer ownership of these channels
| to another account.
h2 Delete Account
strong Submitting this form will initiate permanent deletion of your account. 
| After 7 days, your account will be permanently deleted and unrecoverable.
| During this time, you will not be able to log in, but you can ask an
| administrator to restore your account if the deletion was requested in error.
| Please confirm your password to continue.
form(action="/account/delete", method="post")
input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken)
.form-group(class=wrongPassword ? "has-error" : "")
label.control-label(for="password") Password
input#password.form-control(type="password", name="password")
if wrongPassword
Password was incorrect
input#confirm-delete(type="checkbox", name="confirmed")
| I acknowledge that by submitting this request, my account will be permanently deleted unrecoverably
if missingConfirmation
You must check the box to confirm you want to delete your account
button.btn.btn-danger.btn-block(type="submit") Delete Account