Camo: https://github.com/atmos/camo. This has a couple advantages over just allowing images to be dumped as-is: - Prevents mixed-content warnings by allowing the server to proxy HTTP images to an HTTPS camo instance - Protects users' privacy by not exposing their browser directly to the image host - Allows the camo proxy to intercept and reject bad image sources (URLs that are not actually images, gigapixel-sized images likely to DoS users' browsers, etc.) Whitelisting specific domains is supported for cases where the source is known to be trustworthy.
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const assert = require('assert');
const Camo = require('../lib/camo');
const CamoConfig = require('../lib/configuration/camoconfig').CamoConfig;
describe('Camo', () => {
const config = new CamoConfig({
camo: {
server: 'http://localhost:8081',
key: '9LKC7708ZHOVRCTLOLE3G2YJ0U1T8F96',
'whitelisted-domains': ['def.xyz']
describe('#camoify', () => {
it('constructs a camo url', () => {
const result = Camo.camoify(config, 'http://abc.xyz/image.jpeg');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'http://localhost:8081/a9c295dd7d8dcbc8247dec97ac5d9b4ee8baeb31/687474703a2f2f6162632e78797a2f696d6167652e6a706567');
it('bypasses camo for whitelisted domains', () => {
const result = Camo.camoify(config, 'http://def.xyz/image.jpeg');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'https://def.xyz/image.jpeg');
describe('#transformImgTags', () => {
it('transforms an img tag with a src', () => {
const attribs = {
src: 'http://abc.xyz/image.jpeg',
'class': 'some-image'
const expectedAttribs = {
src: 'http://localhost:8081/a9c295dd7d8dcbc8247dec97ac5d9b4ee8baeb31/687474703a2f2f6162632e78797a2f696d6167652e6a706567',
'class': 'some-image'
const result = Camo.transformImgTags(config, 'img', attribs);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, { tagName: 'img', attribs: expectedAttribs });
it('skips img tags with no src', () => {
const attribs = { 'class': 'some-image' };
const result = Camo.transformImgTags(config, 'img', attribs);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, { tagName: 'img', attribs: attribs });
it('fails gracefully', () => {
const attribs = { src: 'http://abc.xyz/image.jpeg' };
const config = new CamoConfig({ camo: { enabled: true }});
config.getKey = () => { throw new Error('something happened'); };
const result = Camo.transformImgTags(config, 'img', attribs);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, { tagName: 'img', attribs: attribs });