PEERTUBE_EMBED_WARNING = 'This channel is embedding PeerTube content from %link%. PeerTube instances may use P2P technology that will expose your IP address to third parties, including but not limited to other users in this channel. It is also conceivable that if the content in question is in violation of copyright laws your IP address could be potentially be observed by legal authorities monitoring the tracker of this PeerTube instance. The operators of %site% are not responsible for the data sent by the embedded player to third parties on your behalf.

If you understand the risks, wish to assume all liability, and continue to the content, click "Embed" below to allow the content to be embedded.
' window.PeerPlayer = class PeerPlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof PeerPlayer) return new PeerPlayer(data) @warn(data) warn: (data) -> site = new URL(document.URL).hostname embedSrc = data.meta.embed.domain link = "#{embedSrc}" alert = makeAlert('Privacy Advisory', PEERTUBE_EMBED_WARNING.replace('%link%', link).replace('%site%', site), 'alert-warning') .removeClass('col-md-12') $('