var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs"); var net = require("net"); var express = require("express"); var webroot = path.join(__dirname, "..", "www"); var sendJade = require("./jade").sendJade; var Server = require("../server"); var $util = require("../utilities"); var Logger = require("../logger"); var Config = require("../config"); var db = require("../database"); var httplog = new Logger.Logger(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "http.log")); var suspiciousPath = (/admin|adm|\.\.|\/etc\/passwd|\\x5c|%5c|0x5c|setup|install|php|pma|blog|sql|scripts|aspx?|database/ig); /** * Determines whether a request is suspected of being illegitimate */ function isSuspicious(req) { // ZmEu is a penetration script if (req.header("user-agent") && req.header("user-agent").toLowerCase() === "zmeu") { return true; } if (req.path.match(suspiciousPath)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Extracts an IP address from a request. Uses X-Forwarded-For if the IP is localhost */ function ipForRequest(req) { var ip = req.ip; if (ip === "" || ip === "::1") { var xforward = req.header("x-forwarded-for"); if (typeof xforward !== "string" || !net.isIP(xforward)) { return ip; } else { return xforward; } } return ip; } /** * Logs an HTTP request */ function logRequest(req, status) { if (status === undefined) { status = 200; } httplog.log([ ipForRequest(req), req.method, req.path, req.header("user-agent") ].join(" ")); } function cookieall(res, name, val, opts) { res.cookie(name, val, opts); opts.domain = Config.get("http.domain"); res.cookie(name, val, opts); if (Config.get("https.enabled")) { opts.domain = Config.get("https.domain"); res.cookie(name, val, opts); } } /** * Redirects a request to HTTPS if the server supports it */ function redirectHttps(req, res) { if (! && Config.get("https.enabled")) { var ssldomain = Config.get("https.domain"); var port = Config.get("https.port"); if (port !== 443) { ssldomain += ":" + port; } res.redirect(ssldomain + req.path); return true; } return false; } /** * Redirects a request to HTTP if the server supports it */ function redirectHttp(req, res) { if ( { var domain = Config.get("http.domain"); var port = Config.get("http.port"); if (port !== 80) { domain += ":" + port; } res.redirect(domain + req.path); return true; } return false; } /** * Handles a GET request for /r/:channel - serves channel.html */ function handleChannel(req, res) { if (redirectHttp(req, res)) { return; } if (!$util.isValidChannelName( { logRequest(req, 404); res.status(404); res.send("Invalid channel name '" + + "'"); return; } logRequest(req); var loginName = false; if (req.cookies.auth) { loginName = req.cookies.auth.split(":")[0]; } var sio; if ( { sio = Config.get("https.domain") + ":" + Config.get("https.port"); } else { sio = Config.get("http.domain") + ":" + Config.get("io.port"); } sio += "/"; sendJade(res, "channel", { channelName:, loggedIn: loginName !== false, loginName: loginName, sioSource: sio }); } /** * Handles a request for the index page */ function handleIndex(req, res) { logRequest(req); var loginName = false; if (req.cookies.auth) { loginName = req.cookies.auth.split(":")[0]; } var channels = Server.getServer().packChannelList(true); channels.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.usercount === b.usercount) { return a.uniqueName > b.uniqueName ? 1 : -1; } return a.usercount - b.usercount; }); sendJade(res, "index", { loggedIn: loginName !== false, loginName: loginName, channels: Server.getServer().packChannelList(true) }); } /** * Handles a request for the information */ function handleSocketConfig(req, res) { logRequest(req); res.type("application/javascript"); var io_url = Config.get("http.domain") + ":" + Config.get("io.port"); var web_url = Config.get("http.domain") + ":" + Config.get("http.port"); var ssl_url = Config.get("https.domain") + ":" + Config.get("https.port"); res.send("var IO_URL='"+io_url+"',WEB_URL='"+web_url+"',SSL_URL='" + ssl_url + "',ALLOW_SSL="+Config.get("https.enabled")+";" + (Config.get("https.enabled") ? "if(location.protocol=='https:'||USEROPTS.secure_connection){" + "IO_URL=WEB_URL=SSL_URL;}" : "")); } function handleUserAgreement(req, res) { logRequest(req); var loginName = false; if (req.cookies.auth) { loginName = req.cookies.auth.split(":")[0]; } sendJade(res, "tos", { loggedIn: loginName !== false, loginName: loginName, domain: Config.get("http.domain") }); } function handleContactPage(req, res) { logRequest(req); var loginName = false; if (req.cookies.auth) { loginName = req.cookies.auth.split(":")[0]; } // Make a copy to prevent messing with the original var contacts = Config.get("contacts").map(function (c) { return { name:, email:, title: c.title }; }); // Rudimentary hiding of email addresses to prevent spambots contacts.forEach(function (c) { c.emkey = $util.randomSalt(16) var email = new Array(; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { email[i] = String.fromCharCode( ^ c.emkey.charCodeAt(i % c.emkey.length) ); } = escape(email.join("")); c.emkey = escape(c.emkey); }); sendJade(res, "contact", { loggedIn: loginName !== false, loginName: loginName, contacts: contacts }); } function static(dir) { dir = path.join(__dirname, dir); return function (req, res) { if (isSuspicious(req)) { logRequest(req, 403); res.status(403); if (typeof req.header("user-agent") === "string" && req.header("user-agent").toLowerCase() === "zmeu") { res.send("This server disallows requests from ZmEu."); } else { res.send("The request " + req.route.method.toUpperCase() + " " + req.path + " looks pretty fishy to me. Double check that " + "you typed it correctly."); } return; } res.sendfile(req.path.replace(/^\//, ""), { maxAge: Config.get("http.cache-ttl") * 1000, root: dir }, function (err) { logRequest(req); }); }; } module.exports = { /** * Initializes webserver callbacks */ init: function (app) { app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded()); app.use(express.cookieParser()); if (Config.get("http.minify")) { var cache = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "www", "cache") if (!fs.existsSync(cache)) { fs.mkdirSync(cache); } app.use(require("express-minify")({ cache: cache })); Logger.syslog.log("Enabled express-minify for CSS and JS"); } /* Order here is important * Since I placed /r/:channel above *, the function will * not apply to the /r/:channel route. This prevents * duplicate logging, since /r/:channel"s callback does * its own logging */ app.get("/r/:channel", handleChannel); app.get("/", handleIndex); app.get("/sioconfig", handleSocketConfig); app.get("/useragreement", handleUserAgreement); app.get("/contact", handleContactPage); require("./auth").init(app); require("./account").init(app); require("./acp").init(app); app.use(static(path.join("..", "..", "www"))); }, logRequest: logRequest, ipForRequest: ipForRequest, redirectHttps: redirectHttps, redirectHttp: redirectHttp, cookieall: cookieall };