#!/usr/bin/env node /* ** CyTube Service Socket Commandline */ const readline = require('readline'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const util = require('util'); const net = require('net'); const fs = require('fs'); const COMPLETIONS = [ "/delete_old_tables", "/gc", "/globalban", "/reload", "/reloadcert", "/reload-partitions", "/switch", "/unglobalban", "/unloadchan" ]; var Config = require("./lib/config"); Config.load("config.yaml"); if(!Config.get("service-socket.enabled")){ console.error('The Service Socket is not enabled.'); process.exit(1); } const SOCKETFILE = Config.get("service-socket.socket"); // Wipe the TTY process.stdout.write('\x1Bc'); var commandline, eventlog, syslog; var client = net.createConnection(SOCKETFILE).on('connect', () => { commandline = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, completer: tabcomplete }); commandline.setPrompt("> ", 2); commandline.on("line", function(line) { if(line === 'exit'){ return cleanup(); } if(line === 'quit'){ return cleanup(); } if(line.match(/^\/globalban/) && line.split(/\s+/).length === 2){ console.log('You must provide a reason') return commandline.prompt(); } client.write(line); commandline.prompt(); }); commandline.on('close', function() { return cleanup(); }); commandline.on("SIGINT", function() { commandline.clearLine(); commandline.question("Terminate connection? ", function(answer) { return answer.match(/^y(es)?$/i) ? cleanup() : commandline.output.write("> "); }); }); commandline.prompt(); console.log = function() { cmdouthndlr("log", arguments); } console.warn = function() { cmdouthndlr("warn", arguments); } console.error = function() { cmdouthndlr("error", arguments); } // console.info is reserved in this script for the exit message // this prevents an extraneous final prompt from readline on terminate eventlog = spawn('tail', ['-f', 'events.log']); eventlog.stdout.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data.toString().replace(/^(.+)$/mg, 'events: $1')); }); syslog = spawn('tail', ['-f', 'sys.log']); syslog.stdout.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data.toString().replace(/^(.+)$/mg, 'sys: $1')); }); }).on('data', (msg) => { msg = msg.toString(); if(msg === '__disconnect'){ console.log('Server shutting down.'); return cleanup(); } // Generic message handler console.log('server: ', data) }).on('error', (data) => { console.error('Unable to connect to Service Socket.', data); process.exit(1); }); function cmdouthndlr(type, args) { var t = Math.ceil((commandline.line.length + 3) / process.stdout.columns); var text = util.format.apply(console, args); commandline.output.write("\n\x1B[" + t + "A\x1B[0J"); commandline.output.write(text + "\n"); commandline.output.write(Array(t).join("\n\x1B[E")); commandline._refreshLine(); } function cleanup(){ console.info('\n',"Terminating.",'\n'); eventlog.kill('SIGTERM'); syslog.kill('SIGTERM'); client.end(); process.exit(0); } function tabcomplete(line) { return [COMPLETIONS.filter((cv)=>{ return cv.indexOf(line) == 0; }), line]; }