DEFAULT_ERROR = 'You are currently connected via HTTPS but the embedded content uses non-secure plain HTTP. Your browser therefore blocks it from loading due to mixed content policy. To fix this, embed the video using a secure link if available (https://...), or load this page over plain HTTP by replacing "https://" with "http://" in the address bar (your websocket will still be secured using HTTPS, but this will permit non-secure content to load).' genParam = (name, value) -> $('').attr( name: name value: value ) window.CustomEmbedPlayer = class CustomEmbedPlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof CustomEmbedPlayer) return new CustomEmbedPlayer(data) @load(data) load: (data) -> embed = data.meta.embed if not embed? console.error('CustomEmbedPlayer::load(): missing meta.embed') return if embed.tag == 'object' @player = @loadObject(embed) else @player = @loadIframe(embed) removeOld(@player) loadObject: (embed) -> object = $('').attr( type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash' data: embed.src ) genParam('allowfullscreen', 'true').appendTo(object) genParam('allowscriptaccess', 'always').appendTo(object) for key, value of embed.params genParam(key, value).appendTo(object) return object loadIframe: (embed) -> if embed.src.indexOf('http:') == 0 and location.protocol == 'https:' if embed.mixedContentError? error = embed.mixedContentError else error = DEFAULT_ERROR alert = makeAlert('Mixed Content Error', error, 'alert-danger') .removeClass('col-md-12') alert.find('.close').remove() return alert else iframe = $('