var ChannelModule = require("./module"); var Config = require("../config"); var Utilities = require("../utilities"); var url = require("url"); function OptionsModule(channel) { ChannelModule.apply(this, arguments); this.opts = { allow_voteskip: true, // Allow users to voteskip voteskip_ratio: 0.5, // Ratio of skip votes:non-afk users needed to skip the video afk_timeout: 600, // Number of seconds before a user is automatically marked afk pagetitle:, // Title of the browser tab maxlength: 0, // Maximum length (in seconds) of a video queued externalcss: "", // Link to external stylesheet externaljs: "", // Link to external script chat_antiflood: false, // Throttle chat messages chat_antiflood_params: { burst: 4, // Number of messages to allow with no throttling sustained: 1, // Throttle rate (messages/second) cooldown: 4 // Number of seconds with no messages before burst is reset }, show_public: false, // List the channel on the index page enable_link_regex: true, // Use the built-in link filter password: false, // Channel password (false -> no password required for entry) allow_dupes: false, // Allow duplicate videos on the playlist torbanned: false // Block connections from Tor exit nodes }; } OptionsModule.prototype = Object.create(ChannelModule.prototype); OptionsModule.prototype.load = function (data) { if ("opts" in data) { for (var key in this.opts) { if (key in data.opts) { this.opts[key] = data.opts[key]; } } } }; = function (data) { data.opts = this.opts; }; OptionsModule.prototype.packInfo = function (data, isAdmin) { data.pagetitle = this.opts.pagetitle; data.public = this.opts.show_public; if (isAdmin) { data.hasPassword = this.opts.password !== false; } }; OptionsModule.prototype.get = function (key) { return this.opts[key]; }; OptionsModule.prototype.set = function (key, value) { this.opts[key] = value; }; OptionsModule.prototype.onUserPostJoin = function (user) { user.socket.on("setOptions", this.handleSetOptions.bind(this, user)); this.sendOpts([user]); }; OptionsModule.prototype.sendOpts = function (users) { var opts = this.opts; if (users === {"channelOpts", opts); } else { users.forEach(function (user) { user.socket.emit("channelOpts", opts); }); } }; OptionsModule.prototype.getPermissions = function () { return; }; OptionsModule.prototype.handleSetOptions = function (user, data) { if (typeof data !== "object") { return; } if (!this.getPermissions().canSetOptions(user)) { user.kick("Attempted setOptions as a non-moderator"); return; } if ("allow_voteskip" in data) { this.opts.allow_voteskip = Boolean(data.allow_voteskip); } if ("voteskip_ratio" in data) { var ratio = parseFloat(data.voteskip_ratio); if (isNaN(ratio) || ratio < 0) { ratio = 0; } this.opts.voteskip_ratio = ratio; } if ("afk_timeout" in data) { var tm = parseInt(data.afk_timeout); if (isNaN(tm) || tm < 0) { tm = 0; } var same = tm === this.opts.afk_timeout; this.opts.afk_timeout = tm; if (!same) { (u) { u.autoAFK(); }); } } if ("pagetitle" in data && user.account.effectiveRank >= 3) { var title = (""+data.pagetitle).substring(0, 100); if (!title.trim().match(Config.get("reserved-names.pagetitles"))) { this.opts.pagetitle = (""+data.pagetitle).substring(0, 100); } else { user.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "That pagetitle is reserved", alert: true }); } } if ("maxlength" in data) { var ml = 0; if (typeof data.maxlength !== "number") { ml = Utilities.parseTime(data.maxlength); } else { ml = parseInt(data.maxlength); } if (isNaN(ml) || ml < 0) { ml = 0; } this.opts.maxlength = ml; } if ("externalcss" in data && user.account.effectiveRank >= 3) { var link = (""+data.externalcss).substring(0, 255); if (!link) { this.opts.externalcss = ""; } else { try { var data = url.parse(link); if (!data.protocol || !data.protocol.match(/^(https?|ftp):/)) { throw "Unacceptable protocol " + data.protocol; } else if (! { throw "URL is missing host"; } else { link = data.href; } } catch (e) { user.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Invalid URL for external CSS: " + e, alert: true }); return; } this.opts.externalcss = link; } } if ("externaljs" in data && user.account.effectiveRank >= 3) { var link = (""+data.externaljs).substring(0, 255); if (!link) { this.opts.externaljs = ""; } else { try { var data = url.parse(link); if (!data.protocol || !data.protocol.match(/^(https?|ftp):/)) { throw "Unacceptable protocol " + data.protocol; } else if (! { throw "URL is missing host"; } else { link = data.href; } } catch (e) { user.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Invalid URL for external JS: " + e, alert: true }); return; } this.opts.externaljs = link; } } if ("chat_antiflood" in data) { this.opts.chat_antiflood = Boolean(data.chat_antiflood); } if ("chat_antiflood_params" in data) { if (typeof data.chat_antiflood_params !== "object") { data.chat_antiflood_params = { burst: 4, sustained: 1 }; } var b = parseInt(data.chat_antiflood_params.burst); if (isNaN(b) || b < 0) { b = 1; } var s = parseFloat(data.chat_antiflood_params.sustained); if (isNaN(s) || s <= 0) { s = 1; } var c = b / s; this.opts.chat_antiflood_params = { burst: b, sustained: s, cooldown: c }; } if ("show_public" in data && user.account.effectiveRank >= 3) { this.opts.show_public = Boolean(data.show_public); } if ("enable_link_regex" in data) { this.opts.enable_link_regex = Boolean(data.enable_link_regex); } if ("password" in data && user.account.effectiveRank >= 3) { var pw = data.password + ""; pw = pw === "" ? false : pw.substring(0, 100); this.opts.password = pw; } if ("allow_dupes" in data) { this.opts.allow_dupes = Boolean(data.allow_dupes); } if ("torbanned" in data && user.account.effectiveRank >= 3) { this.opts.torbanned = Boolean(data.torbanned); }"[mod] " + user.getName() + " updated channel options"); this.sendOpts(; }; module.exports = OptionsModule;