/*} The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Calvin Montgomery Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var VIMEO_FLASH = false; function removeOld(replace) { $("#sc_volume").remove(); replace = replace || $("
").addClass("embed-responsive-item"); var old = $("#ytapiplayer"); replace.insertBefore(old); old.remove(); replace.attr("id", "ytapiplayer"); } var YouTubePlayer = function (data) { var self = this; waitUntilDefined(window, "YT", function () { waitUntilDefined(YT, "Player", function () { removeOld(); self.paused = false; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.theYouTubeDevsNeedToFixThisShit = false; var wmode = USEROPTS.wmode_transparent ? "transparent" : "opaque"; self.player = new YT.Player("ytapiplayer", { videoId: data.id, playerVars: { autohide: 1, // Autohide controls autoplay: 1, // Autoplay video controls: 1, // Show controls iv_load_policy: 3, // No annotations rel: 0, // No related videos wmode: wmode }, events: { onReady: function () { PLAYER.setVolume(VOLUME); }, onStateChange: function (ev) { /** * Race conditions suck. * Race conditions in other peoples' code that you can't fix * but are forced to work around suck more. */ if (ev.data === YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && self.theYouTubeDevsNeedToFixThisShit) { PLAYER.seek(0.000001); PLAYER.pause(); self.theYouTubeDevsNeedToFixThisShit = false; } if(PLAYER.paused && ev.data != YT.PlayerState.PAUSED || !PLAYER.paused && ev.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) { self.paused = (ev.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED); if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); } else { self.paused = (ev.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED); } if(CLIENT.leader && ev.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { socket.emit("playNext"); } } } }); $("#ytapiplayer").css("border", "none"); }); }); self.load = function (data) { if(self.player && self.player.loadVideoById) { self.player.loadVideoById(data.id, data.currentTime); if (USEROPTS.default_quality) { self.player.setPlaybackQuality(USEROPTS.default_quality); // What's that? Another stupid hack for the HTML5 player? self.player.setPlaybackQuality(USEROPTS.default_quality); } self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; } }; self.pause = function () { if(self.player && self.player.pauseVideo) self.player.pauseVideo(); }; self.play = function () { if(self.player && self.player.playVideo) self.player.playVideo(); }; self.getTime = function (callback) { if(self.player && self.player.getCurrentTime) callback(self.player.getCurrentTime()); }; self.seek = function (time) { if(self.player && self.player.seekTo) self.player.seekTo(time, true); }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { if (!self.player || !self.player.getVolume || !self.player.isMuted) { return; } // YouTube's API is strange in the sense that getVolume() returns // the regular (unmuted) volume even if it is muted... // YouTube's volume is 0..100, normalize it to 0..1 var vol = self.player.isMuted() ? 0 : (self.player.getVolume() / 100); cb(vol); }; self.setVolume = function (vol) { if (self.player && self.player.setVolume) { if (vol > 0) { self.player.unMute(); } self.player.setVolume(vol * 100); } }; }; var VimeoPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; waitUntilDefined(window, "$f", function () { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { var iframe = $(""); removeOld(iframe); var prto = location.protocol; iframe.attr("src", prto+"//player.vimeo.com/video/"+self.videoId+"?api=1&player_id=ytapiplayer"); iframe.attr("webkitAllowFullScreen", ""); iframe.attr("mozallowfullscreen", ""); iframe.attr("allowFullScreen", ""); if(USEROPTS.wmode_transparent) iframe.attr("wmode", "transparent"); iframe.css("border", "none"); $f(iframe[0]).addEvent("ready", function () { self.player = $f(iframe[0]); self.player.api("play"); self.player.addEvent("finish", function () { if(CLIENT.leader) { socket.emit("playNext"); } }); self.player.addEvent("pause", function () { self.paused = true; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); self.player.addEvent("play", function () { self.paused = false; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); self.setVolume(VOLUME); }.bind(self)); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { if(self.player && self.player.api) self.player.api("pause"); }; self.play = function () { if(self.player && self.player.api) self.player.api("play"); }; self.getTime = function (callback) { if(self.player && self.player.api) { // Vimeo api returns time as a string because fuck logic self.player.api("getCurrentTime", function (time) { callback(parseFloat(time)); }); } }; self.seek = function(time) { if(self.player && self.player.api) self.player.api("seekTo", time); }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { if (self.player && self.player.api) { self.player.api("getVolume", cb); } }; self.setVolume = function (vol) { self.player.api("setVolume", vol); }; self.init(); }); }; var VimeoFlashPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { removeOld(); var prto = location.protocol; var url = prto+"//vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id="+self.videoId; url += "&" + [ "server=vimeo.com", "api=2", "show_title=0", "show_byline=0", "show_portrait=0", "fullscreen=1", "loop=0" ].join("&"); var flashvars = { api: 2, player_id: "ytapiplayer" }; var params = { allowfullscreen: true, allowScriptAccess: "always", wmode: USEROPTS.wmode_transparent ? "transparent" : undefined }; swfobject.embedSWF(url, "ytapiplayer", VWIDTH, VHEIGHT, "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params); self.player = $("#ytapiplayer")[0]; waitUntilDefined(self.player, "api_addEventListener", function () { self.player.api_addEventListener("ready", function () { self.player.api_play(); self.player.api_addEvent("finish", function () { if(CLIENT.leader) socket.emit("playNext"); }); self.player.api_addEvent("pause", function () { PLAYER.paused = true; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); self.player.api_addEvent("play", function () { PLAYER.paused = false; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); self.setVolume(VOLUME); }); }); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { if(self.player && self.player.api_pause) self.player.api_pause(); }; self.play = function () { if(self.player && self.player.api_play) self.player.api_play(); }; self.getTime = function (callback) { if(self.player && self.player.api_getCurrentTime) { var t = parseFloat(self.player.api_getCurrentTime()); callback(t); } }; self.seek = function (time) { if(self.player.api_seekTo); self.player.api_seekTo(time); }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { if (self.player && self.player.api_getVolume) { cb(self.player.api_getVolume()); } }; self.setVolume = function (vol) { self.player.api_setVolume(vol); }; self.init(); }; var DailymotionPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; waitUntilDefined(window, "DM", function () { removeOld(); self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; var q = undefined; if (USEROPTS.default_quality) { /* Map youtube-style quality names to dailymotion values */ q = { small: 240, medium: 380, large: 480, hd720: 720, hd1080: 1080, highres: 1080 }[USEROPTS.default_quality]; } var params = { autoplay: 1, wmode: USEROPTS.wmode_transparent ? "transparent" : "opaque", quality: q, logo: 0 }; self.player = DM.player("ytapiplayer", { video: data.id, width: parseInt(VWIDTH, 10), height: parseInt(VHEIGHT, 10), params: params }); self.player.addEventListener("apiready", function (e) { self.player.addEventListener("ended", function (e) { if(CLIENT.leader) { socket.emit("playNext"); } }); self.player.addEventListener("pause", function (e) { PLAYER.paused = true; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); self.player.addEventListener("playing", function (e) { PLAYER.paused = false; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); if (!self.volumeIsSet) { try { self.setVolume(VOLUME); self.volumeIsSet = true; } catch (err) { } } }); }); }); self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; if (self.player && self.player.api) { self.player.api("load", data.id); } }; self.pause = function () { if(self.player && self.player.api) self.player.api("pause"); }; self.play = function () { if(self.player && self.player.api) self.player.api("play"); }; self.getTime = function (callback) { if(self.player) callback(self.player.currentTime); }; self.seek = function (seconds) { if(self.player && self.player.api) self.player.api("seek", seconds); }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { if (self.player) { var volume = self.player.muted ? 0 : self.player.volume; /* * If the volume was changed by the UI slider, it will be in the range * [0, 100], otherwise if it was only set by the API, it will be in [0, 1]. */ if (volume > 1) volume /= 100.0; cb(volume); } }; self.setVolume = function (vol) { if (self.player && self.player.api) { self.player.api("volume", vol); } }; }; var SoundcloudPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; // The getVolume function on their widget throws TypeErrors // Go figure self.soundcloudIsSeriouslyFuckingBroken = VOLUME; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; waitUntilDefined(window, "SC", function () { unfixSoundcloudShit(); var iframe = $(""); removeOld(); iframe.appendTo($("#ytapiplayer")); iframe.attr("id", "scplayer"); iframe.attr("src", "https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url="+self.videoId); iframe.css("height", "166px"); iframe.css("border", "none"); var volslider = $("").attr("id", "sc_volume") .css("top", "170px") .insertAfter(iframe); volslider.slider({ range: "min", value: VOLUME * 100, stop: function (event, ui) { self.player.setVolume(ui.value / 100); self.soundcloudIsSeriouslyFuckingBroken = ui.value / 100; } }); self.player = SC.Widget("scplayer"); self.player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, function () { self.player.load(self.videoId, { auto_play: true }); self.player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE, function () { PLAYER.paused = true; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); self.player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.FINISH, function () { if(CLIENT.leader) { socket.emit("playNext"); } }); self.player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY, function () { PLAYER.paused = false; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); // THAT'S RIGHT, YOU CAN'T SET THE VOLUME BEFORE IT STARTS PLAYING var soundcloudNeedsToFuckingFixTheirPlayer = function () { self.setVolume(VOLUME); self.player.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS); }; self.player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, soundcloudNeedsToFuckingFixTheirPlayer); }.bind(self)); }); self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; if(self.player && self.player.load) { self.player.load(data.id, { auto_play: true }); var soundcloudNeedsToFuckingFixTheirPlayer = function () { self.setVolume(VOLUME); self.player.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS); }; self.player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, soundcloudNeedsToFuckingFixTheirPlayer); } }; self.pause = function () { if(self.player && self.player.pause) self.player.pause(); }; self.play = function () { if(self.player && self.player.play) self.player.play(); }; self.getTime = function (callback) { if(self.player && self.player.getPosition) { self.player.getPosition(function (pos) { callback(pos / 1000); }); } }; self.seek = function (seconds) { if(self.player && self.player.seekTo) self.player.seekTo(seconds * 1000); }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { cb(self.soundcloudIsSeriouslyFuckingBroken); }; self.setVolume = function (vol) { self.player.setVolume(vol); }; }; var LivestreamPlayer = function (data) { removeOld(); var self = this; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { var flashvars = { channel: self.videoId }; var params = { AllowScriptAccess: "always" }; var prto = location.protocol; swfobject.embedSWF( prto+"//cdn.livestream.com/chromelessPlayer/v20/playerapi.swf", "ytapiplayer", VWIDTH, VHEIGHT, "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params ); }; self.load = function(data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { }; self.play = function () { }; self.getTime = function () { }; self.seek = function () { }; self.getVolume = function () { }; self.setVolume = function () { }; waitUntilDefined(window, "swfobject", function () { self.init(); }); }; var TwitchTVPlayer = function (data) { removeOld(); var self = this; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { var url = "https://www-cdn.jtvnw.net/swflibs/TwitchPlayer.swf?channel="+self.videoId; var params = { allowFullScreen: "true", allowScriptAccess: "always", allowNetworking: "all", movie: "https://www-cdn.jtvnw.net/swflibs/TwitchPlayer.swf", id: "live_embed_player_flash", flashvars: "hostname=www.twitch.tv&channel="+self.videoId+"&auto_play=true&start_volume=" + VOLUME }; swfobject.embedSWF(url, "ytapiplayer", VWIDTH, VHEIGHT, "8", null, null, params, {} ); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { }; self.play = function () { }; self.getTime = function () { }; self.seek = function () { }; self.getVolume = function () { }; self.setVolume = function () { }; waitUntilDefined(window, "swfobject", function () { self.init(); }); }; function rtmpEventHandler(id, ev, data) { if (ev === "volumechange") { PLAYER.volume = (data.muted ? 0 : data.volume); } } var RTMPPlayer = function (data) { removeOld(); var self =this; self.volume = VOLUME; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { var prto = location.protocol; var url = prto+"//fpdownload.adobe.com/strobe/FlashMediaPlayback_101.swf"; var src = encodeURIComponent(self.videoId); var params = { allowFullScreen: "true", allowScriptAccess: "always", allowNetworking: "all", wMode: "direct", movie: prto+"//fpdownload.adobe.com/strobe/FlashMediaPlayback_101.swf", flashvars: "src="+src+"&streamType=live&javascriptCallbackFunction=rtmpEventHandler&autoPlay=true&volume=" + VOLUME }; swfobject.embedSWF(url, "ytapiplayer", VWIDTH, VHEIGHT, "8", null, null, params, {} ); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { }; self.play = function () { }; self.getTime = function () { }; self.seek = function () { }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { cb(self.volume); }; self.setVolume = function () { }; waitUntilDefined(window, "swfobject", function () { self.init(); }); }; var JWPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; self.videoId = data.id; if (data.url) { self.videoURL = data.url; } else { self.videoURL = data.id; } self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { removeOld(); jwplayer("ytapiplayer").setup({ file: self.videoURL, width: "100%", height: "100%", autostart: true, type: data.contentType }); jwplayer().onReady(function() { $("#ytapiplayer").addClass("embed-responsive-item"); if ($("#ytapiplayer")[0].tagName === "OBJECT") { $("#ytapiplayer").parent().css("position", "absolute"); } handleVideoResize(); }); jwplayer().onPlay(function() { /* Somehow JWPlayer manages to have THE SAME PROBLEM AS SOUNDCLOUD. * It seems to be impossible to set the volume before the video has * started playing. How this is so damn difficult to get right I will * never understand. */ self.setVolume(VOLUME); self.paused = false; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); jwplayer().onPause(function() { self.paused = true; if(CLIENT.leader) sendVideoUpdate(); }); jwplayer().onComplete(function() { socket.emit("playNext"); }); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; if (data.url) { self.videoURL = data.url; } else { self.videoURL = data.id; } self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { if(jwplayer) jwplayer().pause(true); }; self.play = function () { if(jwplayer) jwplayer().play(true); }; self.getTime = function (callback) { // Only return time for non-live media if(jwplayer && jwplayer().getDuration() != -1) { callback(jwplayer().getPosition()); } }; self.seek = function (time) { if(jwplayer) jwplayer().seek(time); }; self.getVolume = function (cb) { cb(jwplayer().getVolume() / 100); }; self.setVolume = function (vol) { jwplayer().setVolume(vol * 100); }; waitUntilDefined(window, "jwplayer", function () { self.init(); }); }; var UstreamPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { var iframe = $(""); removeOld(iframe); iframe.attr("width", VWIDTH); iframe.attr("height", VHEIGHT); iframe.attr("src", "//www.ustream.tv/embed/"+self.videoId+"?v=3&wmode=direct"); iframe.attr("frameborder", "0"); iframe.attr("scrolling", "no"); iframe.css("border", "none"); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { }; self.play = function () { }; self.getTime = function () { }; self.seek = function () { }; self.getVolume = function () { }; self.setVolume = function () { }; self.init(); }; var ImgurPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; self.init = function () { var iframe = $(""); removeOld(iframe); iframe.attr("width", VWIDTH); iframe.attr("height", VHEIGHT); var prto = location.protocol; iframe.attr("src", prto+"//imgur.com/a/"+self.videoId+"/embed"); iframe.attr("frameborder", "0"); iframe.attr("scrolling", "no"); iframe.css("border", "none"); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { }; self.play = function () { }; self.getTime = function () { }; self.seek = function () { }; self.getVolume = function () { }; self.setVolume = function () { }; self.init(); }; var CustomPlayer = function (data) { var self = this; self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init = function () { removeOld(); var div = $("#ytapiplayer"); div.attr("id", ""); /* * 2014-12-10 * * If a user is connected via HTTPS and the custom link is * HTTP, then the embed fails due to mixed active content * policy. Display a message indicating this. */ if (location.protocol.match(/^https/) && self.videoId.match(/http:/)) { div.html("You are currently connected via HTTPS but " + "the custom embed link uses non-secure HTTP. " + "Your browser may therefore block it from loading. " + "To fix this, either add the custom embed as a secure " + "URL (https://...) if the source supports it, or " + "visit this page over plain HTTP (your websocket will still " + "use secure HTTPS for communication, just the page " + "will load over plain HTTP)."); // Try to salvage the link self.videoId = self.videoId.replace(/http:/g, "https:"); } div.append(self.videoId); self.player = div.find("iframe"); if(self.player.length === 0) self.player = div.find("object"); if(self.player.length === 0) self.player = div; self.player.attr("id", "ytapiplayer"); self.player.attr("width", VWIDTH); self.player.attr("height", VHEIGHT); }; self.load = function (data) { self.videoId = data.id; self.videoLength = data.seconds; self.init(); }; self.pause = function () { }; self.play = function () { }; self.getTime = function () { }; self.seek = function () { }; self.getVolume = function () { }; self.setVolume = function () { }; self.init(); }; function FilePlayer(data) { var self = this; self.init = function (data) { if (!data.url) { return; } self.videoId = data.id; self.videoURL = data.url; var isAudio = data.meta.codec && data.meta.codec.match(/^mp3$|^vorbis$/); var video; if (isAudio) { video = $(""); } else { video = $("") } video .addClass("embed-responsive-item") .attr("src", self.videoURL) .attr("controls", "controls") .attr("id", "#ytapiplayer") .attr("width", VWIDTH) .attr("height", VHEIGHT) .attr("autoplay", true) .html("Your browser does not support HTML5<video>
tags :(");
video.error(function (err) {
setTimeout(function () {