mixin lcheckbox(id, label) .form-group label.control-label.col-sm-4(for=id)= label .col-sm-8 .checkbox input(type="checkbox", id=id) mixin rcheckbox(id, label) .form-group .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-4 .checkbox label.control-label(for=id)= label input(type="checkbox", id=id) mixin textbox(id, label, placeholder) .form-group label.control-label.col-sm-4(for=id)= label .col-sm-8 if placeholder input.form-control(id=id, type="text", placeholder=placeholder) else input.form-control(id=id, type="text") mixin miscoptions #cs-miscoptions.tab-pane h4 General Settings form.form-horizontal(action="javascript:void(0)") mixin rcheckbox("opt_enable_link_regex", "Convert URLs in chat to links") mixin rcheckbox("opt_allow_voteskip", "Allow voteskip") mixin textbox("opt_voteskip_ratio", "Voteskip ratio", "0.5") mixin textbox("opt_maxlength", "Max video length", "HH:MM:SS") mixin textbox("opt_afktimeout", "Auto-AFK Delay", "0 (disabled)") .form-group .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-4 button.btn.btn-default#cs-miscoptionssubmit Save mixin adminoptions #cs-adminoptions.tab-pane h4 Admin-Only Settings form.form-horizontal(action="javascript:void(0)") - var defname = "CyTube - /r/" + channelName mixin textbox("opt_pagetitle", "Page title", defname) mixin textbox("opt_password", "Password", "leave blank to disable") mixin textbox("opt_externalcss", "External CSS", "Stylesheet URL") mixin textbox("opt_externaljs", "External Javascript", "Script URL") mixin rcheckbox("opt_show_public", "List channel publicly") .form-group .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-4 button.btn.btn-default#cs-adminoptionssubmit Save mixin motdeditor #cs-motdeditor.tab-pane h4 MOTD editor p The MOTD can be formatted using a subset of HTML. Tags which attempt to execute Javascript will be removed. textarea.form-control#cs-motdtext(rows="10") button.btn.btn-default#cs-motdsubmit Save MOTD mixin csseditor #cs-csseditor.tab-pane h4 CSS editor p Maximum size 20KB. If more space is required, use the External CSS option under General Settings to link to an externally hosted stylesheet. textarea.form-control#cs-csstext(rows="10") button.btn.btn-default#cs-csssubmit Save CSS mixin jseditor #cs-jseditor.tab-pane h4 JS editor p Maximum size 20KB. If more space is required, use the External JS option under General Settings to link to an externally hosted stylesheet. textarea.form-control#cs-jstext(rows="10") button.btn.btn-default#cs-jssubmit Save JS mixin banlist #cs-banlist.tab-pane h4 Ban list table.table.table-striped thead tr th Unban th IP th Name th Banned by mixin recentjoins #cs-recentjoins.tab-pane h4 Recent connections table.table.table-striped thead tr th Name th Aliases th Time mixin chanranks #cs-chanranks.tab-pane form.form-inline(action="javascript:void(0)", role="form") .input-group input#cs-chanranks-name.form-control(type="text", placeholder="Name") span.input-group-btn button#cs-chanranks-mod.btn.btn-success +Mod button#cs-chanranks-adm.btn.btn-info +Admin table.table.table-striped thead tr th Name th Rank