Rewrite ffmpeg module

This commit is contained in:
calzoneman 2015-05-19 19:48:08 -04:00
parent a38e4ef409
commit 5f1f985dd0
3 changed files with 150 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ channel-blacklist: []
# * ffmpeg must be installed on the server
enabled: false
# Executable name for ffprobe if it is not "ffprobe". On Debian and Ubuntu (on which
# libav is used rather than ffmpeg proper), this is "avprobe"
ffprobe-exec: 'ffprobe'
link-domain-blacklist: []

View file

@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ var defaults = {
"channel-blacklist": [],
ffmpeg: {
enabled: false
enabled: false,
"ffprobe-exec": "ffprobe"
"link-domain-blacklist": [],
setuid: {

View file

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ var Logger = require("./logger");
var Config = require("./config");
var spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
var SUPPORTS_JSON = true;
var acceptedCodecs = {
"mov/h264": true,
"flv/h264": true,
@ -19,6 +21,124 @@ var audioOnlyContainers = {
"mp3": true
function readOldFormat(buf) {
var lines = buf.split("\n");
var tmp = { tags: {} };
var data = {
streams: []
lines.forEach(function (line) {
if (line.match(/\[stream\]|\[format\]/i)) {
} else if (line.match(/\[\/stream\]/i)) {
tmp = { tags: {} };
} else if (line.match(/\[\/format\]/i)) {
data.format = tmp;
tmp = { tags: {} };
} else {
var kv = line.split("=");
var key = kv[0].toLowerCase();
if (key.indexOf("tag:") === 0) {
tmp.tags[key.split(":")[1]] = kv[1];
} else {
tmp[key] = kv[1];
return data;
function reformatData(data) {
var reformatted = {};
var duration = parseInt(data.format.duration, 10);
if (isNaN(duration)) duration = "--:--";
reformatted.duration = Math.ceil(duration);
var bitrate = parseInt(data.format.bit_rate, 10) / 1000;
if (isNaN(bitrate)) bitrate = 0;
reformatted.bitrate = bitrate;
reformatted.title = data.format.tags.title;
var container = data.format.format_name.split(",")[0];
data.streams.forEach(function (stream) {
if (stream.codec_type === "video") {
reformatted.vcodec = stream.codec_name;
if (!reformatted.title) {
reformatted.title = stream.tags.title;
} else if (stream.codec_type === "audio") {
reformatted.acodec = stream.codec_name;
if (reformatted.vcodec && !(audioOnlyContainers.hasOwnProperty(container))) {
reformatted.type = [container, reformatted.vcodec].join("/");
reformatted.medium = "video";
} else if (reformatted.acodec) {
reformatted.type = [container, reformatted.acodec].join("/");
reformatted.medium = "audio";
return reformatted;
exports.ffprobe = function ffprobe(filename, cb) {
var childErr;
var args = ["-show_streams", "-show_format", filename];
if (SUPPORTS_JSON) args = ["-of", "json"].concat(args);
var child = spawn(Config.get("ffmpeg.ffprobe-exec"), args);
var stdout = "";
var stderr = "";
child.on("error", function (err) {
childErr = err;
child.stdout.on("data", function (data) {
stdout += data;
child.stderr.on("data", function (data) {
stderr += data;
child.on("close", function (code) {
if (code !== 0) {
if (stderr.match(/-of/)) {
Logger.errlog.log("Warning: ffprobe does not support -of json. " +
"Assuming it will have old output format.");
return ffprobe(filename, cb);
if (!childErr) childErr = new Error(stderr);
return cb(childErr);
var result;
try {
result = JSON.parse(stdout);
} catch (e) {
return cb(new Error("Unable to parse ffprobe output: " + e.message));
} else {
try {
result = readOldFormat(stdout);
} catch (e) {
return cb(new Error("Unable to parse ffprobe output: " + e.message));
return cb(null, result);
exports.query = function (filename, cb) {
if (!Config.get("ffmpeg.enabled")) {
return cb("Raw file playback is not enabled on this server");
@ -29,56 +149,55 @@ exports.query = function (filename, cb) {
"or HTTPS");
ffprobe(filename, function (err, meta) {
exports.ffprobe(filename, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
if (meta && meta.stderr && meta.stderr.match(/Protocol not found/)) {
if (err.message && err.message.match(/protocol not found/i)) {
return cb("Link uses a protocol unsupported by this server's ffmpeg");
} else if (err.code && err.code === "ENOENT") {
return cb("Server is missing ffprobe");
return cb("Failed to execute `ffprobe`. Set ffmpeg.ffprobe-exec to " +
"the correct name of the executable in config.yaml. If " +
"you are using Debian or Ubuntu, it is probably avprobe.");
} else {
Logger.errlog.log(err.stack || err);
return cb("Unable to query file data with ffmpeg");
meta = parse(meta);
if (meta == null) {
return cb("Unknown error");
try {
data = reformatData(data);
} catch (e) {
Logger.errlog.log(err.stack || err);
return cb("Unable to query file data with ffmpeg");
if (isVideo(meta)) {
var codec = meta.container + "/" + meta.vcodec;
if (!(codec in acceptedCodecs)) {
return cb("Unsupported video codec " + codec);
if (data.medium === "video") {
if (!acceptedCodecs.hasOwnProperty(data.type)) {
return cb("Unsupported video codec " + data.type);
var data = {
title: meta.title || "Raw Video",
duration: Math.ceil(meta.seconds) || "--:--",
bitrate: meta.bitrate,
codec: codec
data = {
title: data.title || "Raw Video",
duration: data.duration,
bitrate: data.bitrate,
codec: data.type
cb(null, data);
} else if (isAudio(meta)) {
} else if (data.medium === "audio") {
var codec = meta.acodec;
if (!(codec in acceptedAudioCodecs)) {
return cb("Unsupported audio codec " + codec);
if (!acceptedAudioCodecs.hasOwnProperty(data.type)) {
return cb("Unsupported audio codec " + data.type);
var data = {
title: meta.title || "Raw Audio",
duration: Math.ceil(meta.seconds) || "--:--",
bitrate: meta.bitrate,
data = {
title: data.title || "Raw Audio",
duration: data.duration,
bitrate: data.bitrate,
codec: codec
cb(null, data);
} else if (data.ffmpegErr.match(/Protocol not found/)) {
return cb("This server is unable to load videos over the " +
filename.split(":")[0] + " protocol.");
} else {
return cb("Parsed metadata did not contain a valid video or audio stream. " +
"Either the file is invalid or it has a format unsupported by " +
@ -86,88 +205,3 @@ exports.query = function (filename, cb) {
function isVideo(meta) {
return meta.vcodec && !(meta.container in audioOnlyContainers);
function isAudio(meta) {
return meta.acodec;
function parse(meta) {
if (meta == null) {
return null;
if (!meta.format) {
return null;
var data = {};
meta.streams.forEach(function (s) {
if (s.codec_type === "video") {
data.vcodec = s.codec_name;
} else if (s.codec_type === "audio") {
data.acodec = s.codec_name;
data.container = meta.format.format_name.split(",")[0];
data.bitrate = parseInt(meta.format.bit_rate) / 1000;
if (meta.format["tag:title"]) {
data.title = meta.format["tag:title"];
data.seconds = Math.ceil(parseFloat(meta.format.duration));
return data;
function ffprobe(filename, cb) {
var err;
var ff = spawn("ffprobe", ["-show_streams", "-show_format", filename]);
ff.on("error", function (err_) {
err = err_;
var outbuf = "";
var errbuf = "";
ff.stdout.on("data", function (data) {
outbuf += data;
ff.stderr.on("data", function (data) {
errbuf += data;
ff.on("close", function (code) {
if (code !== 0) {
if (!err) {
err = "ffprobe exited with nonzero exit code";
return cb(err, { stderr: errbuf });
var lines = outbuf.split("\n");
var streams = [];
var format = {};
var data = {};
lines.forEach(function (line) {
if (line.match(/\[stream\]|\[format\]/i)) {
} else if (line.match(/\[\/stream\]/i)) {
data = {};
} else if (line.match(/\[\/format\]/i)) {
format = data;
data = {};
} else {
var kv = line.split("=");
data[kv[0].toLowerCase()] = kv[1];
cb(null, {
streams: streams,
format: format