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/*! Player.js - v0.0.12 - 2016-10-20
* http://github.com/embedly/player.js
* Copyright (c) 2016 Embedly; Licensed BSD */
(function(window, document){
var playerjs = {};
playerjs.DEBUG = false;
playerjs.VERSION = '0.0.11';
playerjs.CONTEXT = 'player.js';
playerjs.POST_MESSAGE = !!window.postMessage;
* Utils.
playerjs.origin = function(url){
// Grab the origin of a URL
if (url.substr(0, 2) === '//'){
url = window.location.protocol + url;
return url.split('/').slice(0,3).join('/');
playerjs.addEvent = function(elem, type, eventHandle) {
if (!elem) { return; }
if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
} else {
// usage: log('inside coolFunc',this,arguments);
// http://paulirish.com/2009/log-a-lightweight-wrapper-for-consolelog/
playerjs.log = function(){
playerjs.log.history = playerjs.log.history || []; // store logs to an array for reference
if(window.console && playerjs.DEBUG){
window.console.log( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) );
// isFunctions
playerjs.isString = function (obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object String]';
playerjs.isObject = function(obj){
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]";
playerjs.isArray = function(obj){
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
playerjs.isNone = function(obj){
return (obj === null || obj === undefined);
playerjs.has = function(obj, key){
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
// ie8 doesn't support indexOf in arrays, based on underscore.
playerjs.indexOf = function(array, item) {
if (array == null){ return -1; }
var i = 0, length = array.length;
if (Array.prototype.IndexOf && array.indexOf === Array.prototype.IndexOf) {
return array.indexOf(item);
for (; i < length; i++) {
if (array[i] === item) { return i; }
return -1;
// Assert
playerjs.assert = function(test, msg) {
if (!test) {
throw msg || "Player.js Assert Failed";
* Keeper is just a method for keeping track of all the callbacks.
playerjs.Keeper = function(){
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.init = function(){
this.data = {};
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.getUUID = function(){
// Create a random id. #http://stackoverflow.com/a/2117523/564191
return 'listener-xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.has = function(event, id){
if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(event)){
return false;
if (playerjs.isNone(id)){
return true;
// Figure out if we have the event.
var events = this.data[event];
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
if (events[i].id === id){
return true;
return false;
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.add = function(id, event, cb, ctx, one){
var d = {
id: id,
event: event,
cb: cb,
ctx: ctx,
one: one
if (this.has(event)){
} else {
this.data[event] = [d];
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.execute = function(event, id, data, ctx){
if (!this.has(event, id)){
return false;
var keep = [],
execute = [];
for (var i=0; i< this.data[event].length; i++){
var d = this.data[event][i];
// There are omni events, in that they do not have an id. i.e "ready".
// Or there is an ID and we only want to execute the right id'd method.
if (playerjs.isNone(id) || (!playerjs.isNone(id) && d.id === id )){
cb: d.cb,
ctx: d.ctx? d.ctx: ctx,
data: data
// If we only wanted to execute this once.
if (d.one === false){
} else {
if (keep.length === 0){
delete this.data[event];
} else {
this.data[event] = keep;
// We need to execute everything after we deal with the one stuff. otherwise
// we have issues to order of operations.
for (var n=0; n < execute.length; n++){
var e = execute[n];
e.cb.call(e.ctx, e.data);
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.on = function(id, event, cb, ctx){
this.add(id, event, cb, ctx, false);
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.one = function(id, event, cb, ctx){
this.add(id, event, cb, ctx, true);
playerjs.Keeper.prototype.off = function(event, cb){
// We should probably restructure so this is a bit less of a pain.
var listeners = [];
if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(event)){
return listeners;
var keep = [];
// Loop through everything.
for (var i=0; i< this.data[event].length; i++){
var data = this.data[event][i];
// If we only keep if there was a CB and the CB is there.
if (!playerjs.isNone(cb) && data.cb !== cb) {
} else if (!playerjs.isNone(data.id)) {
if (keep.length === 0){
delete this.data[event];
} else {
this.data[event] = keep;
return listeners;
* Player.js is a javascript library for interacting with iframes via
* postMessage that use an Open Player Spec
playerjs.Player = function(elem, options){
if (!(this instanceof playerjs.Player)) {
return new playerjs.Player(elem, options);
this.init(elem, options);
playerjs.EVENTS = {
READY: 'ready',
PLAY: 'play',
PAUSE: 'pause',
ENDED: 'ended',
TIMEUPDATE: 'timeupdate',
PROGRESS: 'progress',
ERROR: 'error'
playerjs.EVENTS.all = function(){
var all = [];
for (var key in playerjs.EVENTS) {
if (playerjs.has(playerjs.EVENTS, key) && playerjs.isString(playerjs.EVENTS[key])) {
return all;
playerjs.METHODS = {
PLAY: 'play',
PAUSE: 'pause',
GETPAUSED: 'getPaused',
MUTE: 'mute',
UNMUTE: 'unmute',
GETMUTED: 'getMuted',
SETVOLUME: 'setVolume',
GETVOLUME: 'getVolume',
GETDURATION: 'getDuration',
SETCURRENTTIME: 'setCurrentTime',
SETLOOP: 'setLoop',
GETLOOP: 'getLoop',
REMOVEEVENTLISTENER: 'removeEventListener',
ADDEVENTLISTENER: 'addEventListener'
playerjs.METHODS.all = function(){
var all = [];
for (var key in playerjs.METHODS) {
if (playerjs.has(playerjs.METHODS, key) && playerjs.isString(playerjs.METHODS[key])) {
return all;
playerjs.READIED = [];
playerjs.Player.prototype.init = function(elem, options){
var self = this;
if (playerjs.isString(elem)){
elem = document.getElementById(elem);
this.elem = elem;
// Figure out the origin of where we are sending messages.
this.origin = playerjs.origin(elem.src);
// Event handling.
this.keeper = new playerjs.Keeper();
// Queuing before ready.
this.isReady = false;
this.queue = [];
// Assume that everything is supported, unless we know otherwise.
this.events = playerjs.EVENTS.all();
this.methods = playerjs.METHODS.all();
if (playerjs.POST_MESSAGE){
// Set up the reciever.
playerjs.addEvent(window, 'message', function(e){
} else {
playerjs.log('Post Message is not Available.');
// See if we caught the src event first, otherwise assume we haven't loaded
if (playerjs.indexOf(playerjs.READIED, elem.src) > -1){
self.loaded = true;
} else {
// Try the onload event, just lets us give another test.
this.elem.onload = function(){
self.loaded = true;
playerjs.Player.prototype.send = function(data, callback, ctx){
// Add the context and version to the data.
data.context = playerjs.CONTEXT;
data.version = playerjs.VERSION;
// We are expecting a response.
if (callback) {
// Create a UUID
var id = this.keeper.getUUID();
// Set the listener.
data.listener = id;
// Only hang on to this listener once.
this.keeper.one(id, data.method, callback, ctx);
if (!this.isReady && data.value !== 'ready'){
playerjs.log('Player.queue', data);
return false;
playerjs.log('Player.send', data, this.origin);
if (this.loaded === true){
this.elem.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), this.origin);
return true;
playerjs.Player.prototype.receive = function(e){
playerjs.log('Player.receive', e);
if (e.origin !== this.origin){
return false;
var data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(e.data);
} catch (err){
// Not a valid response.
return false;
// abort if this message wasn't a player.js message
if (data.context !== playerjs.CONTEXT) {
return false;
// We need to determine if we are ready.
if (data.event === 'ready' && data.value && data.value.src === this.elem.src){
if (this.keeper.has(data.event, data.listener)){
this.keeper.execute(data.event, data.listener, data.value, this);
playerjs.Player.prototype.ready = function(data){
if (this.isReady === true){
return false;
// If we got a list of supported methods, we should set them.
if (data.value.events){
this.events = data.value.events;
if (data.value.methods){
this.methods = data.value.methods;
// set ready.
this.isReady = true;
this.loaded = true;
// Clear the queue
for (var i=0; i<this.queue.length; i++){
var obj = this.queue[i];
playerjs.log('Player.dequeue', obj);
if (data.event === 'ready'){
this.keeper.execute(obj.event, obj.listener, true, this);
this.queue = [];
playerjs.Player.prototype.on = function(event, callback, ctx){
var id = this.keeper.getUUID();
if (event === 'ready'){
// We only want to call ready once.
this.keeper.one(id, event, callback, ctx);
} else {
this.keeper.on(id, event, callback, ctx);
method: 'addEventListener',
value: event,
listener: id
return true;
playerjs.Player.prototype.off = function(event, callback){
var listeners = this.keeper.off(event, callback);
playerjs.log('Player.off', listeners);
if (listeners.length > 0) {
for (var i in listeners){
method: 'removeEventListener',
value: event,
listener: listeners[i]
return true;
return false;
// Based on what ready passed back, we can determine if the events/method are
// supported by the player.
playerjs.Player.prototype.supports = function(evtOrMethod, names){
playerjs.assert(playerjs.indexOf(['method', 'event'], evtOrMethod) > -1,
'evtOrMethod needs to be either "event" or "method" got ' + evtOrMethod);
// Make everything an array.
names = playerjs.isArray(names) ? names : [names];
var all = evtOrMethod === 'event' ? this.events : this.methods;
for (var i=0; i < names.length; i++){
if (playerjs.indexOf(all, names[i]) === -1){
return false;
return true;
//create function to add to the Player prototype
function createPrototypeFunction(name) {
return function() {
var data = {
method: name
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
//for getters add the passed parameters to the arguments for the send call
if (/^get/.test(name)) {
playerjs.assert(args.length > 0, 'Get methods require a callback.');
} else {
//for setter add the first arg to the value field
if (/^set/.test(name)) {
playerjs.assert(args.length !== 0, 'Set methods require a value.');
data.value = args[0];
args = [data];
this.send.apply(this, args);
// Loop through the methods to add them to the prototype.
for (var i = 0, l = playerjs.METHODS.all().length; i < l; i++) {
var methodName = playerjs.METHODS.all()[i];
// We don't want to overwrite existing methods.
if (!playerjs.Player.prototype.hasOwnProperty(methodName)){
playerjs.Player.prototype[methodName] = createPrototypeFunction(methodName);
// We need to catch all ready events in case the iframe is ready before the
// player is invoked.
playerjs.addEvent(window, 'message', function(e){
var data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(e.data);
} catch (err){
return false;
// abort if this message wasn't a player.js message
if (data.context !== playerjs.CONTEXT) {
return false;
// We need to determine if we are ready.
if (data.event === 'ready' && data.value && data.value.src){
* Does all the wiring up for the backend.
* var receiver = new playerjs.Receiver();
* receiver.on('play', function(){ video.play() });
* receiver.on('getDuration', function(callback){ callback(video.duration) });
* receiver.emit('timeupdate', {});
playerjs.Receiver = function(events, methods){
this.init(events, methods);
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.init = function(events, methods){
var self = this;
// Deal with the ready crap.
this.isReady = false;
// Bind the window message.
this.origin = playerjs.origin(document.referrer);
//Create a holder for all the methods.
this.methods = {};
// holds all the information about what's supported
this.supported = {
events: events ? events : playerjs.EVENTS.all(),
methods: methods ? methods : playerjs.METHODS.all()
// Deals with the adding and removing of event listeners.
this.eventListeners = {};
// We can't send any messages.
this.reject = !(window.self !== window.top && playerjs.POST_MESSAGE);
// We aren't in an iframe, don't listen.
if (!this.reject){
playerjs.addEvent(window, 'message', function(e){
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.receive = function(e){
// Only want to listen to events that came from our origin.
if (e.origin !== this.origin){
return false;
// Browsers that support postMessage also support JSON.
var data = {};
if (playerjs.isObject(e.data)){
data = e.data;
} else {
try {
data = window.JSON.parse(e.data);
} catch (err){
playerjs.log('JSON Parse Error', err);
playerjs.log('Receiver.receive', e, data);
// Nothing for us to do.
if (!data.method){
return false;
// make sure the context is correct.
if (data.context !== playerjs.CONTEXT){
return false;
// Make sure we have a valid method.
if (playerjs.indexOf(playerjs.METHODS.all(), data.method) === -1){
this.emit('error', {
code: 2,
msg: 'Invalid Method "'+data.method+'"'
return false;
// See if we added a listener
var listener = !playerjs.isNone(data.listener) ? data.listener : null;
// Add Event Listener.
if (data.method === 'addEventListener') {
if (this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(data.value)) {
//If the listener is the same, i.e. null only add it once.
if (playerjs.indexOf(this.eventListeners[data.value], listener) === -1){
} else {
this.eventListeners[data.value] = [listener];
if (data.value === 'ready' && this.isReady){
// Remove the event listener.
else if (data.method === 'removeEventListener') {
if (this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(data.value)) {
var index = playerjs.indexOf(this.eventListeners[data.value], listener);
// if we find the element, remove it.
if (index > -1){
this.eventListeners[data.value].splice(index, 1);
if (this.eventListeners[data.value].length === 0){
delete this.eventListeners[data.value];
// Go get it.
else {
this.get(data.method, data.value, listener);
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.get = function(method, value, listener){
var self = this;
// Now lets do it.
if (!this.methods.hasOwnProperty(method)){
this.emit('error', {
code: 3,
msg: 'Method Not Supported"'+method+'"'
return false;
var func = this.methods[method];
if (method.substr(0,3) === 'get') {
var callback = function(val){
self.send(method, val, listener);
func.call(this, callback);
} else {
func.call(this, value);
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.on = function(event, callback){
this.methods[event] = callback;
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.send = function(event, value, listener){
playerjs.log('Receiver.send', event, value, listener);
if (this.reject){
// We are not in a frame, or we don't support POST_MESSAGE
playerjs.log('Receiver.send.reject', event, value, listener);
return false;
var data = {
context: playerjs.CONTEXT,
version: playerjs.VERSION,
event: event
if (!playerjs.isNone(value)){
data.value = value;
if (!playerjs.isNone(listener)){
data.listener = listener;
var msg = JSON.stringify(data);
window.parent.postMessage(msg, this.origin === "" ? '*' : this.origin);
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.emit = function(event, value){
if (!this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(event)){
return false;
playerjs.log('Instance.emit', event, value, this.eventListeners[event]);
for (var i=0; i < this.eventListeners[event].length; i++){
var listener = this.eventListeners[event][i];
this.send(event, value, listener);
return true;
playerjs.Receiver.prototype.ready = function(){
this.isReady = true;
var data = {
src: window.location.toString(),
events: this.supported.events,
methods: this.supported.methods
if (!this.emit('ready', data)){
this.send('ready', data);
playerjs.HTML5Adapter = function(video){
if (!(this instanceof playerjs.HTML5Adapter)) {
return new playerjs.HTML5Adapter(video);
playerjs.HTML5Adapter.prototype.init = function(video){
playerjs.assert(video, 'playerjs.VideoJSReceiver requires a video element');
// Set up the actual receiver
var receiver = this.receiver = new playerjs.Receiver();
/* EVENTS */
video.addEventListener('playing', function(){
video.addEventListener('pause', function(){
video.addEventListener('ended', function(){
video.addEventListener('timeupdate', function(){
receiver.emit('timeupdate', {
seconds: video.currentTime,
duration: video.duration
video.addEventListener('progress', function(){
receiver.emit('buffered', {
percent: video.buffered.length
/* Methods */
receiver.on('play', function(){
receiver.on('pause', function(){
receiver.on('getPaused', function(callback){
receiver.on('getCurrentTime', function(callback){
receiver.on('setCurrentTime', function(value){
video.currentTime = value;
receiver.on('getDuration', function(callback){
receiver.on('getVolume', function(callback){
callback(video.volume * 100);
receiver.on('setVolume', function(value){
video.volume = value/100;
receiver.on('mute', function(){
video.muted = true;
receiver.on('unmute', function(){
video.muted = false;
receiver.on('getMuted', function(callback){
receiver.on('getLoop', function(callback){
receiver.on('setLoop', function(value){
video.loop = value;
/* Call when the video has loaded */
playerjs.HTML5Adapter.prototype.ready = function(){
playerjs.JWPlayerAdapter = function(player){
if (!(this instanceof playerjs.JWPlayerAdapter)) {
return new playerjs.JWPlayerAdapter(player);
playerjs.JWPlayerAdapter.prototype.init = function(player){
playerjs.assert(player, 'playerjs.JWPlayerAdapter requires a player object');
// Set up the actual receiver
var receiver = this.receiver = new playerjs.Receiver();
// JWPlayer doesn't have a seLoop, so we can do it ourself.
this.looped = false;
/* EVENTS */
var seconds = e.position,
duration = e.duration;
if (!seconds || !duration){
return false;
var value = {
seconds: seconds,
duration: duration
receiver.emit('timeupdate', value);
var self = this;
// Fake the looping
if (self.looped === true){
// By default jwplayer seeks after play.
} else {
// Else throw the ended event.
receiver.on('play', function(){
receiver.on('pause', function(){
receiver.on('getPaused', function(callback){
callback(player.getState().toLowerCase() !== 'PLAYING'.toLowerCase());
receiver.on('getCurrentTime', function(callback){
receiver.on('setCurrentTime', function(value){
receiver.on('getDuration', function(callback){
receiver.on('getVolume', function(callback){
receiver.on('setVolume', function(value){
receiver.on('mute', function(){
receiver.on('unmute', function(){
receiver.on('getMuted', function(callback){
callback(player.getMute() === true);
receiver.on('getLoop', function(callback){
}, this);
receiver.on('setLoop', function(value){
this.looped = value;
}, this);
/* Call when the video.js is ready */
playerjs.JWPlayerAdapter.prototype.ready = function(){
playerjs.MockAdapter = function(){
if (!(this instanceof playerjs.MockAdapter)) {
return new playerjs.MockAdapter();
playerjs.MockAdapter.prototype.init = function(){
// Our mock video
var video = {
duration: 20,
currentTime: 0,
interval: null,
timeupdate: function(){},
volume: 100,
mute: false,
playing: false,
loop : false,
play: function(){
video.interval = setInterval(function(){
video.currentTime += 0.25;
seconds: video.currentTime,
duration: video.duration
}, 250);
video.playing = true;
pause: function(){
video.playing = false;
// Set up the actual receiver
var receiver = this.receiver = new playerjs.Receiver();
receiver.on('play', function(){
var self = this;
video.timeupdate = function(data){
self.emit('timeupdate', data);
receiver.on('pause', function(){
receiver.on('getPaused', function(callback){
receiver.on('getCurrentTime', function(callback){
receiver.on('setCurrentTime', function(value){
video.currentTime = value;
receiver.on('getDuration', function(callback){
receiver.on('getVolume', function(callback){
receiver.on('setVolume', function(value){
video.volume = value;
receiver.on('mute', function(){
video.mute = true;
receiver.on('unmute', function(){
video.mute = false;
receiver.on('getMuted', function(callback){
receiver.on('getLoop', function(callback){
receiver.on('setLoop', function(value){
video.loop = value;
/* Call when the video has loaded */
playerjs.MockAdapter.prototype.ready = function(){
playerjs.VideoJSAdapter = function(player){
if (!(this instanceof playerjs.VideoJSAdapter)) {
return new playerjs.VideoJSAdapter(player);
playerjs.VideoJSAdapter.prototype.init = function(player){
playerjs.assert(player, 'playerjs.VideoJSReceiver requires a player object');
// Set up the actual receiver
var receiver = this.receiver = new playerjs.Receiver();
/* EVENTS */
player.on("pause", function(){
player.on("play", function(){
player.on("timeupdate", function(e){
var seconds = player.currentTime(),
duration = player.duration();
if (!seconds || !duration){
return false;
var value = {
seconds: seconds,
duration: duration
receiver.emit('timeupdate', value);
player.on("ended", function(){
player.on("error", function(){
receiver.on('play', function(){
receiver.on('pause', function(){
receiver.on('getPaused', function(callback){
receiver.on('getCurrentTime', function(callback){
receiver.on('setCurrentTime', function(value){
receiver.on('getDuration', function(callback){
receiver.on('getVolume', function(callback){
callback(player.volume() * 100);
receiver.on('setVolume', function(value){
receiver.on('mute', function(){
receiver.on('unmute', function(){
receiver.on('getMuted', function(callback){
callback(player.volume() === 0);
receiver.on('getLoop', function(callback){
receiver.on('setLoop', function(value){
/* Call when the video.js is ready */
playerjs.VideoJSAdapter.prototype.ready = function(){
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(function () {
return playerjs
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = playerjs
} else {
window.playerjs = playerjs;
})(window, document);