78 lines
3.9 KiB
78 lines
3.9 KiB
!_TAG_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION anonymous /Include tags for non-named objects like lambda/
!_TAG_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION fileScope /Include tags of file scope/
!_TAG_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION pseudo /Include pseudo tags/
!_TAG_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION subparser /Include tags generated by subparsers/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION epoch /the last modified time of the input file (only for F\/file kind tag)/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION file /File-restricted scoping/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION input /input file/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION name /tag name/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION pattern /pattern/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION typeref /Type and name of a variable or typedef/
!_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION!XML uri /uri associated with name prefix/
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Ant P,property /properties(global)/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Ant i,antfile /antfiles/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Ant p,project /projects/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Ant t,target /targets/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML C,stylesheet /stylesheets/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML I,id /identifiers/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML J,script /scripts/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML a,anchor /named anchors/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML c,class /classes/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML h,heading1 /H1 headings/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML i,heading2 /H2 headings/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML j,heading3 /H3 headings/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!HTML t,title /titles/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!JSON a,array /arrays/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!JSON b,boolean /booleans/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!JSON n,number /numbers/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!JSON o,object /objects/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!JSON s,string /strings/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Make I,makefile /makefiles/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Make m,macro /macros/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!Make t,target /targets/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!XML i,id /id attributes/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!XML n,nsprefix /namespace prefixes/
!_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!XML r,root /root elements/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_EXCMD mixed /number, pattern, mixed, or combineV2/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_FILESEP slash /slash or backslash/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_VERSION 0.0 /current.age/
!_TAG_PARSER_VERSION!Ant 0.0 /current.age/
!_TAG_PARSER_VERSION!HTML 0.0 /current.age/
!_TAG_PARSER_VERSION!JSON 0.0 /current.age/
!_TAG_PARSER_VERSION!Make 0.0 /current.age/
!_TAG_PARSER_VERSION!XML 0.0 /current.age/
!_TAG_PATTERN_LENGTH_LIMIT 96 /0 for no limit/
!_TAG_PROC_CWD /home/specter/Code/MDO-website/ //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL https://ctags.io/ /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 6.0.0 /p6.0.20221218.0/
!_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!Ant!antfile imported /imported/
!_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!HTML!class attribute /assigned as attributes/
!_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!HTML!script extFile /referenced as external files/
!_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!HTML!stylesheet extFile /referenced as external files/
!_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!Make!makefile included /included/
!_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!Make!makefile optional /optionally included/
0 web.json /^ ".mp4",$/;" s array:video
0 web.json /^ "mp3"$/;" s array:audio
0 web.json /^ "png",$/;" s array:image
1 web.json /^ ".webm"$/;" s array:video
1 web.json /^ "jpg",$/;" s array:image
2 web.json /^ "gif"$/;" s array:image
audio web.json /^ "audio": [$/;" a
background web.json /^ "background": "#FFFFFF",$/;" s
build Makefile /^build: content\/* templates\/* config.toml web.json$/;" t
clean Makefile /^clean:$/;" t
foreground web.json /^ "foreground": "#000000",$/;" s
host Makefile /^host = minimally.online$/;" m
html web.json /^ "html": "en",$/;" s
image web.json /^ "image": [$/;" a
minimally.online index.html /^ <h1>minimally.online<\/h1>$/;" h
minimally.online index.html /^ <title>minimally.online<\/title>$/;" j
publish Makefile /^publish: build$/;" t
video web.json /^ "video": [$/;" a