#lang racket/gui (require "utils.rkt" "structs.rkt") (provide take) (define (take args where who) (if (empty? args) "You need to say what to take." (let* ([args-str (string-join args)] [split-str (string-split args-str " FROM ")] [what-str (first split-str)] [from-str (if (= 1 (length split-str)) '() (last split-str))] [from (if (empty? from-str) where (find-object-by-name from-str where))] [what (find-object-by-name what-str from)]) (when (empty? from-str) (set! from-str (object-name where))) (if what (if (creature? what) "You can't take a living thing." (if (entity? what) "You can't take something with an inventory." (move-obj! what from who))) (~a "There isn't a \"" what-str "\" in this area.")))))