Fork 0
forked from specter/mastodon
Claire 50487db122
Add ability to filter individual posts (#18945)
* Add database table for status-specific filters

* Add REST endpoints, entities and attributes

* Show status filters in /filters interface

* Perform server-side filtering for individual posts filters

* Fix filtering on context mismatch

* Refactor `toServerSideType` by moving it to its own module

* Move loupe and delete icons to their own module

* Add ability to filter individual posts from WebUI

* Replace keyword list by warnings (expired, context mismatch)

* Refactor server-side filtering code

* Add tests
2022-08-25 04:27:47 +02:00

41 lines
1.9 KiB

= f.input :title, as: :string, wrapper: :with_label, hint: false
= f.input :expires_in, wrapper: :with_label, collection: [30.minutes, 1.hour, 6.hours, 12.hours, 1.day, 1.week].map(&:to_i), label_method: lambda { |i| I18n.t("invites.expires_in.#{i}") }, include_blank: I18n.t('invites.expires_in_prompt')
= f.input :context, wrapper: :with_block_label, collection: CustomFilter::VALID_CONTEXTS, as: :check_boxes, collection_wrapper_tag: 'ul', item_wrapper_tag: 'li', label_method: lambda { |context| I18n.t("filters.contexts.#{context}") }, include_blank: false
= f.input :filter_action, as: :radio_buttons, collection: %i(warn hide), include_blank: false, wrapper: :with_block_label, label_method: ->(action) { safe_join([t("simple_form.labels.filters.actions.#{action}"), content_tag(:span, t("simple_form.hints.filters.actions.#{action}"), class: 'hint')]) }, hint: t('simple_form.hints.filters.action'), required: true
- unless f.object.statuses.empty?
%h4= t('filters.edit.statuses')
%p.muted-hint= t('filters.edit.statuses_hint_html', path: filter_statuses_path(f.object))
%h4= t('filters.edit.keywords')
%th= t('simple_form.labels.defaults.phrase')
%th= t('simple_form.labels.defaults.whole_word')
= f.simple_fields_for :keywords do |keyword|
= render 'keyword_fields', f: keyword
%td{ colspan: 3}
= link_to_add_association f, :keywords, class: 'table-action-link', partial: 'keyword_fields', 'data-association-insertion-node': '.keywords-table tbody', 'data-association-insertion-method': 'append' do
= safe_join([fa_icon('plus'), t('filters.edit.add_keyword')])