{{- if or (not .Dark) (is .Dark) }} {{- end }} {{ template "nav.html" . -}} {{- if and (not .ShowNSFW) .Community .Community.CommunityView.Community.NSFW }} {{ template "nsfw.html" }} {{- else }}
{{- if and (not .Community) .Tagline }}

{{ markdown .Host .Tagline }}

{{- end }} {{ template "menu.html" . }} {{- if .Error }}
{{.Error}}. {{ if .Unknown }} try remote instance: {{ .Unknown }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{- range .Posts }} {{ template "post.html" . }} {{ end }} {{- if or (and (not .Op) (not .Activities) (not .Comments) (not .Posts) (not .Communities)) (and (not .Comments) .PostID) (and (not .Activities) (not .Query) .User) }}
there doesn't seem to be anything here
{{ end }} {{- if or .Query (eq .SearchType "Communities") (eq (len .Posts) 25) (and .Comments (and (eq .CommentCount 200) (gt (index .Posts 0).Counts.Comments .CommentCount))) (and .User (or (gt .User.PersonView.Counts.CommentCount 10) (gt .User.PersonView.Counts.PostCount 10))) }}
view more: {{if gt .Page 1 }}‹ prev{{ end }} next ›
{{ end }} {{ template "sidebar.html" . }}
{{ end }}