{{ $host := .Host }}
{{ if .User }} {{ else if .Community }} {{ end }}
{{ if not .Session -}}
{{ end }} {{ if .User }}

{{ .User.PersonView.Person.Name }}

{{ if .Session }}
{{ end }} {{ .User.PersonView.Counts.PostScore}} post score
{{ .User.PersonView.Counts.CommentScore}} comment score
{{ if .Session }}send a message{{end}} joined {{ humanize .User.PersonView.Person.Published.Time }}
{{ if .User.Moderates }} MODERATOR OF
{{ range $i, $mod := .User.Moderates }}
{{ $mod.Community.Name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if and .PostID .Posts }}
this post was submitted on {{ (index .Posts 0).Post.Published.Time.Format "02 Jan 2006" }}
{{ (index .Posts 0).Counts.Score }} points ({{likedPerc (index .Posts 0).Counts}}% liked)
{{ end }} {{ if .Session }}
Create a post »
{{ if not .Community }}
Create a community »
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ if and .Site (not .Community) (not .User) }} {{ if .Site.SiteView.Site.Banner.IsValid }} {{ else if .Site.SiteView.Site.Icon.IsValid }} {{ end }}

{{ .Site.SiteView.Site.Name }}

{{ printer .Site.SiteView.Counts.Users }} readers
{{ printer .Site.SiteView.Counts.UsersActiveDay }} users here now {{ markdown .Host .Site.SiteView.Site.Sidebar.String }}
founded {{ humanize .Site.SiteView.Site.Published.Time }}
{{ if .Site.Admins }} ADMINS
{{ range $i, $mod := .Site.Admins }}
{{ fullname $mod.Person }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Community }} {{ if .Community.CommunityView.Community.Banner.IsValid }} {{ else if .Community.CommunityView.Community.Icon.IsValid }} {{ end }}

{{ if ne .Community.CommunityView.Community.Title ""}}{{ .Community.CommunityView.Community.Title }}{{ else }}{{ .Community.CommunityView.Community.Name }}{{end}}

{{ if .Session }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Community.CommunityView.Counts.Subscribers }} readers
{{ .Community.CommunityView.Counts.UsersActiveDay }} users here now {{ if and .Session (isMod .Community .Session.UserName) }}

you are a moderator of this community

{{ end }}

{{ markdown .Host .Community.CommunityView.Community.Description.String }}

founded {{ humanize .Community.CommunityView.Counts.Published.Time }}
{{ if and .Session (isMod .Community .Session.UserName) }} MODERATOR TOOLS
community settings
{{ end }} {{ if .Community.Moderators }} MODERATORS
{{ range $i, $mod := .Community.Moderators }}
{{ fullname $mod.Moderator }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}