package main import ( "bytes" "context" _ "embed" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "html/template" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var pictrs = regexp.MustCompile(`\/pictrs\/image\/([a-z0-9\-]+)\.([a-z]+)$`) var imgur = regexp.MustCompile(`^https:\/\/(i\.)?\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{5,})(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?`) var isImage = func(u string) bool { p, err := url.Parse(u) if err != nil || p.Path == "" { return false } ext := filepath.Ext(p.Path) if ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".webp" || ext == ".gif" { return true } return false } var funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "host": func(host string) string { if l := os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN"); l != "" { return l } return host }, "localize": func(s string) string { u, err := url.Parse(s) if err != nil { return s } return "." + u.Path + "@" + u.Host }, "printer": func(n any) string { p := message.NewPrinter(language.English) return p.Sprintf("%d", n) }, "likedPerc": func(c lemmy.PostAggregates) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", (float64(c.Upvotes)/float64(c.Upvotes+c.Downvotes))*100) }, "fullname": func(person lemmy.Person) string { if person.Local { return person.Name } l, err := url.Parse(person.ActorID) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return person.Name } return person.Name + "@" + l.Host }, "fullcname": func(c lemmy.Community) string { if c.Local { return c.Name } l, err := url.Parse(c.ActorID) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return c.Name } return c.Name + "@" + l.Host }, "isMod": func(c *lemmy.GetCommunityResponse, username string) bool { for _, mod := range c.Moderators { if mod.Moderator.Local && username == mod.Moderator.Name { return true } } return false }, "instance": func(actorID string) string { l, err := url.Parse(actorID) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return "" } return l.Host }, "domain": func(p Post) string { if p.Post.URL.IsValid() { l, err := url.Parse(p.Post.URL.String()) if err != nil { return "" } return l.Host } if p.Post.Local { return "self." + p.Community.Name } l, err := url.Parse(p.Post.ApID) if err != nil { return "" } return l.Host }, "membership": func(s lemmy.SubscribedType) string { switch s { case lemmy.SubscribedTypeSubscribed: return "leave" case lemmy.SubscribedTypeNotSubscribed: return "join" case lemmy.SubscribedTypePending: return "pending" } return "" }, "isImage": isImage, "isYoutube": func(u string) bool { re := regexp.MustCompile(`^((?:https?:)?\/\/)?((?:www|m)\.)?((?:youtube(-nocookie)?\.com|\/(?:[\w\-]+\?v=|embed\/|live\/|v\/)?)([\w\-]+)(\S+)?$`) return re.MatchString(u) }, "thumbnail": func(p lemmy.Post) string { if pictrs.MatchString(p.ThumbnailURL.String()) { return p.ThumbnailURL.String() + "?format=jpg&thumbnail=96" } else if pictrs.MatchString(p.URL.String()) { return p.URL.String() + "?format=jpg&thumbnail=96" } if imgur.MatchString(p.URL.String()) { return imgur.ReplaceAllString(p.URL.String(), "${2}s.jpg") } if p.ThumbnailURL.IsValid() { return p.ThumbnailURL.String() } if isImage(p.URL.String()) { return "/_/static/photo.png" } if p.URL.IsValid() { return "/_/static/link.png" } return "/_/static/text.png" }, "cbanner": func(c lemmy.Community) string { bannerURL := "" if c.Banner.IsValid() { bannerURL = c.Banner.String() } else if c.Icon.IsValid() { bannerURL = c.Icon.String() } if pictrs.MatchString(bannerURL) { return bannerURL + "?format=jpg&thumbnail=300" } return bannerURL }, "shrink": func(u string) string { if pictrs.MatchString(u) { return u + "?format=png&thumbnail=60" } return u }, "humanize": humanize.Time, "markdown": func(host string, body string) template.HTML { var buf bytes.Buffer re := regexp.MustCompile(`\s---\s`) body = re.ReplaceAllString(body, "\n***\n") // community bangs body = RegReplace(body, `([^\[])!([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)+)`, `$1[!$2@$3](/c/$2@$3)`) if err := md.Convert([]byte(body), &buf); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return template.HTML(body) } body = buf.String() body = strings.Replace(body, `$1$2") return template.HTML(body) }, "collapsemedia": func(h template.HTML) template.HTML { body := string(h) return template.HTML(RegReplace(body, ``, `
collapsed inline media
`)) }, "rmmarkdown": func(body string) string { var buf bytes.Buffer if err := md.Convert([]byte(body), &buf); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return body } text := html2text.HTML2TextWithOptions(buf.String(), html2text.WithLinksInnerText()) re := regexp.MustCompile(`\<(https?:\/\/|mailto)(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&\/=]*)\>`) return re.ReplaceAllString(text, "") }, "contains": strings.Contains, "sub": func(a int64, b int) int { return int(a) - b }, "add": func(a int64, b int) int { return int(a) + b }, "is": func(x *bool) bool { if x == nil { return false } return *x }, } func LemmyLinkRewrite(input string, host string, lemmy_domain string) (body string) { body = input // localize community and user links body = RegReplace(body, `href="https:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)\/((c|u|comment|post)\/[^#\?]*?)"`, `href="/$2@$1"`) // remove extra instance tag body = RegReplace(body, `href="(https:\/)?(\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)?\/((c|u)\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)"`, `href="/$3"`) if lemmy_domain == "" { // add domain to relative links body = RegReplace(body, `href="\/((c|u|post|comment)\/(.*?)")`, `href="/`+host+`/$1`) // convert links to relative body = RegReplace(body, `href="https:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\/((c|u|post|comment)\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+"))`, `href="/$1`) } else { // convert local links to relative body = RegReplace(body, `href="https:\/\/`+lemmy_domain+`\/(c\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+"|(c|u|post|comment)\/(.*?)")`, `href="/$1`) body = RegReplace(body, `href="(.*)@`+lemmy_domain+`"`, `href="$1"`) } re := regexp.MustCompile(`href="\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*)\/(c|u|post|comment)\/(.*?)@(.*?)"`) // assume "old." subdomain is mlmym and remove matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(body, -1) for _, match := range matches { if match[4][0:4] == "old." { s := 1 if match[1] == "" { s += 1 } body = strings.Replace(body, match[0], `href="/`+strings.Join(match[s:4], "/")+"@"+match[4][4:]+`"`, -1) } } // remove redundant instance tag matches = re.FindAllStringSubmatch(body, -1) for _, match := range matches { if match[1] == match[4] { body = strings.Replace(body, match[0], `href="/`+strings.Join(match[1:4], "/")+`"`, -1) } } return body } func RegReplace(input string, match string, replace string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(match) return re.ReplaceAllString(input, replace) } func getenv(key string) string { value := os.Getenv(key) if len(value) == 0 { switch key { case "SORT", "COMMENT_SORT": return "Hot" case "LISTING": return "All" default: return "" } } return value } func Initialize(Host string, r *http.Request) (State, error) { state := State{ Host: Host, Page: 1, Status: http.StatusOK, Version: version, } if watch != nil { state.Watch = *watch } lemmyDomain := os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN") if lemmyDomain != "" { state.Host = "." Host = lemmyDomain } remoteAddr := r.RemoteAddr if r.Header.Get("CF-Connecting-IP") != "" { remoteAddr = r.Header.Get("CF-Connecting-IP") } client := http.Client{Transport: NewAddHeaderTransport(remoteAddr)} c, err := lemmy.NewWithClient("https://"+Host, &client) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) state.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError return state, err } state.HTTPClient = &client state.Client = c token := getCookie(r, "jwt") user := getCookie(r, "user") parts := strings.Split(user, ":") if len(parts) == 2 && token != "" { if id, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1]); err == nil { state.Client.Token = token sess := Session{ UserName: parts[0], UserID: id, } state.Session = &sess } } if age, err := strconv.Atoi(getCookie(r, "CookieAge")); err == nil { state.CookieAge = age } state.Listing = getCookie(r, "DefaultListingType") state.Sort = getCookie(r, "DefaultSortType") state.CommentSort = getCookie(r, "DefaultCommentSortType") if hideSidebar := getCookie(r, "HideSidebar"); hideSidebar == "1" { state.HideSidebar = true } if dark := getCookie(r, "Dark"); dark != "" { state.Dark = new(bool) *state.Dark = dark != "0" } else if dark := os.Getenv("DARK"); dark != "" { state.Dark = new(bool) *state.Dark = true } state.ShowNSFW = getCookie(r, "ShowNSFW") != "" state.HideInstanceNames = getCookie(r, "HideInstanceNames") != "" if hide := getCookie(r, "HideThumbnails"); hide != "" { state.HideThumbnails = hide != "0" } else { state.HideThumbnails = os.Getenv("HIDE_THUMBNAILS") != "" } if collapse := getCookie(r, "CollapseMedia"); collapse != "" { state.CollapseMedia = collapse != "0" } else { state.CollapseMedia = os.Getenv("COLLAPSE_MEDIA") != "" } if state.Sort == "" { state.Sort = getenv("SORT") } if state.CommentSort == "" { state.CommentSort = getenv("COMMENT_SORT") } if state.Listing == "" || state.Session == nil && state.Listing == "Subscribed" { state.Listing = getenv("LISTING") } if linksInNewWindow := getCookie(r, "LinksInNewWindow"); linksInNewWindow != "" { state.LinksInNewWindow = linksInNewWindow != "0" } else { state.LinksInNewWindow = os.Getenv("LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW") != "" } return state, nil } func GetTemplate(name string) (*template.Template, error) { if *watch { t := template.New(name).Funcs(funcMap) glob, err := t.ParseGlob("templates/*") if err != nil { return nil, err } return glob, nil } t, ok := templates[name] if !ok { return nil, errors.New("template not found: " + name) } return t, nil } func Render(w http.ResponseWriter, templateName string, state State) { tmpl, err := GetTemplate(templateName) if err != nil { w.Write([]byte("500 - Server Error")) fmt.Println(err) return } if len(state.TopCommunities) == 0 { state.GetCommunities() } if state.Session != nil { state.GetUnreadCount() } if state.Status != http.StatusOK { w.WriteHeader(state.Status) } header := w.Header() header.Set("Content-Security-Policy", "script-src 'self'") err = tmpl.Execute(w, state) if err != nil { fmt.Println("execute fail", err) w.Write([]byte("500 - Server Error")) return } } func GetRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { data := make(map[string]any) data["Title"] = r.Host d := true if dark := getCookie(r, "Dark"); dark != "" { d = dark != "0" data["Dark"] = &d } else if dark := os.Getenv("DARK"); dark != "" { data["Dark"] = &d } tmpl, err := GetTemplate("root.html") if err != nil { fmt.Println("template fail", err) w.Write([]byte("500 - Server Error")) return } if err = tmpl.Execute(w, data); err != nil { fmt.Println("execute fail", err) } } type NodeSoftware struct { Name string `json:"name"` Version string `json:"version"` } type NodeInfo struct { Software NodeSoftware `json:"software"` } func IsLemmy(domain string, remoteAddr string) bool { client := http.Client{Transport: NewAddHeaderTransport(remoteAddr)} var nodeInfo NodeInfo res, err := client.Get("https://" + domain + "/nodeinfo/2.0.json") if err != nil { return false } err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&nodeInfo) if err != nil { return false } if nodeInfo.Software.Name == "lemmy" { return true } return false } func PostRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { data := make(map[string]any) tmpl, err := GetTemplate("root.html") if err != nil { fmt.Println("execute fail", err) w.Write([]byte("500 - Server Error")) return } input := r.FormValue("destination") re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(([a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{1})|([0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]))\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6}|[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,30}\.[a-zA-Z ]{2,3})`) if re.MatchString(input) { input = "https://" + input } dest, _ := url.Parse(input) if dest.Host != "" { state, _ := Initialize(dest.Host, r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err := state.LemmyError(dest.Host); err != nil { data["Error"] = err } else { redirectUrl := "/" + dest.Host + dest.Path if dest.RawQuery != "" { redirectUrl = redirectUrl + "?" + dest.RawQuery } http.Redirect(w, r, redirectUrl, http.StatusFound) return } } else { data["Error"] = "Invalid destination" } tmpl.Execute(w, data) } func GetIcon(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { if ps.ByName("host") == "favicon.ico" { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) w.Write([]byte("404 - Not Found")) } state, _ := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) state.Client.Token = "" resp, err := state.Client.Site(context.Background()) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) w.Write([]byte("500 - Server Error")) return } if !resp.SiteView.Site.Icon.IsValid() { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) w.Write([]byte("404 - Not Found")) return } u := resp.SiteView.Site.Icon.String() if pictrs.MatchString(u) { u += "?format=png&thumbnail=60" } iresp, err := state.HTTPClient.Get(u) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) w.Write([]byte("500 - Server Error")) return } defer iresp.Body.Close() w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg") w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000") io.Copy(w, iresp.Body) } func GetFrontpage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) if state.CookieAge != int(time.Now().Month()) { setCookies(w, &state) } state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["edit"]) > 0 { state.Op = "edit_community" } if ps.ByName("community") == "" || state.Op == "edit_community" { state.GetSite() } state.GetCommunity(ps.ByName("community")) if state.Op == "" { state.GetPosts() } if state.XHR { Render(w, "xhr.html", state) } else { Render(w, "frontpage.html", state) } } func GetCommunities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { r.URL.Path = "/search" if ps.ByName("host") != "" { r.URL.Path = "/" + ps.ByName("host") + "/search" } r.URL.RawQuery = "searchtype=Communities&sort=TopMonth" http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusFound) } func ResolveId(r *http.Request, class string, id string, host string) string { remoteAddr := r.RemoteAddr if r.Header.Get("CF-Connecting-IP") != "" { remoteAddr = r.Header.Get("CF-Connecting-IP") } client := http.Client{Transport: NewAddHeaderTransport(remoteAddr)} c, err := lemmy.NewWithClient("https://"+host, &client) if err != nil { return "" } idn, _ := strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 64) if class == "post" { resp, err := c.Post(context.Background(), lemmy.GetPost{ ID: lemmy.NewOptional(idn), }) if err != nil { return "" } return resp.PostView.Post.ApID } resp, err := c.Comment(context.Background(), lemmy.GetComment{ ID: idn, }) if err != nil { return "" } return resp.CommentView.Comment.ApID } func GetPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } // redirect /post/remote_id@instance to /post/local_id if path := strings.Split(ps.ByName("postid"), "@"); len(path) > 1 { apid := ResolveId(r, "post", path[0], path[1]) if apid != "" { resp, err := state.Client.ResolveObject(context.Background(), lemmy.ResolveObject{ Q: apid, }) if err != nil { dest := apid if os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN") == "" { dest = RegReplace(dest, `https:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\/post\/\d+)`, `/$1`) } http.Redirect(w, r, dest, http.StatusFound) return } post, _ := resp.Post.Value() if post.Post.ID > 0 { dest := RegReplace(r.URL.String(), `(([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)?/post/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.@]+)`, `$1`) dest += strconv.FormatInt(post.Post.ID, 10) http.Redirect(w, r, dest, http.StatusFound) return } else { http.Redirect(w, r, apid, http.StatusFound) return } } } m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["edit"]) > 0 { state.Op = "edit_post" state.GetSite() } if len(m["content"]) > 0 { state.Content = m["content"][0] } postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(ps.ByName("postid"), 10, 64) state.GetPost(postid) if ps.ByName("op") == "block" { state.Op = "block" Render(w, "block.html", state) return } if len(m["sort"]) > 0 { state.CommentSort = m["sort"][0] } state.GetComments() Render(w, "index.html", state) } func GetComment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } if path := strings.Split(ps.ByName("commentid"), "@"); len(path) > 1 { apid := ResolveId(r, "comment", path[0], path[1]) if apid != "" { resp, err := state.Client.ResolveObject(context.Background(), lemmy.ResolveObject{ Q: apid, }) if err != nil { dest := apid if os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN") == "" { dest = RegReplace(dest, `https:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\/comment\/\d+)`, `/$1`) } http.Redirect(w, r, dest, http.StatusFound) return } comment, _ := resp.Comment.Value() if comment.Comment.ID > 0 { dest := RegReplace(r.URL.String(), `(([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)?/comment/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.@]+)`, `$1`) dest += strconv.FormatInt(comment.Comment.ID, 10) http.Redirect(w, r, dest, http.StatusFound) return } else { http.Redirect(w, r, apid, http.StatusFound) return } } } m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["reply"]) > 0 { state.Op = "reply" } if len(m["edit"]) > 0 { state.Op = "edit" } if r.Method == "POST" && len(m["content"]) > 0 { state.Content = m["content"][0] } if len(m["source"]) > 0 { state.Op = "source" } if len(m["context"]) > 0 { ctx, _ := strconv.Atoi(m["context"][0]) state.Context = ctx } commentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(ps.ByName("commentid"), 10, 64) state.GetComment(commentid) if ps.ByName("op") == "block" { state.Op = "block" Render(w, "block.html", state) return } if state.XHR && len(m["content"]) > 0 { Render(w, "create_comment.html", state) return } state.GetPost(state.PostID) Render(w, "index.html", state) } func GetUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) state.Sort = "New" m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["sort"]) > 0 { state.Sort = m["sort"][0] } if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.GetUser(ps.ByName("username")) if state.Site == nil { state.GetSite() } Render(w, "index.html", state) } func GetMessageForm(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.Op = "send_message" state.GetUser(ps.ByName("username")) Render(w, "index.html", state) } func SendMessage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } userid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("userid"), 10, 64) _, err = state.Client.CreatePrivateMessage(context.Background(), lemmy.CreatePrivateMessage{ Content: r.FormValue("content"), RecipientID: userid, }) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/inbox" http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusFound) } func GetCreatePost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["url"]) > 0 { state.SubmitURL = m["url"][0] } if len(m["title"]) > 0 { state.SubmitTitle = m["title"][0] } if len(m["body"]) > 0 { state.SubmitBody = m["body"][0] } state.GetSite() state.GetCommunity("") state.Op = "create_post" Render(w, "index.html", state) } func GetCreateCommunity(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.GetSite() state.Op = "create_community" if ps.ByName("community") != "" { state.GetCommunity(ps.ByName("community")) state.Op = "edit_community" } Render(w, "index.html", state) } func Inbox(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.GetMessages() Render(w, "index.html", state) state.MarkAllAsRead() } func getCookie(r *http.Request, name string) string { cookie, err := r.Cookie(name) if err != nil { return "" } return cookie.Value } func setCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, host string, name string, value string) { if host == "." { host = "" } cookie := http.Cookie{ Name: name, Value: value, MaxAge: 86400 * 30 * 10, HttpOnly: true, SameSite: http.SameSiteNoneMode, Secure: true, Path: "/" + host, } http.SetCookie(w, &cookie) } func deleteCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, host string, name string) { if host == "." { host = "" } cookie := http.Cookie{ Name: name, Path: "/" + host, MaxAge: -1, } http.SetCookie(w, &cookie) } func setCookies(w http.ResponseWriter, state *State) { env := make(map[string]string) env["HideThumbnails"] = "HIDE_THUMBNAILS" env["CollapseMedia"] = "COLLAPSE_MEDIA" env["LinksInNewWindow"] = "LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW" env["DefaultSortType"] = "SORT" env["DefaultListingType"] = "LISTING" env["DefaultCommentSortType"] = "COMMENT_SORT" bools := make(map[string]bool) bools["ShowNSFW"] = state.ShowNSFW bools["HideInstanceNames"] = state.HideInstanceNames bools["HideThumbnails"] = state.HideThumbnails bools["CollapseMedia"] = state.CollapseMedia bools["LinksInNewWindow"] = state.LinksInNewWindow for k, v := range bools { e, ok := env[k] ev := (ok && os.Getenv(e) != "") if !v && ev { setCookie(w, "", k, "0") } else if v && !ev { setCookie(w, "", k, "1") } else { deleteCookie(w, "", k) } } strings := make(map[string]string) strings["DefaultSortType"] = state.Sort strings["DefaultListingType"] = state.Listing strings["DefaultCommentSortType"] = state.CommentSort for k, v := range strings { if e, ok := env[k]; ok && getenv(e) == v { deleteCookie(w, "", k) } else { setCookie(w, "", k, v) } } if state.Dark == nil { deleteCookie(w, "", "Dark") } else if *state.Dark { setCookie(w, "", "Dark", "1") } else { setCookie(w, "", "Dark", "0") } if state.Session != nil { setCookie(w, state.Host, "user", state.Session.UserName+":"+strconv.Itoa(state.Session.UserID)) setCookie(w, state.Host, "jwt", state.Client.Token) } setCookie(w, state.Host, "CookieAge", strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Month()))) } func Settings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.GetSite() switch r.Method { case "POST": dark := true switch r.FormValue("Dark") { case "1": state.Dark = &dark case "0": dark = false state.Dark = &dark default: state.Dark = nil } bools := make(map[string]*bool) bools["shownsfw"] = &state.ShowNSFW bools["hideInstanceNames"] = &state.HideInstanceNames bools["hideThumbnails"] = &state.HideThumbnails bools["collapseMedia"] = &state.CollapseMedia bools["linksInNewWindow"] = &state.LinksInNewWindow for k, v := range bools { *v = r.FormValue(k) != "" } strings := make(map[string]*string) strings["DefaultListingType"] = &state.Listing strings["DefaultSortType"] = &state.Sort strings["DefaultCommentSortType"] = &state.CommentSort for k, v := range strings { *v = r.FormValue(k) } setCookies(w, &state) // TODO save user settings // TODO fetch user settings //case "GET": // if state.Session != nil { // } } Render(w, "settings.html", state) } func SignUpOrLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) Render(w, "index.html", state) return } var token string switch r.FormValue("submit") { case "log in": login := lemmy.Login{ UsernameOrEmail: r.FormValue("username"), Password: r.FormValue("password"), } if r.FormValue("totp") != "" { login.TOTP2FAToken = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("totp")) } resp, err := state.Client.Login(context.Background(), login) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), "missing_totp_token") { state.Op = "2fa" } fmt.Println(err) state.Error = err state.GetSite() state.GetCaptcha() Render(w, "login.html", state) return } if resp.JWT.IsValid() { token = resp.JWT.String() deleteCookie(w, state.Host, "ShowNSFW") } case "sign up": register := lemmy.Register{ Username: r.FormValue("username"), Password: r.FormValue("password"), PasswordVerify: r.FormValue("passwordverify"), ShowNSFW: r.FormValue("nsfw") != "", } if r.FormValue("email") != "" { register.Email = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("email")) } if r.FormValue("answer") != "" { register.Answer = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("answer")) } if r.FormValue("captchauuid") != "" { register.CaptchaUUID = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("captchauuid")) } if r.FormValue("captchaanswer") != "" { register.CaptchaAnswer = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("captchaanswer")) } resp, err := state.Client.Register(context.Background(), register) if err != nil { state.Error = err state.GetSite() state.GetCaptcha() Render(w, "login.html", state) return } if resp.JWT.IsValid() { token = resp.JWT.String() } else { var alert string if resp.RegistrationCreated { alert = "Registration application submitted. " } if resp.VerifyEmailSent { alert = alert + "Email verification sent. " } q := r.URL.Query() q.Add("alert", alert) r.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusFound) return } } if token != "" { state.Client.Token = token state.GetSite() if myUser, ok := state.Site.MyUser.Value(); ok { setCookie(w, state.Host, "jwt", token) userid := strconv.FormatInt(myUser.LocalUserView.Person.ID, 10) setCookie(w, state.Host, "user", myUser.LocalUserView.Person.Name+":"+userid) setCookie(w, state.Host, "jwt", token) r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusFound) } return } } func GetLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.GetSite() if state.Site != nil && state.Site.SiteView.LocalSite.CaptchaEnabled { state.GetCaptcha() } m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["alert"]) > 0 { state.Alert = m["alert"][0] } Render(w, "login.html", state) } func Search(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } if state.CommunityName != "" { state.GetCommunity(state.CommunityName) } if state.UserName != "" { state.GetUser(state.UserName) } else if state.Community == nil { state.GetSite() } m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) state.SearchType = "All" if len(m["searchtype"]) > 0 { switch m["searchtype"][0] { case "Posts": state.SearchType = "Posts" case "Comments": state.SearchType = "Comments" case "Communities": state.SearchType = "Communities" case "Url": state.SearchType = "Url" } } state.Search(state.SearchType) Render(w, "index.html", state) } type PictrsFile struct { Filename string `json:"file"` DeleteToken string `json:"delete_token"` } type PictrsResponse struct { Message string `json:"msg"` Files []PictrsFile `json:"files"` } func UserOp(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { state, err := Initialize(ps.ByName("host"), r) state.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } host := state.Host if host == "." { host = os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN") } switch r.FormValue("op") { case "leave": communityid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("communityid"), 10, 64) state.Client.FollowCommunity(context.Background(), lemmy.FollowCommunity{ CommunityID: communityid, Follow: false, }) case "join": communityid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("communityid"), 10, 64) state.Client.FollowCommunity(context.Background(), lemmy.FollowCommunity{ CommunityID: communityid, Follow: true, }) case "block": communityid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("communityid"), 10, 64) state.Client.BlockCommunity(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockCommunity{ CommunityID: communityid, Block: true, }) case "unblock": communityid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("communityid"), 10, 64) state.Client.BlockCommunity(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockCommunity{ CommunityID: communityid, Block: false, }) case "block_user": personId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("user_id"), 10, 64) if personId == 0 { state.GetUser(ps.ByName("username")) personId = state.User.PersonView.Person.ID } state.Client.BlockPerson(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockPerson{ PersonID: personId, Block: r.FormValue("submit") != "unblock", }) if r.FormValue("xhr") == "1" { w.Write([]byte{}) return } case "sidetoggle": if state.HideSidebar { deleteCookie(w, state.Host, "HideSidebar") } else { setCookie(w, state.Host, "HideSidebar", "1") } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { return } case "logout": deleteCookie(w, state.Host, "jwt") deleteCookie(w, state.Host, "user") case "login": login := lemmy.Login{ UsernameOrEmail: r.FormValue("username"), Password: r.FormValue("password"), } if r.FormValue("totp") != "" { login.TOTP2FAToken = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("totp")) } resp, err := state.Client.Login(context.Background(), login) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), "missing_totp_token") { state.Op = "2fa" } state.GetSite() if state.Site != nil && state.Site.SiteView.LocalSite.CaptchaEnabled { state.GetCaptcha() } state.Status = http.StatusUnauthorized state.Error = err Render(w, "login.html", state) return } else if resp.JWT.IsValid() { state.Client.Token = resp.JWT.String() state.GetSite() if myuser, ok := state.Site.MyUser.Value(); ok { setCookie(w, state.Host, "jwt", resp.JWT.String()) userid := strconv.FormatInt(myuser.LocalUserView.Person.ID, 10) setCookie(w, state.Host, "user", myuser.LocalUserView.Person.Name+":"+userid) } } case "create_community": state.GetSite() community := lemmy.CreateCommunity{ Name: r.FormValue("name"), Title: r.FormValue("title"), } if r.FormValue("description") != "" { community.Description = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("description")) } if file, handler, err := r.FormFile("icon"); err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } community.Icon = lemmy.NewOptional("https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename) } if file, handler, err := r.FormFile("banner"); err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } community.Banner = lemmy.NewOptional("https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename) } resp, err := state.Client.CreateCommunity(context.Background(), community) if err == nil { r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/c/" + resp.CommunityView.Community.Name } else { fmt.Println(err) } case "edit_community": state.CommunityName = ps.ByName("community") state.GetCommunity("") if state.Community == nil { Render(w, "index.html", state) return } state.GetSite() community := lemmy.EditCommunity{ CommunityID: state.Community.CommunityView.Community.ID, } if r.FormValue("title") != "" { community.Title = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("title")) } if r.FormValue("description") != "" { community.Description = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("description")) } if file, handler, err := r.FormFile("icon"); err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } community.Icon = lemmy.NewOptional("https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename) } if file, handler, err := r.FormFile("banner"); err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } community.Banner = lemmy.NewOptional("https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename) } resp, err := state.Client.EditCommunity(context.Background(), community) if err == nil { r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/c/" + resp.CommunityView.Community.Name } else { fmt.Println(err) } case "create_post": if state.CommunityName == "" { state.CommunityName = r.FormValue("communityname") } state.GetCommunity(state.CommunityName) state.GetSite() if state.Community == nil { state.Status = http.StatusBadRequest state.Op = "create_post" Render(w, "index.html", state) return } post := lemmy.CreatePost{ Name: r.FormValue("name"), CommunityID: state.Community.CommunityView.Community.ID, } if r.FormValue("url") != "" { post.URL = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("url")) } file, handler, err := r.FormFile("file") if err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } post.URL = lemmy.NewOptional("https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename) } if r.FormValue("body") != "" { post.Body = lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("body")) } if r.FormValue("language") != "" { languageid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("language"), 10, 64) post.LanguageID = lemmy.NewOptional(languageid) } resp, err := state.Client.CreatePost(context.Background(), post) if err == nil { postid := strconv.FormatInt(resp.PostView.Post.ID, 10) r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/post/" + postid } else { fmt.Println(err) } case "edit_post": r.ParseMultipartForm(10 << 20) state.GetSite() postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(ps.ByName("postid"), 10, 64) post := lemmy.EditPost{ PostID: postid, Body: lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("body")), Name: lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("name")), URL: lemmy.NewOptional(r.FormValue("url")), } if r.FormValue("url") == "" { post.URL = lemmy.Optional[string]{} } if r.FormValue("language") != "" { languageid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("language"), 10, 64) post.LanguageID = lemmy.NewOptional(languageid) } file, handler, err := r.FormFile("file") if err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } post.URL = lemmy.NewOptional("https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename) } resp, err := state.Client.EditPost(context.Background(), post) if err == nil { postid := strconv.FormatInt(resp.PostView.Post.ID, 10) r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/post/" + postid r.URL.RawQuery = "" } else { state.Status = http.StatusBadRequest state.Error = err fmt.Println(err) } case "save_post": postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("postid"), 10, 64) _, err := state.Client.SavePost(context.Background(), lemmy.SavePost{ PostID: postid, Save: r.FormValue("submit") == "save", }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.GetPost(postid) state.PostID = 0 state.Op = "save_post" state.XHR = true Render(w, "index.html", state) return } case "save_comment": commentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("commentid"), 10, 64) _, err := state.Client.SaveComment(context.Background(), lemmy.SaveComment{ CommentID: commentid, Save: r.FormValue("submit") == "save", }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.XHR = true state.GetComment(commentid) Render(w, "index.html", state) return } case "delete_post": postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("postid"), 10, 64) post := lemmy.DeletePost{ PostID: postid, Deleted: true, } if r.FormValue("undo") != "" { post.Deleted = false } resp, err := state.Client.DeletePost(context.Background(), post) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/c/" + resp.PostView.Community.Name r.URL.RawQuery = "" } case "block_post": postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("postid"), 10, 64) state.GetPost(postid) if r.FormValue("blockcommunity") != "" && len(state.Posts) > 0 { state.Client.BlockCommunity(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockCommunity{ CommunityID: state.Posts[0].Post.CommunityID, Block: true, }) } if r.FormValue("blockuser") != "" && len(state.Posts) > 0 { state.Client.BlockPerson(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockPerson{ PersonID: state.Posts[0].Post.CreatorID, Block: true, }) } if r.FormValue("blockpostinstance") != "" && len(state.Posts) > 0 { instanceID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("postinstanceid"), 10, 64) state.Client.BlockInstance(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockInstance{ InstanceID: instanceID, Block: true, }) } if r.FormValue("blockuserinstance") != "" && len(state.Posts) > 0 { instanceID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("userinstanceid"), 10, 64) state.Client.BlockInstance(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockInstance{ InstanceID: instanceID, Block: true, }) } if reason := r.FormValue("reason"); reason != "" { state.Client.CreatePostReport(context.Background(), lemmy.CreatePostReport{ PostID: postid, Reason: reason, }) } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { w.Write([]byte{}) return } case "block_comment": commentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("commentid"), 10, 64) state.GetComment(commentid) if r.FormValue("blockuser") != "" && len(state.Comments) > 0 { fmt.Println("blockuser") state.Client.BlockPerson(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockPerson{ PersonID: state.Comments[0].P.Creator.ID, Block: true, }) } if r.FormValue("blockuserinstance") != "" && len(state.Comments) > 0 { fmt.Println("blockuserinstance") state.Client.BlockInstance(context.Background(), lemmy.BlockInstance{ InstanceID: state.Comments[0].P.Creator.InstanceID, Block: true, }) } if reason := r.FormValue("reason"); reason != "" { state.Client.CreateCommentReport(context.Background(), lemmy.CreateCommentReport{ CommentID: commentid, Reason: r.FormValue("reason"), }) } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { w.Write([]byte{}) return } case "read_post": postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("postid"), 10, 64) post := lemmy.MarkPostAsRead{ PostIDs: lemmy.NewOptional([]int64{postid}), Read: true, } if r.FormValue("submit") == "mark unread" { post.Read = false } _, err := state.Client.MarkPostAsRead(context.Background(), post) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { w.Write([]byte{}) return } case "vote_post": var score int64 score = 1 if r.FormValue("vote") != "▲" { score = -1 } if r.FormValue("undo") == strconv.Itoa(int(score)) { score = 0 } postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("postid"), 10, 64) post := lemmy.CreatePostLike{ PostID: postid, Score: score, } state.Client.LikePost(context.Background(), post) if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.GetPost(postid) state.PostID = 0 state.Op = "vote_post" state.XHR = true Render(w, "index.html", state) return } case "vote_comment": var score int64 score = 1 if r.FormValue("submit") != "▲" { score = -1 } if r.FormValue("undo") == strconv.Itoa(int(score)) { score = 0 } commentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("commentid"), 10, 64) post := lemmy.CreateCommentLike{ CommentID: commentid, Score: score, } state.Client.LikeComment(context.Background(), post) if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.XHR = true if r.URL.Path == "/inbox" || r.URL.Path[:3] == "/u/" { state.Query = "show context link" state.GetSingleComment(commentid) } else { state.GetComment(commentid) } Render(w, "index.html", state) return } case "create_comment": if ps.ByName("postid") != "" { postid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(ps.ByName("postid"), 10, 64) state.PostID = postid } if r.FormValue("parentid") != "" && r.FormValue("parentid") != "0" { parentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("parentid"), 10, 64) state.GetComment(parentid) } content := r.FormValue("content") file, handler, err := r.FormFile("file") if err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } content += ("![](https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename + ")") } if r.FormValue("submit") == "save" { createComment := lemmy.CreateComment{ Content: content, PostID: state.PostID, } if state.CommentID > 0 { createComment.ParentID = lemmy.NewOptional(state.CommentID) } resp, err := state.Client.CreateComment(context.Background(), createComment) if err == nil { if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.XHR = true state.Comments = nil state.GetComment(resp.CommentView.Comment.ID) Render(w, "index.html", state) return } postid := strconv.FormatInt(state.PostID, 10) commentid := strconv.FormatInt(resp.CommentView.Comment.ID, 10) r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host + "/post/" + postid r.URL.Fragment = "c" + commentid } else { fmt.Println(err) } } else if r.FormValue("submit") == "preview" { q := r.URL.Query() q.Set("content", content) q.Set("reply", "") if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { q.Set("xhr", "1") } r.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() if ps.ByName("postid") != "" { GetPost(w, r, ps) return } if ps.ByName("commentid") != "" { GetComment(w, r, ps) return } } else if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { w.Write([]byte{}) return } if r.FormValue("submit") == "cancel" { r.URL.RawQuery = "" } case "edit_comment": commentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("commentid"), 10, 64) q := r.URL.Query() content := r.FormValue("content") file, handler, err := r.FormFile("file") if err == nil { pres, err := state.UploadImage(file, handler) if err != nil { state.Error = err Render(w, "index.html", state) return } content += ("![](https://" + host + "/pictrs/image/" + pres.Files[0].Filename + ")") } if r.FormValue("submit") == "save" { resp, err := state.Client.EditComment(context.Background(), lemmy.EditComment{ CommentID: commentid, Content: lemmy.NewOptional(content), }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { commentid := strconv.FormatInt(resp.CommentView.Comment.ID, 10) r.URL.Fragment = "c" + commentid r.URL.RawQuery = "" } } else if r.FormValue("submit") == "preview" { q.Set("content", content) q.Set("edit", "") if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { q.Set("xhr", "1") } r.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() if ps.ByName("commentid") != "" { GetComment(w, r, ps) return } } else if r.FormValue("submit") == "cancel" { if ps.ByName("commentid") != "" { if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { q.Set("xhr", "1") } r.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() GetComment(w, r, ps) return } } else if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { w.Write([]byte{}) return } if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.XHR = true state.GetComment(commentid) Render(w, "index.html", state) return } if r.FormValue("submit") == "cancel" { r.URL.RawQuery = "" } case "delete_comment": commentid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("commentid"), 10, 64) resp, err := state.Client.DeleteComment(context.Background(), lemmy.DeleteComment{ CommentID: commentid, Deleted: true, }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { if r.FormValue("xhr") != "" { state.XHR = true state.Comments = append(state.Comments, Comment{P: resp.CommentView, State: &state}) state.CommentID = commentid Render(w, "index.html", state) return } commentid := strconv.FormatInt(resp.CommentView.Comment.ID, 10) r.URL.Fragment = "c" + commentid r.URL.RawQuery = "" } case "shownsfw": if r.FormValue("submit") == "continue" { setCookie(w, "", "ShowNSFW", "1") } else { r.URL.Path = "/" + state.Host } } http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusFound) } func GetLink(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) { ref, _ := url.Parse(r.Referer()) if r.Host != ref.Host { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) w.Write([]byte("Invalid Referer")) return } var dest *url.URL m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery) if len(m["url"]) > 0 { dest, _ = url.Parse(m["url"][0]) } if dest.Host == r.Host || !IsLemmy(dest.Host, RemoteAddr(r)) { http.Redirect(w, r, dest.String(), http.StatusFound) return } if host := ps.ByName("host"); host != "" { redirect := "/" + host + dest.Path if host != dest.Host && !strings.Contains(redirect, "@") { redirect += ("@" + dest.Host) } http.Redirect(w, r, redirect, http.StatusFound) return } if host := os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN"); host != "" { redirect := dest.Path if host != dest.Host && !strings.Contains(redirect, "@") { redirect += ("@" + dest.Host) } http.Redirect(w, r, redirect, http.StatusFound) return } } func GetRouter() *httprouter.Router { host := os.Getenv("LEMMY_DOMAIN") router := httprouter.New() if host == "" { router.ServeFiles("/:host/static/*filepath", http.Dir("public")) router.GET("/", GetRoot) router.POST("/", PostRoot) router.GET("/:host/", middleware(GetFrontpage)) router.GET("/:host/search", middleware(Search)) router.POST("/:host/search", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/inbox", middleware(Inbox)) router.POST("/:host/inbox", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/login", middleware(GetLogin)) router.POST("/:host/login", middleware(SignUpOrLogin)) router.GET("/:host/settings", middleware(Settings)) router.POST("/:host/settings", middleware(Settings)) router.POST("/:host/", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/icon.jpg", middleware(GetIcon)) router.GET("/:host/c/:community", middleware(GetFrontpage)) router.POST("/:host/c/:community", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/c/:community/search", middleware(Search)) router.GET("/:host/c/:community/edit", middleware(GetCreateCommunity)) router.GET("/:host/post/:postid", middleware(GetPost)) router.POST("/:host/post/:postid", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/post/:postid/:op", middleware(GetPost)) router.GET("/:host/comment/:commentid", middleware(GetComment)) router.GET("/:host/comment/:commentid/:op", middleware(GetComment)) router.POST("/:host/comment/:commentid", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/u/:username", middleware(GetUser)) router.GET("/:host/u/:username/message", middleware(GetMessageForm)) router.POST("/:host/u/:username/message", middleware(SendMessage)) router.POST("/:host/u/:username", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/u/:username/search", middleware(Search)) router.GET("/:host/create_post", middleware(GetCreatePost)) router.POST("/:host/create_post", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/create_community", middleware(GetCreateCommunity)) router.POST("/:host/create_community", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/:host/communities", middleware(GetCommunities)) //router.GET("/:host/link", middleware(GetLink)) } else { router.ServeFiles("/_/static/*filepath", http.Dir("public")) router.GET("/", middleware(GetFrontpage)) router.GET("/search", middleware(Search)) router.POST("/search", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/inbox", middleware(Inbox)) router.POST("/inbox", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/login", middleware(GetLogin)) router.POST("/login", middleware(SignUpOrLogin)) router.GET("/settings", middleware(Settings)) router.POST("/settings", middleware(Settings)) router.POST("/", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/icon.jpg", middleware(GetIcon)) router.GET("/c/:community", middleware(GetFrontpage)) router.POST("/c/:community", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/c/:community/search", middleware(Search)) router.GET("/c/:community/edit", middleware(GetCreateCommunity)) router.GET("/post/:postid", middleware(GetPost)) router.POST("/post/:postid", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/post/:postid/:op", middleware(GetPost)) router.GET("/comment/:commentid", middleware(GetComment)) router.GET("/comment/:commentid/:op", middleware(GetComment)) router.POST("/comment/:commentid", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/u/:username", middleware(GetUser)) router.GET("/u/:username/message", middleware(GetMessageForm)) router.POST("/u/:username/message", middleware(SendMessage)) router.POST("/u/:username", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/u/:username/search", middleware(Search)) router.GET("/create_post", middleware(GetCreatePost)) router.POST("/create_post", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/create_community", middleware(GetCreateCommunity)) router.POST("/create_community", middleware(UserOp)) router.GET("/communities", middleware(GetCommunities)) //router.GET("/link", middleware(GetLink)) } return router }