# frozen_string_literal: true # == Schema Information # # Table name: statuses # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # uri :string # text :text default(""), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # in_reply_to_id :bigint(8) # reblog_of_id :bigint(8) # url :string # sensitive :boolean default(FALSE), not null # visibility :integer default("public"), not null # spoiler_text :text default(""), not null # reply :boolean default(FALSE), not null # language :string # conversation_id :bigint(8) # local :boolean # account_id :bigint(8) not null # application_id :bigint(8) # in_reply_to_account_id :bigint(8) # poll_id :bigint(8) # deleted_at :datetime # edited_at :datetime # trendable :boolean # ordered_media_attachment_ids :bigint(8) is an Array # class Status < ApplicationRecord include Cacheable include Discard::Model include Paginable include RateLimitable include Status::SafeReblogInsert include Status::SearchConcern include Status::SnapshotConcern include Status::ThreadingConcern MEDIA_ATTACHMENTS_LIMIT = 4 rate_limit by: :account, family: :statuses self.discard_column = :deleted_at # If `override_timestamps` is set at creation time, Snowflake ID creation # will be based on current time instead of `created_at` attr_accessor :override_timestamps update_index('statuses', :proper) update_index('public_statuses', :proper) enum :visibility, { public: 0, unlisted: 1, private: 2, direct: 3, limited: 4 }, suffix: :visibility, validate: true belongs_to :application, class_name: 'Doorkeeper::Application', optional: true belongs_to :account, inverse_of: :statuses belongs_to :in_reply_to_account, class_name: 'Account', optional: true belongs_to :conversation, optional: true belongs_to :preloadable_poll, class_name: 'Poll', foreign_key: 'poll_id', optional: true, inverse_of: false with_options class_name: 'Status', optional: true do belongs_to :thread, foreign_key: 'in_reply_to_id', inverse_of: :replies belongs_to :reblog, foreign_key: 'reblog_of_id', inverse_of: :reblogs end has_many :favourites, inverse_of: :status, dependent: :destroy has_many :bookmarks, inverse_of: :status, dependent: :destroy has_many :reblogs, foreign_key: 'reblog_of_id', class_name: 'Status', inverse_of: :reblog, dependent: :destroy has_many :reblogged_by_accounts, through: :reblogs, class_name: 'Account', source: :account has_many :replies, foreign_key: 'in_reply_to_id', class_name: 'Status', inverse_of: :thread, dependent: nil has_many :mentions, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :status has_many :mentioned_accounts, through: :mentions, source: :account, class_name: 'Account' has_many :media_attachments, dependent: :nullify # The `dependent` option is enabled by the initial `mentions` association declaration has_many :active_mentions, -> { active }, class_name: 'Mention', inverse_of: :status # rubocop:disable Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent # Those associations are used for the private search index has_many :local_mentioned, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :active_mentions, source: :account has_many :local_favorited, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :favourites, source: :account has_many :local_reblogged, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :reblogs, source: :account has_many :local_bookmarked, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :bookmarks, source: :account has_and_belongs_to_many :tags # rubocop:disable Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany has_one :preview_cards_status, inverse_of: :status, dependent: :delete has_one :notification, as: :activity, dependent: :destroy has_one :status_stat, inverse_of: :status, dependent: nil has_one :poll, inverse_of: :status, dependent: :destroy has_one :trend, class_name: 'StatusTrend', inverse_of: :status, dependent: nil validates :uri, uniqueness: true, presence: true, unless: :local? validates :text, presence: true, unless: -> { with_media? || reblog? } validates_with StatusLengthValidator validates_with DisallowedHashtagsValidator validates :reblog, uniqueness: { scope: :account }, if: :reblog? validates :visibility, exclusion: { in: %w(direct limited) }, if: :reblog? accepts_nested_attributes_for :poll default_scope { recent.kept } scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) } scope :remote, -> { where(local: false).where.not(uri: nil) } scope :local, -> { where(local: true).or(where(uri: nil)) } scope :with_accounts, ->(ids) { where(id: ids).includes(:account) } scope :without_replies, -> { not_reply.or(reply_to_account) } scope :not_reply, -> { where(reply: false) } scope :reply_to_account, -> { where(arel_table[:in_reply_to_account_id].eq arel_table[:account_id]) } scope :without_reblogs, -> { where(statuses: { reblog_of_id: nil }) } scope :tagged_with, ->(tag_ids) { joins(:statuses_tags).where(statuses_tags: { tag_id: tag_ids }) } scope :not_excluded_by_account, ->(account) { where.not(account_id: account.excluded_from_timeline_account_ids) } scope :not_domain_blocked_by_account, ->(account) { account.excluded_from_timeline_domains.blank? ? left_outer_joins(:account) : left_outer_joins(:account).merge(Account.not_domain_blocked_by_account(account)) } scope :tagged_with_all, lambda { |tag_ids| Array(tag_ids).map(&:to_i).reduce(self) do |result, id| result.where(<<~SQL.squish, tag_id: id) EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM statuses_tags WHERE statuses_tags.status_id = statuses.id AND statuses_tags.tag_id = :tag_id) SQL end } scope :tagged_with_none, lambda { |tag_ids| where('NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM statuses_tags forbidden WHERE forbidden.status_id = statuses.id AND forbidden.tag_id IN (?))', tag_ids) } scope :distributable_visibility, -> { where(visibility: %i(public unlisted)) } scope :list_eligible_visibility, -> { where(visibility: %i(public unlisted private)) } after_create_commit :trigger_create_webhooks after_update_commit :trigger_update_webhooks after_create_commit :increment_counter_caches after_destroy_commit :decrement_counter_caches after_create_commit :store_uri, if: :local? after_create_commit :update_statistics, if: :local? before_validation :prepare_contents, if: :local? before_validation :set_reblog before_validation :set_visibility before_validation :set_conversation before_validation :set_local around_create Mastodon::Snowflake::Callbacks after_create :set_poll_id # The `prepend: true` option below ensures this runs before # the `dependent: destroy` callbacks remove relevant records before_destroy :unlink_from_conversations!, prepend: true cache_associated :application, :media_attachments, :conversation, :status_stat, :tags, :preloadable_poll, preview_cards_status: { preview_card: { author_account: [:account_stat, user: :role] } }, account: [:account_stat, user: :role], active_mentions: :account, reblog: [ :application, :tags, :media_attachments, :conversation, :status_stat, :preloadable_poll, preview_cards_status: { preview_card: { author_account: [:account_stat, user: :role] } }, account: [:account_stat, user: :role], active_mentions: :account, ], thread: :account delegate :domain, to: :account, prefix: true REAL_TIME_WINDOW = 6.hours def cache_key "v3:#{super}" end def to_log_human_identifier account.acct end def to_log_permalink ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_for(self) end def reply? !in_reply_to_id.nil? || attributes['reply'] end def local? attributes['local'] || uri.nil? end def in_reply_to_local_account? reply? && thread&.account&.local? end def reblog? !reblog_of_id.nil? end def within_realtime_window? created_at >= REAL_TIME_WINDOW.ago end def verb if destroyed? :delete else reblog? ? :share : :post end end def object_type reply? ? :comment : :note end def proper reblog? ? reblog : self end def content proper.text end def target reblog end def preview_card preview_cards_status&.preview_card&.tap { |x| x.original_url = preview_cards_status.url } end def reset_preview_card! PreviewCardsStatus.where(status_id: id).delete_all end def hidden? !distributable? end def distributable? public_visibility? || unlisted_visibility? end alias sign? distributable? def with_media? ordered_media_attachments.any? end def with_preview_card? preview_cards_status.present? end def with_poll? preloadable_poll.present? end def non_sensitive_with_media? !sensitive? && with_media? end def reported? @reported ||= account.targeted_reports.unresolved.exists?(['? = ANY(status_ids)', id]) || account.strikes.exists?(['? = ANY(status_ids)', id.to_s]) end def emojis return @emojis if defined?(@emojis) fields = [spoiler_text, text] fields += preloadable_poll.options unless preloadable_poll.nil? @emojis = CustomEmoji.from_text(fields.join(' '), account.domain) end def ordered_media_attachments if ordered_media_attachment_ids.nil? # NOTE: sort Ruby-side to avoid hitting the database when the status is # not persisted to database yet media_attachments.sort_by(&:id) else map = media_attachments.index_by(&:id) ordered_media_attachment_ids.filter_map { |media_attachment_id| map[media_attachment_id] } end.take(MEDIA_ATTACHMENTS_LIMIT) end def replies_count status_stat&.replies_count || 0 end def reblogs_count status_stat&.reblogs_count || 0 end def favourites_count status_stat&.favourites_count || 0 end def increment_count!(key) update_status_stat!(key => public_send(key) + 1) end def decrement_count!(key) update_status_stat!(key => [public_send(key) - 1, 0].max) end def trendable? if attributes['trendable'].nil? account.trendable? else attributes['trendable'] end end def requires_review? attributes['trendable'].nil? && account.requires_review? end def requires_review_notification? attributes['trendable'].nil? && account.requires_review_notification? end class << self def selectable_visibilities visibilities.keys - %w(direct limited) end def favourites_map(status_ids, account_id) Favourite.select('status_id').where(status_id: status_ids).where(account_id: account_id).each_with_object({}) { |f, h| h[f.status_id] = true } end def bookmarks_map(status_ids, account_id) Bookmark.select('status_id').where(status_id: status_ids).where(account_id: account_id).map { |f| [f.status_id, true] }.to_h end def reblogs_map(status_ids, account_id) unscoped.select('reblog_of_id').where(reblog_of_id: status_ids).where(account_id: account_id).each_with_object({}) { |s, h| h[s.reblog_of_id] = true } end def mutes_map(conversation_ids, account_id) ConversationMute.select('conversation_id').where(conversation_id: conversation_ids).where(account_id: account_id).each_with_object({}) { |m, h| h[m.conversation_id] = true } end def pins_map(status_ids, account_id) StatusPin.select('status_id').where(status_id: status_ids).where(account_id: account_id).each_with_object({}) { |p, h| h[p.status_id] = true } end def from_text(text) return [] if text.blank? text.scan(FetchLinkCardService::URL_PATTERN).map(&:second).uniq.filter_map do |url| status = if TagManager.instance.local_url?(url) ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_resource(url, Status) else EntityCache.instance.status(url) end status&.distributable? ? status : nil end end end def status_stat super || build_status_stat end def discard_with_reblogs discard_time = Time.current Status.unscoped.where(reblog_of_id: id, deleted_at: [nil, deleted_at]).in_batches.update_all(deleted_at: discard_time) unless reblog? update_attribute(:deleted_at, discard_time) end def unlink_from_conversations! return unless direct_visibility? inbox_owners = mentioned_accounts.local inbox_owners += [account] if account.local? inbox_owners.each do |inbox_owner| AccountConversation.remove_status(inbox_owner, self) end end private def update_status_stat!(attrs) return if marked_for_destruction? || destroyed? status_stat.update(attrs) end def store_uri update_column(:uri, ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_for(self)) if uri.nil? end def prepare_contents text&.strip! spoiler_text&.strip! end def set_reblog self.reblog = reblog.reblog if reblog? && reblog.reblog? end def set_poll_id update_column(:poll_id, poll.id) if association(:poll).loaded? && poll.present? end def set_visibility self.visibility = reblog.visibility if reblog? && visibility.nil? self.visibility = (account.locked? ? :private : :public) if visibility.nil? end def set_conversation self.thread = thread.reblog if thread&.reblog? self.reply = !(in_reply_to_id.nil? && thread.nil?) unless reply if reply? && !thread.nil? self.in_reply_to_account_id = carried_over_reply_to_account_id self.conversation_id = thread.conversation_id if conversation_id.nil? elsif conversation_id.nil? self.conversation = Conversation.new end end def carried_over_reply_to_account_id if thread.account_id == account_id && thread.reply? thread.in_reply_to_account_id else thread.account_id end end def set_local self.local = account.local? end def update_statistics return unless distributable? ActivityTracker.increment('activity:statuses:local') end def increment_counter_caches return if direct_visibility? account&.increment_count!(:statuses_count) reblog&.increment_count!(:reblogs_count) if reblog? thread&.increment_count!(:replies_count) if in_reply_to_id.present? && distributable? end def decrement_counter_caches return if direct_visibility? || new_record? account&.decrement_count!(:statuses_count) reblog&.decrement_count!(:reblogs_count) if reblog? thread&.decrement_count!(:replies_count) if in_reply_to_id.present? && distributable? end def trigger_create_webhooks TriggerWebhookWorker.perform_async('status.created', 'Status', id) if local? end def trigger_update_webhooks TriggerWebhookWorker.perform_async('status.updated', 'Status', id) if local? end end