# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe BulkImportService do subject { described_class.new } let(:account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: account, type: import_type, overwrite: overwrite, state: :in_progress, imported_items: 0, processed_items: 0) } before do import.update(total_items: import.rows.count) end describe '#call' do context 'when importing follows' do let(:import_type) { 'following' } let(:overwrite) { false } let!(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'user@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'unknown@unknown.bar' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before { account.follow!(Fabricate(:account)) } it 'does not immediately change who the account follows, enqueues workers, sends follow requests after worker run' do expect { subject.call(import) } .to_not(change { account.reload.active_relationships.to_a }) expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows.map(&:id)) stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers expect(FollowRequest.includes(:target_account).where(account: account).map { |follow_request| follow_request.target_account.acct }) .to contain_exactly('user@foo.bar', 'unknown@unknown.bar') end end context 'when importing follows with overwrite' do let(:import_type) { 'following' } let(:overwrite) { true } let!(:followed) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'followed', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:to_be_unfollowed) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'to_be_unfollowed', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'followed@foo.bar', 'show_reblogs' => false, 'notify' => true, 'languages' => ['en'] }, { 'acct' => 'user@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'unknown@unknown.bar' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before do account.follow!(followed, reblogs: true, notify: false) account.follow!(to_be_unfollowed) end it 'updates the existing follow relationship as expected and unfollows user not on list, enqueues workers, sends follow reqs after worker run' do expect { subject.call(import) } .to change { Follow.where(account: account, target_account: followed).pick(:show_reblogs, :notify, :languages) }.from([true, false, nil]).to([false, true, ['en']]) expect(account) .to_not be_following(to_be_unfollowed) expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows[1..].map(&:id)) stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers expect(FollowRequest.includes(:target_account).where(account: account).map { |follow_request| follow_request.target_account.acct }) .to contain_exactly('user@foo.bar', 'unknown@unknown.bar') end end context 'when importing blocks' do let(:import_type) { 'blocking' } let(:overwrite) { false } let!(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'user@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'unknown@unknown.bar' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before { account.block!(Fabricate(:account, username: 'already_blocked', domain: 'remote.org')) } it 'does not immediately change who the account blocks, enqueues worker, blocks after run' do expect { subject.call(import) } .to_not(change { account.reload.blocking.to_a }) expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows.map(&:id)) stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers expect(account.reload.blocking.map(&:acct)) .to contain_exactly('already_blocked@remote.org', 'user@foo.bar', 'unknown@unknown.bar') end end context 'when importing blocks with overwrite' do let(:import_type) { 'blocking' } let(:overwrite) { true } let!(:blocked) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'blocked', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:to_be_unblocked) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'to_be_unblocked', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'blocked@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'user@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'unknown@unknown.bar' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before do account.block!(blocked) account.block!(to_be_unblocked) end it 'unblocks user not present on list, enqueues worker, requests follow after run' do subject.call(import) expect(account.blocking?(to_be_unblocked)).to be false expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows[1..].map(&:id)) stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers expect(account.blocking.map(&:acct)) .to contain_exactly('blocked@foo.bar', 'user@foo.bar', 'unknown@unknown.bar') end end context 'when importing mutes' do let(:import_type) { 'muting' } let(:overwrite) { false } let!(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'user@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'unknown@unknown.bar' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before { account.mute!(Fabricate(:account, username: 'already_muted', domain: 'remote.org')) } it 'does not immediately change who the account blocks, enqueures worker, mutes users after worker run' do expect { subject.call(import) } .to_not(change { account.reload.muting.to_a }) expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows.map(&:id)) stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers expect(account.reload.muting.map(&:acct)) .to contain_exactly('already_muted@remote.org', 'user@foo.bar', 'unknown@unknown.bar') end end context 'when importing mutes with overwrite' do let(:import_type) { 'muting' } let(:overwrite) { true } let!(:muted) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'muted', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:to_be_unmuted) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'to_be_unmuted', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'muted@foo.bar', 'hide_notifications' => true }, { 'acct' => 'user@foo.bar' }, { 'acct' => 'unknown@unknown.bar' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before do account.mute!(muted, notifications: false) account.mute!(to_be_unmuted) end it 'updates the existing mute as expected and unblocks user not on list, and enqueues worker, and requests follow after worker run' do expect { subject.call(import) } .to change { Mute.where(account: account, target_account: muted).pick(:hide_notifications) }.from(false).to(true) expect(account.muting?(to_be_unmuted)).to be false expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows[1..].map(&:id)) stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers expect(account.muting.map(&:acct)) .to contain_exactly('muted@foo.bar', 'user@foo.bar', 'unknown@unknown.bar') end end context 'when importing domain blocks' do let(:import_type) { 'domain_blocking' } let(:overwrite) { false } let(:rows) do [ { 'domain' => 'blocked.com' }, { 'domain' => 'to-block.com' }, ] end before do rows.each { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } account.block_domain!('alreadyblocked.com') account.block_domain!('blocked.com') end it 'blocks all the new domains and marks import finished' do subject.call(import) expect(account.domain_blocks.pluck(:domain)) .to contain_exactly('alreadyblocked.com', 'blocked.com', 'to-block.com') expect(import.reload.state_finished?).to be true end end context 'when importing domain blocks with overwrite' do let(:import_type) { 'domain_blocking' } let(:overwrite) { true } let(:rows) do [ { 'domain' => 'blocked.com' }, { 'domain' => 'to-block.com' }, ] end before do rows.each { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } account.block_domain!('alreadyblocked.com') account.block_domain!('blocked.com') end it 'blocks all the new domains and marks import finished' do subject.call(import) expect(account.domain_blocks.pluck(:domain)) .to contain_exactly('blocked.com', 'to-block.com') expect(import.reload.state_finished?) .to be true end end context 'when importing bookmarks' do let(:import_type) { 'bookmarks' } let(:overwrite) { false } let!(:already_bookmarked) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://already.bookmarked/1') } let!(:status) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://foo.bar/posts/1') } let!(:inaccessible_status) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://foo.bar/posts/inaccessible', visibility: :direct) } let!(:bookmarked) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://foo.bar/posts/already-bookmarked') } let!(:rows) do [ { 'uri' => status.uri }, { 'uri' => inaccessible_status.uri }, { 'uri' => bookmarked.uri }, { 'uri' => 'https://domain.unknown/foo' }, { 'uri' => 'https://domain.unknown/private' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before do account.bookmarks.create!(status: already_bookmarked) account.bookmarks.create!(status: bookmarked) end it 'enqueues workers for the expected rows and updates bookmarks after worker run' do subject.call(import) expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows.map(&:id)) stub_fetch_remote_and_drain_workers expect(account.bookmarks.map { |bookmark| bookmark.status.uri }) .to contain_exactly(already_bookmarked.uri, status.uri, bookmarked.uri, 'https://domain.unknown/foo') end end context 'when importing bookmarks with overwrite' do let(:import_type) { 'bookmarks' } let(:overwrite) { true } let!(:already_bookmarked) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://already.bookmarked/1') } let!(:status) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://foo.bar/posts/1') } let!(:inaccessible_status) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://foo.bar/posts/inaccessible', visibility: :direct) } let!(:bookmarked) { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://foo.bar/posts/already-bookmarked') } let!(:rows) do [ { 'uri' => status.uri }, { 'uri' => inaccessible_status.uri }, { 'uri' => bookmarked.uri }, { 'uri' => 'https://domain.unknown/foo' }, { 'uri' => 'https://domain.unknown/private' }, ].map { |data| import.rows.create!(data: data) } end before do account.bookmarks.create!(status: already_bookmarked) account.bookmarks.create!(status: bookmarked) end it 'enqueues workers for the expected rows and updates bookmarks' do subject.call(import) expect(row_worker_job_args) .to match_array(rows.map(&:id)) stub_fetch_remote_and_drain_workers expect(account.bookmarks.map { |bookmark| bookmark.status.uri }) .to contain_exactly(status.uri, bookmarked.uri, 'https://domain.unknown/foo') end end def row_worker_job_args Import::RowWorker .jobs .pluck('args') .flatten end def stub_resolve_account_and_drain_workers resolve_account_service_double = instance_double(ResolveAccountService) allow(ResolveAccountService) .to receive(:new) .and_return(resolve_account_service_double) allow(resolve_account_service_double) .to receive(:call) .with('user@foo.bar', any_args) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'user', domain: 'foo.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } allow(resolve_account_service_double) .to receive(:call) .with('unknown@unknown.bar', any_args) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'unknown', domain: 'unknown.bar', protocol: :activitypub) } Import::RowWorker.drain end def stub_fetch_remote_and_drain_workers service_double = instance_double(ActivityPub::FetchRemoteStatusService) allow(ActivityPub::FetchRemoteStatusService).to receive(:new).and_return(service_double) allow(service_double).to receive(:call).with('https://domain.unknown/foo') { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://domain.unknown/foo') } allow(service_double).to receive(:call).with('https://domain.unknown/private') { Fabricate(:status, uri: 'https://domain.unknown/private', visibility: :direct) } Import::RowWorker.drain end end end