mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 22:57:17 +00:00
More fixes - fixed docker builds - fixed mentions regex test - fixed DATABASE_URL stuff - change schema path in diesel.toml Address review comments - add jsonb column back into activity table - remove authors field from cargo.toml - adjust LEMMY_DATABASE_URL env var usage - rename all occurences of LEMMY_DATABASE_URL to DATABASE_URL Decouple utils and db Split code into cargo workspaces Co-authored-by: Felix Ableitner <me@nutomic.com> Reviewed-on: https://yerbamate.dev/LemmyNet/lemmy/pulls/67
740 lines
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740 lines
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use super::user::Register;
use crate::{
api::{claims::Claims, APIError, Oper, Perform},
websocket::{server::SendAllMessage, UserOperation, WebsocketInfo},
use lemmy_db::{
use lemmy_utils::{settings::Settings, slur_check, slurs_vec_to_str};
use log::{debug, info};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ListCategories {}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ListCategoriesResponse {
categories: Vec<Category>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Search {
q: String,
type_: String,
community_id: Option<i32>,
sort: String,
page: Option<i64>,
limit: Option<i64>,
auth: Option<String>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct SearchResponse {
pub type_: String,
pub comments: Vec<CommentView>,
pub posts: Vec<PostView>,
pub communities: Vec<CommunityView>,
pub users: Vec<UserView>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GetModlog {
mod_user_id: Option<i32>,
community_id: Option<i32>,
page: Option<i64>,
limit: Option<i64>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GetModlogResponse {
removed_posts: Vec<ModRemovePostView>,
locked_posts: Vec<ModLockPostView>,
stickied_posts: Vec<ModStickyPostView>,
removed_comments: Vec<ModRemoveCommentView>,
removed_communities: Vec<ModRemoveCommunityView>,
banned_from_community: Vec<ModBanFromCommunityView>,
banned: Vec<ModBanView>,
added_to_community: Vec<ModAddCommunityView>,
added: Vec<ModAddView>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CreateSite {
pub name: String,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub enable_downvotes: bool,
pub open_registration: bool,
pub enable_nsfw: bool,
pub auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EditSite {
name: String,
description: Option<String>,
enable_downvotes: bool,
open_registration: bool,
enable_nsfw: bool,
auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GetSite {}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct SiteResponse {
site: SiteView,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GetSiteResponse {
site: Option<SiteView>,
admins: Vec<UserView>,
banned: Vec<UserView>,
pub online: usize,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TransferSite {
user_id: i32,
auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GetSiteConfig {
auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GetSiteConfigResponse {
config_hjson: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SaveSiteConfig {
config_hjson: String,
auth: String,
impl Perform for Oper<ListCategories> {
type Response = ListCategoriesResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<ListCategoriesResponse, LemmyError> {
let _data: &ListCategories = &self.data;
let categories = blocking(pool, move |conn| Category::list_all(conn)).await??;
// Return the jwt
Ok(ListCategoriesResponse { categories })
impl Perform for Oper<GetModlog> {
type Response = GetModlogResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<GetModlogResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &GetModlog = &self.data;
let community_id = data.community_id;
let mod_user_id = data.mod_user_id;
let page = data.page;
let limit = data.limit;
let removed_posts = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModRemovePostView::list(conn, community_id, mod_user_id, page, limit)
let locked_posts = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModLockPostView::list(conn, community_id, mod_user_id, page, limit)
let stickied_posts = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModStickyPostView::list(conn, community_id, mod_user_id, page, limit)
let removed_comments = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModRemoveCommentView::list(conn, community_id, mod_user_id, page, limit)
let banned_from_community = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModBanFromCommunityView::list(conn, community_id, mod_user_id, page, limit)
let added_to_community = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModAddCommunityView::list(conn, community_id, mod_user_id, page, limit)
// These arrays are only for the full modlog, when a community isn't given
let (removed_communities, banned, added) = if data.community_id.is_none() {
blocking(pool, move |conn| {
ModRemoveCommunityView::list(conn, mod_user_id, page, limit)?,
ModBanView::list(conn, mod_user_id, page, limit)?,
ModAddView::list(conn, mod_user_id, page, limit)?,
)) as Result<_, LemmyError>
} else {
(Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new())
// Return the jwt
Ok(GetModlogResponse {
impl Perform for Oper<CreateSite> {
type Response = SiteResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<SiteResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &CreateSite = &self.data;
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
if let Err(slurs) = slur_check(&data.name) {
return Err(APIError::err(&slurs_vec_to_str(slurs)).into());
if let Some(description) = &data.description {
if let Err(slurs) = slur_check(description) {
return Err(APIError::err(&slurs_vec_to_str(slurs)).into());
let user_id = claims.id;
// Make sure user is an admin
let user = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::read(conn, user_id)).await??;
if !user.admin {
return Err(APIError::err("not_an_admin").into());
let site_form = SiteForm {
name: data.name.to_owned(),
description: data.description.to_owned(),
creator_id: user_id,
enable_downvotes: data.enable_downvotes,
open_registration: data.open_registration,
enable_nsfw: data.enable_nsfw,
updated: None,
let create_site = move |conn: &'_ _| Site::create(conn, &site_form);
if blocking(pool, create_site).await?.is_err() {
return Err(APIError::err("site_already_exists").into());
let site_view = blocking(pool, move |conn| SiteView::read(conn)).await??;
Ok(SiteResponse { site: site_view })
impl Perform for Oper<EditSite> {
type Response = SiteResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<SiteResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &EditSite = &self.data;
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
if let Err(slurs) = slur_check(&data.name) {
return Err(APIError::err(&slurs_vec_to_str(slurs)).into());
if let Some(description) = &data.description {
if let Err(slurs) = slur_check(description) {
return Err(APIError::err(&slurs_vec_to_str(slurs)).into());
let user_id = claims.id;
// Make sure user is an admin
let user = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::read(conn, user_id)).await??;
if !user.admin {
return Err(APIError::err("not_an_admin").into());
let found_site = blocking(pool, move |conn| Site::read(conn, 1)).await??;
let site_form = SiteForm {
name: data.name.to_owned(),
description: data.description.to_owned(),
creator_id: found_site.creator_id,
updated: Some(naive_now()),
enable_downvotes: data.enable_downvotes,
open_registration: data.open_registration,
enable_nsfw: data.enable_nsfw,
let update_site = move |conn: &'_ _| Site::update(conn, 1, &site_form);
if blocking(pool, update_site).await?.is_err() {
return Err(APIError::err("couldnt_update_site").into());
let site_view = blocking(pool, move |conn| SiteView::read(conn)).await??;
let res = SiteResponse { site: site_view };
if let Some(ws) = websocket_info {
ws.chatserver.do_send(SendAllMessage {
op: UserOperation::EditSite,
response: res.clone(),
my_id: ws.id,
impl Perform for Oper<GetSite> {
type Response = GetSiteResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<GetSiteResponse, LemmyError> {
let _data: &GetSite = &self.data;
// TODO refactor this a little
let res = blocking(pool, move |conn| Site::read(conn, 1)).await?;
let site_view = if res.is_ok() {
Some(blocking(pool, move |conn| SiteView::read(conn)).await??)
} else if let Some(setup) = Settings::get().setup.as_ref() {
let register = Register {
username: setup.admin_username.to_owned(),
email: setup.admin_email.to_owned(),
password: setup.admin_password.to_owned(),
password_verify: setup.admin_password.to_owned(),
admin: true,
show_nsfw: true,
let login_response = Oper::new(register, self.client.clone())
.perform(pool, websocket_info.clone())
info!("Admin {} created", setup.admin_username);
let create_site = CreateSite {
name: setup.site_name.to_owned(),
description: None,
enable_downvotes: true,
open_registration: true,
enable_nsfw: true,
auth: login_response.jwt,
Oper::new(create_site, self.client.clone())
.perform(pool, websocket_info.clone())
info!("Site {} created", setup.site_name);
Some(blocking(pool, move |conn| SiteView::read(conn)).await??)
} else {
let mut admins = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::admins(conn)).await??;
// Make sure the site creator is the top admin
if let Some(site_view) = site_view.to_owned() {
let site_creator_id = site_view.creator_id;
// TODO investigate why this is sometimes coming back null
// Maybe user_.admin isn't being set to true?
if let Some(creator_index) = admins.iter().position(|r| r.id == site_creator_id) {
let creator_user = admins.remove(creator_index);
admins.insert(0, creator_user);
let banned = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::banned(conn)).await??;
let online = if let Some(_ws) = websocket_info {
// let fut = async {
// ws.chatserver.send(GetUsersOnline).await.unwrap()
// };
// Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(fut)
} else {
Ok(GetSiteResponse {
site: site_view,
impl Perform for Oper<Search> {
type Response = SearchResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<SearchResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &Search = &self.data;
match search_by_apub_id(&data.q, &self.client, pool).await {
Ok(r) => return Ok(r),
Err(e) => debug!("Failed to resolve search query as activitypub ID: {}", e),
let user_id: Option<i32> = match &data.auth {
Some(auth) => match Claims::decode(&auth) {
Ok(claims) => {
let user_id = claims.claims.id;
Err(_e) => None,
None => None,
let type_ = SearchType::from_str(&data.type_)?;
let mut posts = Vec::new();
let mut comments = Vec::new();
let mut communities = Vec::new();
let mut users = Vec::new();
// TODO no clean / non-nsfw searching rn
let q = data.q.to_owned();
let page = data.page;
let limit = data.limit;
let sort = SortType::from_str(&data.sort)?;
let community_id = data.community_id;
match type_ {
SearchType::Posts => {
posts = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
SearchType::Comments => {
comments = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
SearchType::Communities => {
communities = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
SearchType::Users => {
users = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
SearchType::All => {
posts = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
let q = data.q.to_owned();
let sort = SortType::from_str(&data.sort)?;
comments = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
let q = data.q.to_owned();
let sort = SortType::from_str(&data.sort)?;
communities = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
let q = data.q.to_owned();
let sort = SortType::from_str(&data.sort)?;
users = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
SearchType::Url => {
posts = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
// Return the jwt
Ok(SearchResponse {
type_: data.type_.to_owned(),
impl Perform for Oper<TransferSite> {
type Response = GetSiteResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<GetSiteResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &TransferSite = &self.data;
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
let user_id = claims.id;
let read_site = blocking(pool, move |conn| Site::read(conn, 1)).await??;
// Make sure user is the creator
if read_site.creator_id != user_id {
return Err(APIError::err("not_an_admin").into());
let site_form = SiteForm {
name: read_site.name,
description: read_site.description,
creator_id: data.user_id,
updated: Some(naive_now()),
enable_downvotes: read_site.enable_downvotes,
open_registration: read_site.open_registration,
enable_nsfw: read_site.enable_nsfw,
let update_site = move |conn: &'_ _| Site::update(conn, 1, &site_form);
if blocking(pool, update_site).await?.is_err() {
return Err(APIError::err("couldnt_update_site").into());
// Mod tables
let form = ModAddForm {
mod_user_id: user_id,
other_user_id: data.user_id,
removed: Some(false),
blocking(pool, move |conn| ModAdd::create(conn, &form)).await??;
let site_view = blocking(pool, move |conn| SiteView::read(conn)).await??;
let mut admins = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::admins(conn)).await??;
let creator_index = admins
.position(|r| r.id == site_view.creator_id)
let creator_user = admins.remove(creator_index);
admins.insert(0, creator_user);
let banned = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::banned(conn)).await??;
Ok(GetSiteResponse {
site: Some(site_view),
online: 0,
impl Perform for Oper<GetSiteConfig> {
type Response = GetSiteConfigResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<GetSiteConfigResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &GetSiteConfig = &self.data;
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
let user_id = claims.id;
// Only let admins read this
let admins = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::admins(conn)).await??;
let admin_ids: Vec<i32> = admins.into_iter().map(|m| m.id).collect();
if !admin_ids.contains(&user_id) {
return Err(APIError::err("not_an_admin").into());
let config_hjson = Settings::read_config_file()?;
Ok(GetSiteConfigResponse { config_hjson })
impl Perform for Oper<SaveSiteConfig> {
type Response = GetSiteConfigResponse;
async fn perform(
pool: &DbPool,
_websocket_info: Option<WebsocketInfo>,
) -> Result<GetSiteConfigResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &SaveSiteConfig = &self.data;
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
let user_id = claims.id;
// Only let admins read this
let admins = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserView::admins(conn)).await??;
let admin_ids: Vec<i32> = admins.into_iter().map(|m| m.id).collect();
if !admin_ids.contains(&user_id) {
return Err(APIError::err("not_an_admin").into());
// Make sure docker doesn't have :ro at the end of the volume, so its not a read-only filesystem
let config_hjson = match Settings::save_config_file(&data.config_hjson) {
Ok(config_hjson) => config_hjson,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err("couldnt_update_site").into()),
Ok(GetSiteConfigResponse { config_hjson })