-- Creates combined tables for the following: -- -- Reports: (comment, post, and private_message) -- Inbox: (Comment replies, post replies, comment mentions, post mentions, private messages) -- Profile: (Posts and Comments) -- Modlog: (lots of types) -- Search: (community, post, comment, user, url) -- TODO not sure about these two: -- Home: (comment, post) -- Community: (comment, post) CREATE TABLE report_combined ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, published timestamptz NOT NULL, post_report_id int REFERENCES post_report ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, comment_report_id int REFERENCES comment_report ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, private_message_report_id int REFERENCES private_message_report ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, -- Make sure only one of the columns is not null CHECK ((post_report_id IS NOT NULL)::integer + (comment_report_id IS NOT NULL)::integer + (private_message_report_id IS NOT NULL)::integer = 1) ); CREATE INDEX idx_report_combined_published ON report_combined (published DESC, id DESC); CREATE INDEX idx_report_combined_published_asc ON report_combined (reverse_timestamp_sort (published) DESC, id DESC); CREATE INDEX idx_report_combined_post_report ON report_combined (post_report_id); CREATE INDEX idx_report_combined_comment_report ON report_combined (comment_report_id); CREATE INDEX idx_report_combined_private_message_report ON report_combined (private_message_report_id); -- Updating the history INSERT INTO report_combined (published, post_report_id) SELECT published, id FROM post_report; INSERT INTO report_combined (published, comment_report_id) SELECT published, id FROM comment_report; INSERT INTO report_combined (published, private_message_report_id) SELECT published, id FROM private_message_report;