2022-10-21 14:14:28 -04:00

1506 lines
40 KiB

import { Err, None, Ok, Option, Result, Some } from "@sniptt/monads";
import { ClassConstructor, deserialize, serialize } from "class-transformer";
import emojiShortName from "emoji-short-name";
import {
Comment as CommentI,
CommentNode as CommentNodeI,
} from "lemmy-js-client";
import markdown_it from "markdown-it";
import markdown_it_container from "markdown-it-container";
import markdown_it_footnote from "markdown-it-footnote";
import markdown_it_html5_embed from "markdown-it-html5-embed";
import markdown_it_sub from "markdown-it-sub";
import markdown_it_sup from "markdown-it-sup";
import moment from "moment";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { delay, retryWhen, take } from "rxjs/operators";
import tippy from "tippy.js";
import Toastify from "toastify-js";
import { httpBase } from "./env";
import { i18n, languages } from "./i18next";
import { DataType, IsoData } from "./interfaces";
import { UserService, WebSocketService } from "./services";
var Tribute: any;
if (isBrowser()) {
Tribute = require("tributejs");
export const wsClient = new LemmyWebsocket();
export const favIconUrl = "/static/assets/icons/favicon.svg";
export const favIconPngUrl = "/static/assets/icons/apple-touch-icon.png";
// export const defaultFavIcon = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}${favIconPngUrl}`;
export const repoUrl = "https://github.com/LemmyNet";
export const joinLemmyUrl = "https://join-lemmy.org";
export const donateLemmyUrl = `${joinLemmyUrl}/donate`;
export const docsUrl = `${joinLemmyUrl}/docs/en/index.html`;
export const helpGuideUrl = `${joinLemmyUrl}/docs/en/about/guide.html`; // TODO find a way to redirect to the non-en folder
export const markdownHelpUrl = `${helpGuideUrl}#using-markdown`;
export const sortingHelpUrl = `${helpGuideUrl}#sorting`;
export const archiveTodayUrl = "https://archive.today";
export const ghostArchiveUrl = "https://ghostarchive.org";
export const webArchiveUrl = "https://web.archive.org";
export const elementUrl = "https://element.io";
export const postRefetchSeconds: number = 60 * 1000;
export const fetchLimit = 40;
export const trendingFetchLimit = 6;
export const mentionDropdownFetchLimit = 10;
export const commentTreeMaxDepth = 8;
export const relTags = "noopener nofollow";
function getRandomCharFromAlphabet(alphabet: string): string {
return alphabet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length));
export function randomStr(
idDesiredLength = 20,
): string {
* Create n-long array and map it to random chars from given alphabet.
* Then join individual chars as string
return Array.from({ length: idDesiredLength })
.map(() => {
return getRandomCharFromAlphabet(alphabet);
export const md = new markdown_it({
html: false,
linkify: true,
typographer: true,
.use(markdown_it_html5_embed, {
html5embed: {
useImageSyntax: true, // Enables video/audio embed with ![]() syntax (default)
attributes: {
audio: 'controls preload="metadata"',
'width="100%" max-height="100%" controls loop preload="metadata"',
.use(markdown_it_container, "spoiler", {
validate: function (params: any) {
return params.trim().match(/^spoiler\s+(.*)$/);
render: function (tokens: any, idx: any) {
var m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^spoiler\s+(.*)$/);
if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
// opening tag
return `<details><summary> ${md.utils.escapeHtml(m[1])} </summary>\n`;
} else {
// closing tag
return "</details>\n";
export function hotRankComment(comment_view: CommentView): number {
return hotRank(comment_view.counts.score, comment_view.comment.published);
export function hotRankActivePost(post_view: PostView): number {
return hotRank(post_view.counts.score, post_view.counts.newest_comment_time);
export function hotRankPost(post_view: PostView): number {
return hotRank(post_view.counts.score, post_view.post.published);
export function hotRank(score: number, timeStr: string): number {
// Rank = ScaleFactor * sign(Score) * log(1 + abs(Score)) / (Time + 2)^Gravity
let date: Date = new Date(timeStr + "Z"); // Add Z to convert from UTC date
let now: Date = new Date();
let hoursElapsed: number = (now.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 36e5;
let rank =
(10000 * Math.log10(Math.max(1, 3 + score))) /
Math.pow(hoursElapsed + 2, 1.8);
// console.log(`Comment: ${comment.content}\nRank: ${rank}\nScore: ${comment.score}\nHours: ${hoursElapsed}`);
return rank;
export function mdToHtml(text: string) {
return { __html: md.render(text) };
export function getUnixTime(text: string): number {
return text ? new Date(text).getTime() / 1000 : undefined;
export function futureDaysToUnixTime(days: number): number {
return days
? Math.trunc(
new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * days).getTime() / 1000
: undefined;
export function canMod(
mods: Option<CommunityModeratorView[]>,
admins: Option<PersonViewSafe[]>,
creator_id: number,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo,
onSelf = false
): boolean {
// You can do moderator actions only on the mods added after you.
let adminsThenMods = admins
.map(a => a.person.id)
.concat(mods.unwrapOr([]).map(m => m.moderator.id));
return myUserInfo.match({
some: me => {
let myIndex = adminsThenMods.findIndex(
id => id == me.local_user_view.person.id
if (myIndex == -1) {
return false;
} else {
// onSelf +1 on mod actions not for yourself, IE ban, remove, etc
adminsThenMods = adminsThenMods.slice(0, myIndex + (onSelf ? 0 : 1));
return !adminsThenMods.includes(creator_id);
none: false,
export function canAdmin(
admins: Option<PersonViewSafe[]>,
creator_id: number,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo,
onSelf = false
): boolean {
return canMod(None, admins, creator_id, myUserInfo, onSelf);
export function isMod(
mods: Option<CommunityModeratorView[]>,
creator_id: number
): boolean {
return mods.match({
some: mods => mods.map(m => m.moderator.id).includes(creator_id),
none: false,
export function amMod(
mods: Option<CommunityModeratorView[]>,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return myUserInfo.match({
some: mui => isMod(mods, mui.local_user_view.person.id),
none: false,
export function isAdmin(
admins: Option<PersonViewSafe[]>,
creator_id: number
): boolean {
return admins.match({
some: admins => admins.map(a => a.person.id).includes(creator_id),
none: false,
export function amAdmin(myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo): boolean {
return myUserInfo
.map(mui => mui.local_user_view.person.admin)
export function amCommunityCreator(
mods: Option<CommunityModeratorView[]>,
creator_id: number,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return mods.match({
some: mods =>
.map(mui => mui.local_user_view.person.id)
some: myId =>
myId == mods[0].moderator.id &&
// Don't allow mod actions on yourself
myId != creator_id,
none: false,
none: false,
export function amSiteCreator(
admins: Option<PersonViewSafe[]>,
creator_id: number,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return admins.match({
some: admins =>
.map(mui => mui.local_user_view.person.id)
some: myId =>
myId == admins[0].person.id &&
// Don't allow mod actions on yourself
myId != creator_id,
none: false,
none: false,
export function amTopMod(
mods: Option<CommunityModeratorView[]>,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return mods.match({
some: mods =>
some: mui => mods[0].moderator.id == mui.local_user_view.person.id,
none: false,
none: false,
const imageRegex = /(http)?s?:?(\/\/[^"']*\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg|webp))/;
const videoRegex = /(http)?s?:?(\/\/[^"']*\.(?:mp4|webm))/;
export function isImage(url: string) {
return imageRegex.test(url);
export function isVideo(url: string) {
return videoRegex.test(url);
export function validURL(str: string) {
return !!new URL(str);
export function communityRSSUrl(actorId: string, sort: string): string {
let url = new URL(actorId);
return `${url.origin}/feeds${url.pathname}.xml?sort=${sort}`;
export function validEmail(email: string) {
let re =
return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase());
export function capitalizeFirstLetter(str: string): string {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
export function routeSortTypeToEnum(sort: string): SortType {
return SortType[sort];
export function listingTypeFromNum(type_: number): ListingType {
return Object.values(ListingType)[type_];
export function sortTypeFromNum(type_: number): SortType {
return Object.values(SortType)[type_];
export function routeListingTypeToEnum(type: string): ListingType {
return ListingType[type];
export function routeDataTypeToEnum(type: string): DataType {
return DataType[capitalizeFirstLetter(type)];
export function routeSearchTypeToEnum(type: string): SearchType {
return SearchType[type];
export async function getSiteMetadata(url: string) {
let form = new GetSiteMetadata({
let client = new LemmyHttp(httpBase);
return client.getSiteMetadata(form);
export function debounce(func: any, wait = 1000, immediate = false) {
// 'private' variable for instance
// The returned function will be able to reference this due to closure.
// Each call to the returned function will share this common timer.
let timeout: any;
// Calling debounce returns a new anonymous function
return function () {
// reference the context and args for the setTimeout function
var args = arguments;
// Should the function be called now? If immediate is true
// and not already in a timeout then the answer is: Yes
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
// This is the basic debounce behaviour where you can call this
// function several times, but it will only execute once
// [before or after imposing a delay].
// Each time the returned function is called, the timer starts over.
// Set the new timeout
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
// Inside the timeout function, clear the timeout variable
// which will let the next execution run when in 'immediate' mode
timeout = null;
// Check if the function already ran with the immediate flag
if (!immediate) {
// Call the original function with apply
// apply lets you define the 'this' object as well as the arguments
// (both captured before setTimeout)
func.apply(this, args);
}, wait);
// Immediate mode and no wait timer? Execute the function..
if (callNow) func.apply(this, args);
export function getLanguages(
override?: string,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): string[] {
let myLang = myUserInfo
.map(m => m.local_user_view.local_user.interface_language)
let lang = override || myLang;
if (lang == "browser" && isBrowser()) {
return getBrowserLanguages();
} else {
return [lang];
function getBrowserLanguages(): string[] {
// Intersect lemmy's langs, with the browser langs
let langs = languages ? languages.map(l => l.code) : ["en"];
// NOTE, mobile browsers seem to be missing this list, so append en
let allowedLangs = navigator.languages
.filter(v => langs.includes(v));
return allowedLangs;
export async function fetchThemeList(): Promise<string[]> {
return fetch("/css/themelist").then(res => res.json());
export async function setTheme(theme: string, forceReload = false) {
if (!isBrowser()) {
if (theme === "browser" && !forceReload) {
// This is only run on a force reload
if (theme == "browser") {
theme = "darkly";
let themeList = await fetchThemeList();
// Unload all the other themes
for (var i = 0; i < themeList.length; i++) {
let styleSheet = document.getElementById(themeList[i]);
if (styleSheet) {
styleSheet.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
?.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
document.getElementById("default-dark")?.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
// Load the theme dynamically
let cssLoc = `/css/themes/${theme}.css`;
loadCss(theme, cssLoc);
export function loadCss(id: string, loc: string) {
if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.id = id;
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.type = "text/css";
link.href = loc;
link.media = "all";
export function objectFlip(obj: any) {
const ret = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
ret[obj[key]] = key;
return ret;
export function showAvatars(
myUserInfo: Option<MyUserInfo> = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return myUserInfo
.map(m => m.local_user_view.local_user.show_avatars)
export function showScores(
myUserInfo: Option<MyUserInfo> = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return myUserInfo
.map(m => m.local_user_view.local_user.show_scores)
export function isCakeDay(published: string): boolean {
// moment(undefined) or moment.utc(undefined) returns the current date/time
// moment(null) or moment.utc(null) returns null
const createDate = moment.utc(published).local();
const currentDate = moment(new Date());
return (
createDate.date() === currentDate.date() &&
createDate.month() === currentDate.month() &&
createDate.year() !== currentDate.year()
export function toast(text: string, background = "success") {
if (isBrowser()) {
let backgroundColor = `var(--${background})`;
text: text,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
gravity: "bottom",
position: "left",
export function pictrsDeleteToast(
clickToDeleteText: string,
deletePictureText: string,
failedDeletePictureText: string,
deleteUrl: string
) {
if (isBrowser()) {
let backgroundColor = `var(--light)`;
let toast = Toastify({
text: clickToDeleteText,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
gravity: "top",
position: "right",
duration: 10000,
onClick: () => {
if (toast) {
fetch(deleteUrl).then(res => {
if (res.ok === true) {
} else {
close: true,
interface NotifyInfo {
name: string;
icon: Option<string>;
link: string;
body: string;
export function messageToastify(info: NotifyInfo, router: any) {
if (isBrowser()) {
let htmlBody = info.body ? md.render(info.body) : "";
let backgroundColor = `var(--light)`;
let toast = Toastify({
text: `${htmlBody}<br />${info.name}`,
avatar: info.icon,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
className: "text-dark",
close: true,
gravity: "top",
position: "right",
duration: 5000,
escapeMarkup: false,
onClick: () => {
if (toast) {
export function notifyPost(post_view: PostView, router: any) {
let info: NotifyInfo = {
name: post_view.community.name,
icon: post_view.community.icon,
link: `/post/${post_view.post.id}`,
body: post_view.post.name,
notify(info, router);
export function notifyComment(comment_view: CommentView, router: any) {
let info: NotifyInfo = {
name: comment_view.creator.name,
icon: comment_view.creator.avatar,
link: `/comment/${comment_view.comment.id}`,
body: comment_view.comment.content,
notify(info, router);
export function notifyPrivateMessage(pmv: PrivateMessageView, router: any) {
let info: NotifyInfo = {
name: pmv.creator.name,
icon: pmv.creator.avatar,
link: `/inbox`,
body: pmv.private_message.content,
notify(info, router);
function notify(info: NotifyInfo, router: any) {
messageToastify(info, router);
if (Notification.permission !== "granted") Notification.requestPermission();
else {
var notification = new Notification(info.name, {
...{ body: info.body },
...(info.icon.isSome() && { icon: info.icon.unwrap() }),
notification.onclick = (ev: Event): any => {
export function setupTribute() {
return new Tribute({
noMatchTemplate: function () {
return "";
collection: [
// Emojis
trigger: ":",
menuItemTemplate: (item: any) => {
let shortName = `:${item.original.key}:`;
return `${item.original.val} ${shortName}`;
selectTemplate: (item: any) => {
return `${item.original.val}`;
values: Object.entries(emojiShortName).map(e => {
return { key: e[1], val: e[0] };
allowSpaces: false,
autocompleteMode: true,
// menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit,
menuShowMinLength: 2,
// Persons
trigger: "@",
selectTemplate: (item: any) => {
let it: PersonTribute = item.original;
return `[${it.key}](${it.view.person.actor_id})`;
values: debounce(async (text: string, cb: any) => {
cb(await personSearch(text));
allowSpaces: false,
autocompleteMode: true,
// menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit,
menuShowMinLength: 2,
// Communities
trigger: "!",
selectTemplate: (item: any) => {
let it: CommunityTribute = item.original;
return `[${it.key}](${it.view.community.actor_id})`;
values: debounce(async (text: string, cb: any) => {
cb(await communitySearch(text));
allowSpaces: false,
autocompleteMode: true,
// menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit,
menuShowMinLength: 2,
var tippyInstance: any;
if (isBrowser()) {
tippyInstance = tippy("[data-tippy-content]");
export function setupTippy() {
if (isBrowser()) {
tippyInstance.forEach((e: any) => e.destroy());
tippyInstance = tippy("[data-tippy-content]", {
delay: [500, 0],
// Display on "long press"
touch: ["hold", 500],
interface PersonTribute {
key: string;
view: PersonViewSafe;
async function personSearch(text: string): Promise<PersonTribute[]> {
let users = (await fetchUsers(text)).users;
let persons: PersonTribute[] = users.map(pv => {
let tribute: PersonTribute = {
key: `@${pv.person.name}@${hostname(pv.person.actor_id)}`,
view: pv,
return tribute;
return persons;
interface CommunityTribute {
key: string;
view: CommunityView;
async function communitySearch(text: string): Promise<CommunityTribute[]> {
let comms = (await fetchCommunities(text)).communities;
let communities: CommunityTribute[] = comms.map(cv => {
let tribute: CommunityTribute = {
key: `!${cv.community.name}@${hostname(cv.community.actor_id)}`,
view: cv,
return tribute;
return communities;
export function getListingTypeFromProps(
props: any,
defaultListingType: ListingType,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): ListingType {
return props.match.params.listing_type
? routeListingTypeToEnum(props.match.params.listing_type)
: myUserInfo.match({
some: me =>
none: defaultListingType,
export function getListingTypeFromPropsNoDefault(props: any): ListingType {
return props.match.params.listing_type
? routeListingTypeToEnum(props.match.params.listing_type)
: ListingType.Local;
// TODO might need to add a user setting for this too
export function getDataTypeFromProps(props: any): DataType {
return props.match.params.data_type
? routeDataTypeToEnum(props.match.params.data_type)
: DataType.Post;
export function getSortTypeFromProps(
props: any,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): SortType {
return props.match.params.sort
? routeSortTypeToEnum(props.match.params.sort)
: myUserInfo.match({
some: mui =>
none: SortType.Active,
export function getPageFromProps(props: any): number {
return props.match.params.page ? Number(props.match.params.page) : 1;
export function getRecipientIdFromProps(props: any): number {
return props.match.params.recipient_id
? Number(props.match.params.recipient_id)
: 1;
export function getIdFromProps(props: any): Option<number> {
let id: string = props.match.params.post_id;
return id ? Some(Number(id)) : None;
export function getCommentIdFromProps(props: any): Option<number> {
let id: string = props.match.params.comment_id;
return id ? Some(Number(id)) : None;
export function getUsernameFromProps(props: any): string {
return props.match.params.username;
export function editCommentRes(data: CommentView, comments: CommentView[]) {
let found = comments.find(c => c.comment.id == data.comment.id);
if (found) {
found.comment.content = data.comment.content;
found.comment.distinguished = data.comment.distinguished;
found.comment.updated = data.comment.updated;
found.comment.removed = data.comment.removed;
found.comment.deleted = data.comment.deleted;
found.counts.upvotes = data.counts.upvotes;
found.counts.downvotes = data.counts.downvotes;
found.counts.score = data.counts.score;
export function saveCommentRes(data: CommentView, comments: CommentView[]) {
let found = comments.find(c => c.comment.id == data.comment.id);
if (found) {
found.saved = data.saved;
// TODO Should only use the return now, no state?
export function updatePersonBlock(
data: BlockPersonResponse,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): Option<PersonBlockView[]> {
return myUserInfo.match({
some: (mui: MyUserInfo) => {
if (data.blocked) {
person: mui.local_user_view.person,
target: data.person_view.person,
toast(`${i18n.t("blocked")} ${data.person_view.person.name}`);
} else {
mui.person_blocks = mui.person_blocks.filter(
i => i.target.id != data.person_view.person.id
toast(`${i18n.t("unblocked")} ${data.person_view.person.name}`);
return Some(mui.person_blocks);
none: None,
export function updateCommunityBlock(
data: BlockCommunityResponse,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): Option<CommunityBlockView[]> {
return myUserInfo.match({
some: (mui: MyUserInfo) => {
if (data.blocked) {
person: mui.local_user_view.person,
community: data.community_view.community,
toast(`${i18n.t("blocked")} ${data.community_view.community.name}`);
} else {
mui.community_blocks = mui.community_blocks.filter(
i => i.community.id != data.community_view.community.id
toast(`${i18n.t("unblocked")} ${data.community_view.community.name}`);
return Some(mui.community_blocks);
none: None,
export function createCommentLikeRes(
data: CommentView,
comments: CommentView[]
) {
let found = comments.find(c => c.comment.id === data.comment.id);
if (found) {
found.counts.score = data.counts.score;
found.counts.upvotes = data.counts.upvotes;
found.counts.downvotes = data.counts.downvotes;
if (data.my_vote !== null) {
found.my_vote = data.my_vote;
export function createPostLikeFindRes(data: PostView, posts: PostView[]) {
let found = posts.find(p => p.post.id == data.post.id);
if (found) {
createPostLikeRes(data, found);
export function createPostLikeRes(data: PostView, post_view: PostView) {
if (post_view) {
post_view.counts.score = data.counts.score;
post_view.counts.upvotes = data.counts.upvotes;
post_view.counts.downvotes = data.counts.downvotes;
if (data.my_vote !== null) {
post_view.my_vote = data.my_vote;
export function editPostFindRes(data: PostView, posts: PostView[]) {
let found = posts.find(p => p.post.id == data.post.id);
if (found) {
editPostRes(data, found);
export function editPostRes(data: PostView, post: PostView) {
if (post) {
post.post.url = data.post.url;
post.post.name = data.post.name;
post.post.nsfw = data.post.nsfw;
post.post.deleted = data.post.deleted;
post.post.removed = data.post.removed;
post.post.stickied = data.post.stickied;
post.post.body = data.post.body;
post.post.locked = data.post.locked;
post.saved = data.saved;
// TODO possible to make these generic?
export function updatePostReportRes(
data: PostReportView,
reports: PostReportView[]
) {
let found = reports.find(p => p.post_report.id == data.post_report.id);
if (found) {
found.post_report = data.post_report;
export function updateCommentReportRes(
data: CommentReportView,
reports: CommentReportView[]
) {
let found = reports.find(c => c.comment_report.id == data.comment_report.id);
if (found) {
found.comment_report = data.comment_report;
export function updatePrivateMessageReportRes(
data: PrivateMessageReportView,
reports: PrivateMessageReportView[]
) {
let found = reports.find(
c => c.private_message_report.id == data.private_message_report.id
if (found) {
found.private_message_report = data.private_message_report;
export function updateRegistrationApplicationRes(
data: RegistrationApplicationView,
applications: RegistrationApplicationView[]
) {
let found = applications.find(
ra => ra.registration_application.id == data.registration_application.id
if (found) {
found.registration_application = data.registration_application;
found.admin = data.admin;
found.creator_local_user = data.creator_local_user;
export function commentsToFlatNodes(comments: CommentView[]): CommentNodeI[] {
let nodes: CommentNodeI[] = [];
for (let comment of comments) {
nodes.push({ comment_view: comment, children: [], depth: 0 });
return nodes;
export function convertCommentSortType(sort: SortType): CommentSortType {
if (
sort == SortType.TopAll ||
sort == SortType.TopDay ||
sort == SortType.TopWeek ||
sort == SortType.TopMonth ||
sort == SortType.TopYear
) {
return CommentSortType.Top;
} else if (sort == SortType.New) {
return CommentSortType.New;
} else if (sort == SortType.Hot || sort == SortType.Active) {
return CommentSortType.Hot;
} else {
return CommentSortType.Hot;
export function buildCommentsTree(
comments: CommentView[],
parentComment: boolean
): CommentNodeI[] {
let map = new Map<number, CommentNodeI>();
let depthOffset = !parentComment
? 0
: getDepthFromComment(comments[0].comment);
for (let comment_view of comments) {
let node: CommentNodeI = {
comment_view: comment_view,
children: [],
depth: getDepthFromComment(comment_view.comment) - depthOffset,
map.set(comment_view.comment.id, { ...node });
let tree: CommentNodeI[] = [];
// if its a parent comment fetch, then push the first comment to the top node.
if (parentComment) {
for (let comment_view of comments) {
let child = map.get(comment_view.comment.id);
let parent_id = getCommentParentId(comment_view.comment);
some: parentId => {
let parent = map.get(parentId);
// Necessary because blocked comment might not exist
if (parent) {
none: () => {
if (!parentComment) {
return tree;
export function getCommentParentId(comment: CommentI): Option<number> {
let split = comment.path.split(".");
// remove the 0
if (split.length > 1) {
return Some(Number(split[split.length - 2]));
} else {
return None;
export function getDepthFromComment(comment: CommentI): number {
return comment.path.split(".").length - 2;
export function insertCommentIntoTree(
tree: CommentNodeI[],
cv: CommentView,
parentComment: boolean
) {
// Building a fake node to be used for later
let node: CommentNodeI = {
comment_view: cv,
children: [],
depth: 0,
some: parentId => {
let parentComment = searchCommentTree(tree, parentId);
some: pComment => {
node.depth = pComment.depth + 1;
none: void 0,
none: () => {
if (!parentComment) {
export function searchCommentTree(
tree: CommentNodeI[],
id: number
): Option<CommentNodeI> {
for (let node of tree) {
if (node.comment_view.comment.id === id) {
return Some(node);
for (const child of node.children) {
let res = searchCommentTree([child], id);
if (res.isSome()) {
return res;
return None;
export const colorList: string[] = [
function hsl(num: number) {
return `hsla(${num}, 35%, 50%, 1)`;
export function hostname(url: string): string {
let cUrl = new URL(url);
return cUrl.port ? `${cUrl.hostname}:${cUrl.port}` : `${cUrl.hostname}`;
export function validTitle(title?: string): boolean {
// Initial title is null, minimum length is taken care of by textarea's minLength={3}
if (!title || title.length < 3) return true;
const regex = new RegExp(/.*\S.*/, "g");
return regex.test(title);
export function siteBannerCss(banner: string): string {
return ` \
background-image: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) ) ,url("${banner}"); \
background-attachment: fixed; \
background-position: top; \
background-repeat: no-repeat; \
background-size: 100% cover; \
width: 100%; \
max-height: 100vh; \
export function isBrowser() {
return typeof window !== "undefined";
export function setIsoData<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>(
context: any,
cls1?: ClassConstructor<Type1>,
cls2?: ClassConstructor<Type2>,
cls3?: ClassConstructor<Type3>,
cls4?: ClassConstructor<Type4>,
cls5?: ClassConstructor<Type5>
): IsoData {
// If its the browser, you need to deserialize the data from the window
if (isBrowser()) {
let json = window.isoData;
let routeData = json.routeData;
let routeDataOut: any[] = [];
// Can't do array looping because of specific type constructor required
if (routeData[0]) {
routeDataOut[0] = convertWindowJson(cls1, routeData[0]);
if (routeData[1]) {
routeDataOut[1] = convertWindowJson(cls2, routeData[1]);
if (routeData[2]) {
routeDataOut[2] = convertWindowJson(cls3, routeData[2]);
if (routeData[3]) {
routeDataOut[3] = convertWindowJson(cls4, routeData[3]);
if (routeData[4]) {
routeDataOut[4] = convertWindowJson(cls5, routeData[4]);
let site_res = convertWindowJson(GetSiteResponse, json.site_res);
let isoData: IsoData = {
path: json.path,
routeData: routeDataOut,
return isoData;
} else return context.router.staticContext;
* Necessary since window ISOData can't store function types like Option
export function convertWindowJson<T>(cls: ClassConstructor<T>, data: any): T {
return deserialize(cls, serialize(data));
export function wsSubscribe(parseMessage: any): Subscription {
if (isBrowser()) {
return WebSocketService.Instance.subject
.pipe(retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(delay(3000), take(10))))
msg => parseMessage(msg),
err => console.error(err),
() => console.log("complete")
} else {
return null;
moment.updateLocale("en", {
relativeTime: {
future: "in %s",
past: "%s ago",
s: "<1m",
ss: "%ds",
m: "1m",
mm: "%dm",
h: "1h",
hh: "%dh",
d: "1d",
dd: "%dd",
w: "1w",
ww: "%dw",
M: "1M",
MM: "%dM",
y: "1Y",
yy: "%dY",
export function saveScrollPosition(context: any) {
let path: string = context.router.route.location.pathname;
let y = window.scrollY;
sessionStorage.setItem(`scrollPosition_${path}`, y.toString());
export function restoreScrollPosition(context: any) {
let path: string = context.router.route.location.pathname;
let y = Number(sessionStorage.getItem(`scrollPosition_${path}`));
window.scrollTo(0, y);
export function showLocal(isoData: IsoData): boolean {
return isoData.site_res.federated_instances
.map(f => f.linked.length > 0)
export interface ChoicesValue {
value: string;
label: string;
export function communityToChoice(cv: CommunityView): ChoicesValue {
let choice: ChoicesValue = {
value: cv.community.id.toString(),
label: communitySelectName(cv),
return choice;
export function personToChoice(pvs: PersonViewSafe): ChoicesValue {
let choice: ChoicesValue = {
value: pvs.person.id.toString(),
label: personSelectName(pvs),
return choice;
export async function fetchCommunities(q: string) {
let form = new Search({
type_: Some(SearchType.Communities),
sort: Some(SortType.TopAll),
listing_type: Some(ListingType.All),
page: Some(1),
limit: Some(fetchLimit),
community_id: None,
community_name: None,
creator_id: None,
auth: auth(false).ok(),
let client = new LemmyHttp(httpBase);
return client.search(form);
export async function fetchUsers(q: string) {
let form = new Search({
type_: Some(SearchType.Users),
sort: Some(SortType.TopAll),
listing_type: Some(ListingType.All),
page: Some(1),
limit: Some(fetchLimit),
community_id: None,
community_name: None,
creator_id: None,
auth: auth(false).ok(),
let client = new LemmyHttp(httpBase);
return client.search(form);
export const choicesConfig = {
shouldSort: false,
searchResultLimit: fetchLimit,
classNames: {
containerOuter: "choices custom-select px-0",
"choices__inner bg-secondary border-0 py-0 modlog-choices-font-size",
input: "form-control",
inputCloned: "choices__input--cloned",
list: "choices__list",
listItems: "choices__list--multiple",
listSingle: "choices__list--single py-0",
listDropdown: "choices__list--dropdown",
item: "choices__item bg-secondary",
itemSelectable: "choices__item--selectable",
itemDisabled: "choices__item--disabled",
itemChoice: "choices__item--choice",
placeholder: "choices__placeholder",
group: "choices__group",
groupHeading: "choices__heading",
button: "choices__button",
activeState: "is-active",
focusState: "is-focused",
openState: "is-open",
disabledState: "is-disabled",
highlightedState: "text-info",
selectedState: "text-info",
flippedState: "is-flipped",
loadingState: "is-loading",
noResults: "has-no-results",
noChoices: "has-no-choices",
export function communitySelectName(cv: CommunityView): string {
return cv.community.local
? cv.community.title
: `${hostname(cv.community.actor_id)}/${cv.community.title}`;
export function personSelectName(pvs: PersonViewSafe): string {
let pName = pvs.person.display_name.unwrapOr(pvs.person.name);
return pvs.person.local ? pName : `${hostname(pvs.person.actor_id)}/${pName}`;
export function initializeSite(site: GetSiteResponse) {
UserService.Instance.myUserInfo = site.my_user;
const SHORTNUM_SI_FORMAT = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {
maximumSignificantDigits: 3,
notation: "compact",
compactDisplay: "short",
export function numToSI(value: number): string {
return SHORTNUM_SI_FORMAT.format(value);
export function isBanned(ps: PersonSafe): boolean {
let expires = ps.ban_expires;
// Add Z to convert from UTC date
// TODO this check probably isn't necessary anymore
if (expires.isSome()) {
if (ps.banned && new Date(expires.unwrap() + "Z") > new Date()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return ps.banned;
export function pushNotNull(array: any[], new_item?: any) {
if (new_item) {
export function auth(throwErr = true): Result<string, string> {
return UserService.Instance.auth(throwErr);
export function enableDownvotes(siteRes: GetSiteResponse): boolean {
return siteRes.site_view.map(s => s.site.enable_downvotes).unwrapOr(true);
export function enableNsfw(siteRes: GetSiteResponse): boolean {
return siteRes.site_view.map(s => s.site.enable_nsfw).unwrapOr(false);
export function postToCommentSortType(sort: SortType): CommentSortType {
if ([SortType.Active, SortType.Hot].includes(sort)) {
return CommentSortType.Hot;
} else if ([SortType.New, SortType.NewComments].includes(sort)) {
return CommentSortType.New;
} else if (sort == SortType.Old) {
return CommentSortType.Old;
} else {
return CommentSortType.Top;
export function arrayGet<T>(arr: Array<T>, index: number): Result<T, string> {
let out = arr.at(index);
if (out == undefined) {
return Err("Index undefined");
} else {
return Ok(out);
export function myFirstDiscussionLanguageId(
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): Option<number> {
return myUserInfo.andThen(mui =>
arrayGet(mui.discussion_languages, 0)
.map(i => i.id)
export function canCreateCommunity(
siteRes: GetSiteResponse,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
let adminOnly = siteRes.site_view
.map(s => s.site.community_creation_admin_only)
return !adminOnly || amAdmin(myUserInfo);
export function isPostBlocked(
pv: PostView,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
return myUserInfo
mui =>
.map(c => c.community.id)
.includes(pv.community.id) ||
mui.person_blocks.map(p => p.target.id).includes(pv.creator.id)
/// Checks to make sure you can view NSFW posts. Returns true if you can.
export function nsfwCheck(
pv: PostView,
myUserInfo = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo
): boolean {
let nsfw = pv.post.nsfw || pv.community.nsfw;
return (
!nsfw ||
(nsfw &&
.map(m => m.local_user_view.local_user.show_nsfw)