
26 lines
865 B
Go HTML Template

<div class="file-body file-code code-view">
<ol class="tw-p-0 tw-m-0">
{{/* if the expected line number does not match
the actual line number end the ordered list
and begin a new one */}}
{{$expNum := 0}}
{{range .SearchResult.Lines}}
{{if and (gt $expNum 0) (ne .Num $expNum)}}
<ol class="tw-p-0 tw-m-0 tw-pt-2 tw-mt-2 tw-border-t-4 tw-border-secondary">
<li value="{{.Num}}" class="tw-grid tw-grid-cols-[minmax(50px,_1%)_auto] tw-list-none">
<div class="lines-num">
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/commit/{{PathEscape $.SearchResult.CommitID}}/{{PathEscapeSegments $.SearchResult.Filename}}#L{{.Num}}">
<div class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">{{.FormattedContent}}</code></div>
{{$expNum = Eval .Num "+" 1}}