{{/* Value - value of the search field (for search results page) */}}
{{/* Disabled (optional) - if search field/button has to be disabled */}}
{{/* Placeholder (optional) - placeholder text to be used */}}
{{/* Selected - the currently selected option */}}
{{/* Options - options available to choose from */}}
{{/* Tooltip (optional) - a tooltip to be displayed on button hover */}}
<div class="ui small fluid action input">
	{{template "shared/search/input" dict "Value" .Value "Disabled" .Disabled "Placeholder" .Placeholder}}
	<div class="ui small dropdown selection {{if .Disabled}} disabled{{end}}" data-tooltip-content="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "search.type_tooltip"}}">
		<div class="text">
			{{ctx.Locale.Tr (printf "search.%s" .Selected)}}
		<div class="menu" data-test-tag="fuzzy-dropdown">
			{{range $opt := .Options}}
				{{$isActive := eq $.Selected $opt}}
				<label class="{{if $isActive}}active {{end}}item" data-value="{{$opt}}" data-tooltip-content="{{ctx.Locale.Tr (printf "search.%s_tooltip" $opt)}}">
					<input hidden type="radio" name="mode" value="{{$opt}}"{{if $isActive}} checked{{end}}/>
					{{ctx.Locale.Tr (printf "search.%s" $opt)}}
	{{template "shared/search/button" dict "Disabled" .Disabled "Tooltip" .Tooltip}}