diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index d47e98cd4..90d10fdbc 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -37,14 +37,17 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
- Rich Media: The crawled URL is now spliced into the rich media data.
- ActivityPub S2S: sharedInbox usage has been mostly aligned with the rules in the AP specification.
- ActivityPub S2S: remote user deletions now work the same as local user deletions.
+- ActivityPub S2S: POST requests are now signed with `(request-target)` pseudo-header.
- Not being able to access the Mastodon FE login page on private instances
- Invalid SemVer version generation, when the current branch does not have commits ahead of tag/checked out on a tag
- Pleroma.Upload base_url was not automatically whitelisted by MediaProxy. Now your custom CDN or file hosting will be accessed directly as expected.
- Report email not being sent to admins when the reporter is a remote user
- MRF: ensure that subdomain_match calls are case-insensitive
- Reverse Proxy limiting `max_body_length` was incorrectly defined and only checked `Content-Length` headers which may not be sufficient in some circumstances
+- MRF: fix use of unserializable keyword lists in describe() implementations
### Added
+- Conversations: Add Pleroma-specific conversation endpoints and status posting extensions. Run the `bump_all_conversations` task again to create the necessary data.
- **Breaking:** MRF describe API, which adds support for exposing configuration information about MRF policies to NodeInfo.
Custom modules will need to be updated by adding, at the very least, `def describe, do: {:ok, %{}}` to the MRF policy modules.
- MRF: Support for priming the mediaproxy cache (`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy`)
diff --git a/docs/api/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md b/docs/api/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md
index 1907d70c8..79ca531b8 100644
--- a/docs/api/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md
+++ b/docs/api/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md
@@ -59,12 +59,19 @@ Has these additional fields under the `pleroma` object:
- `show_role`: boolean, nullable, true when the user wants his role (e.g admin, moderator) to be shown
- `no_rich_text` - boolean, nullable, true when html tags are stripped from all statuses requested from the API
+## Conversations
+Has an additional field under the `pleroma` object:
+- `recipients`: The list of the recipients of this Conversation. These will be addressed when replying to this conversation.
## Account Search
Behavior has changed:
- `/api/v1/accounts/search`: Does not require authentication
## Notifications
Has these additional fields under the `pleroma` object:
@@ -79,6 +86,7 @@ Additional parameters can be added to the JSON body/Form data:
- `content_type`: string, contain the MIME type of the status, it is transformed into HTML by the backend. You can get the list of the supported MIME types with the nodeinfo endpoint.
- `to`: A list of nicknames (like `lain@soykaf.club` or `lain` on the local server) that will be used to determine who is going to be addressed by this post. Using this will disable the implicit addressing by mentioned names in the `status` body, only the people in the `to` list will be addressed. The normal rules for for post visibility are not affected by this and will still apply.
- `visibility`: string, besides standard MastoAPI values (`direct`, `private`, `unlisted` or `public`) it can be used to address a List by setting it to `list:LIST_ID`.
+- `in_reply_to_conversation_id`: Will reply to a given conversation, addressing only the people who are part of the recipient set of that conversation. Sets the visibility to `direct`.
## PATCH `/api/v1/update_credentials`
diff --git a/docs/api/pleroma_api.md b/docs/api/pleroma_api.md
index 5698e88ac..b134b31a8 100644
--- a/docs/api/pleroma_api.md
+++ b/docs/api/pleroma_api.md
@@ -319,3 +319,38 @@ See [Admin-API](Admin-API.md)
"healthy": true # Instance state
+# Pleroma Conversations
+Pleroma Conversations have the same general structure that Mastodon Conversations have. The behavior differs in the following ways when using these endpoints:
+1. Pleroma Conversations never add or remove recipients, unless explicitly changed by the user.
+2. Pleroma Conversations statuses can be requested by Conversation id.
+3. Pleroma Conversations can be replied to.
+Conversations have the additional field "recipients" under the "pleroma" key. This holds a list of all the accounts that will receive a message in this conversation.
+The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversation_id`, which, when set, will set the visiblity to direct and address only the people who are the recipients of that Conversation.
+## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id/statuses`
+### Timeline for a given conversation
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params: Like other timelines
+* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).
+## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id`
+### The conversation with the given ID.
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params: None
+* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).
+## `PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id`
+### Update a conversation. Used to change the set of recipients.
+* Method `PATCH`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+ * `recipients`: A list of ids of users that should receive posts to this conversation. This will replace the current list of recipients, so submit the full list. The owner of owner of the conversation will always be part of the set of recipients, though.
+* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy)
diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/benchmark.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/benchmark.ex
index 5222cce80..4cc634727 100644
--- a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/benchmark.ex
+++ b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/benchmark.ex
@@ -26,4 +26,48 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Benchmark do
+ def run(["render_timeline", nickname]) do
+ start_pleroma()
+ user = Pleroma.User.get_by_nickname(nickname)
+ activities =
+ %{}
+ |> Map.put("type", ["Create", "Announce"])
+ |> Map.put("blocking_user", user)
+ |> Map.put("muting_user", user)
+ |> Map.put("user", user)
+ |> Map.put("limit", 80)
+ |> Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.fetch_public_activities()
+ |> Enum.reverse()
+ inputs = %{
+ "One activity" => Enum.take_random(activities, 1),
+ "Ten activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 10),
+ "Twenty activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 20),
+ "Forty activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 40),
+ "Eighty activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 80)
+ }
+ Benchee.run(
+ %{
+ "Parallel rendering" => fn activities ->
+ Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView.render("index.json", %{
+ activities: activities,
+ for: user,
+ as: :activity
+ })
+ end,
+ "Standart rendering" => fn activities ->
+ Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView.render("index.json", %{
+ activities: activities,
+ for: user,
+ as: :activity,
+ parallel: false
+ })
+ end
+ },
+ inputs: inputs
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/relay.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/relay.ex
index c7324fff6..a738fae75 100644
--- a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/relay.ex
+++ b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/relay.ex
@@ -53,13 +53,11 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Relay do
def run(["list"]) do
- with %User{} = user <- Relay.get_actor() do
- user.following
- |> Enum.each(fn entry ->
- URI.parse(entry)
- |> Map.get(:host)
- |> shell_info()
- end)
+ with %User{following: following} = _user <- Relay.get_actor() do
+ following
+ |> Enum.map(fn entry -> URI.parse(entry).host end)
+ |> Enum.uniq()
+ |> Enum.each(&shell_info(&1))
e -> shell_error("Error while fetching relay subscription list: #{inspect(e)}")
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/activity.ex b/lib/pleroma/activity.ex
index baf1e7722..35612c882 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/activity.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/activity.ex
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Activity do
from([a] in query,
left_join: tm in ThreadMute,
on: tm.user_id == ^user.id and tm.context == fragment("?->>'context'", a.data),
+ as: :thread_mute,
select: %Activity{a | thread_muted?: not is_nil(tm.id)}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/application.ex b/lib/pleroma/application.ex
index 00b06f723..25e56b9e2 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/application.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/application.ex
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Application do
+ import Cachex.Spec
use Application
@name Mix.Project.config()[:name]
@version Mix.Project.config()[:version]
@repository Mix.Project.config()[:source_url]
+ @env Mix.env()
def name, do: @name
def version, do: @version
def named_version, do: @name <> " " <> @version
@@ -21,116 +24,24 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Application do
# See http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/elixir/Application.html
# for more information on OTP Applications
def start(_type, _args) do
- import Cachex.Spec
# Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised
children =
- # Start the Ecto repository
- %{id: Pleroma.Repo, start: {Pleroma.Repo, :start_link, []}, type: :supervisor},
- %{id: Pleroma.Config.TransferTask, start: {Pleroma.Config.TransferTask, :start_link, []}},
- %{id: Pleroma.Emoji, start: {Pleroma.Emoji, :start_link, []}},
- %{id: Pleroma.Captcha, start: {Pleroma.Captcha, :start_link, []}},
- %{
- id: :cachex_used_captcha_cache,
- start:
- {Cachex, :start_link,
- [
- :used_captcha_cache,
- [
- ttl_interval:
- :timer.seconds(Pleroma.Config.get!([Pleroma.Captcha, :seconds_valid]))
- ]
- ]}
- },
- %{
- id: :cachex_user,
- start:
- {Cachex, :start_link,
- [
- :user_cache,
- [
- default_ttl: 25_000,
- ttl_interval: 1000,
- limit: 2500
- ]
- ]}
- },
- %{
- id: :cachex_object,
- start:
- {Cachex, :start_link,
- [
- :object_cache,
- [
- default_ttl: 25_000,
- ttl_interval: 1000,
- limit: 2500
- ]
- ]}
- },
- %{
- id: :cachex_rich_media,
- start:
- {Cachex, :start_link,
- [
- :rich_media_cache,
- [
- default_ttl: :timer.minutes(120),
- limit: 5000
- ]
- ]}
- },
- %{
- id: :cachex_scrubber,
- start:
- {Cachex, :start_link,
- [
- :scrubber_cache,
- [
- limit: 2500
- ]
- ]}
- },
- %{
- id: :cachex_idem,
- start:
- {Cachex, :start_link,
- [
- :idempotency_cache,
- [
- expiration:
- expiration(
- default: :timer.seconds(6 * 60 * 60),
- interval: :timer.seconds(60)
- ),
- limit: 2500
- ]
- ]}
- },
- %{id: Pleroma.FlakeId, start: {Pleroma.FlakeId, :start_link, []}},
- %{
- id: Pleroma.ScheduledActivityWorker,
- start: {Pleroma.ScheduledActivityWorker, :start_link, []}
- }
+ Pleroma.Repo,
+ Pleroma.Config.TransferTask,
+ Pleroma.Emoji,
+ Pleroma.Captcha,
+ Pleroma.FlakeId,
+ Pleroma.ScheduledActivityWorker
] ++
+ cachex_children() ++
hackney_pool_children() ++
- %{
- id: Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue,
- start: {Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue, :start_link, []}
- },
- %{
- id: Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token.CleanWorker,
- start: {Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token.CleanWorker, :start_link, []}
- },
- %{
- id: Pleroma.Stats,
- start: {Pleroma.Stats, :start_link, []}
- },
+ Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue,
+ Pleroma.Stats,
id: :web_push_init,
start: {Task, :start_link, [&Pleroma.Web.Push.init/0]},
@@ -147,16 +58,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Application do
restart: :temporary
] ++
- streamer_child() ++
- chat_child() ++
+ oauth_cleanup_child(oauth_cleanup_enabled?()) ++
+ streamer_child(@env) ++
+ chat_child(@env, chat_enabled?()) ++
- # Start the endpoint when the application starts
- %{
- id: Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- start: {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :start_link, []},
- type: :supervisor
- },
- %{id: Pleroma.Gopher.Server, start: {Pleroma.Gopher.Server, :start_link, []}}
+ Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
+ Pleroma.Gopher.Server
# See http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/elixir/Supervisor.html
@@ -201,28 +108,54 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Application do
- if Pleroma.Config.get(:env) == :test do
- defp streamer_child, do: []
- defp chat_child, do: []
- else
- defp streamer_child do
- [%{id: Pleroma.Web.Streamer, start: {Pleroma.Web.Streamer, :start_link, []}}]
- end
- defp chat_child do
- if Pleroma.Config.get([:chat, :enabled]) do
- [
- %{
- id: Pleroma.Web.ChatChannel.ChatChannelState,
- start: {Pleroma.Web.ChatChannel.ChatChannelState, :start_link, []}
- }
- ]
- else
- []
- end
- end
+ defp cachex_children do
+ [
+ build_cachex("used_captcha", ttl_interval: seconds_valid_interval()),
+ build_cachex("user", default_ttl: 25_000, ttl_interval: 1000, limit: 2500),
+ build_cachex("object", default_ttl: 25_000, ttl_interval: 1000, limit: 2500),
+ build_cachex("rich_media", default_ttl: :timer.minutes(120), limit: 5000),
+ build_cachex("scrubber", limit: 2500),
+ build_cachex("idempotency", expiration: idempotency_expiration(), limit: 2500)
+ ]
+ defp idempotency_expiration,
+ do: expiration(default: :timer.seconds(6 * 60 * 60), interval: :timer.seconds(60))
+ defp seconds_valid_interval,
+ do: :timer.seconds(Pleroma.Config.get!([Pleroma.Captcha, :seconds_valid]))
+ defp build_cachex(type, opts),
+ do: %{
+ id: String.to_atom("cachex_" <> type),
+ start: {Cachex, :start_link, [String.to_atom(type <> "_cache"), opts]},
+ type: :worker
+ }
+ defp chat_enabled?, do: Pleroma.Config.get([:chat, :enabled])
+ defp oauth_cleanup_enabled?,
+ do: Pleroma.Config.get([:oauth2, :clean_expired_tokens], false)
+ defp streamer_child(:test), do: []
+ defp streamer_child(_) do
+ [Pleroma.Web.Streamer]
+ end
+ defp oauth_cleanup_child(true),
+ do: [Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token.CleanWorker]
+ defp oauth_cleanup_child(_), do: []
+ defp chat_child(:test, _), do: []
+ defp chat_child(_env, true) do
+ [Pleroma.Web.ChatChannel.ChatChannelState]
+ end
+ defp chat_child(_, _), do: []
defp hackney_pool_children do
for pool <- enabled_hackney_pools() do
options = Pleroma.Config.get([:hackney_pools, pool])
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/captcha/captcha.ex b/lib/pleroma/captcha/captcha.ex
index a73b87251..c2765a5b8 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/captcha/captcha.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/captcha/captcha.ex
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Captcha do
use GenServer
@doc false
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/config/transfer_task.ex b/lib/pleroma/config/transfer_task.ex
index 7799b2a78..3214c9951 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/config/transfer_task.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/config/transfer_task.ex
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Config.TransferTask do
use Task
alias Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.Config
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
if Pleroma.Config.get(:env) == :test, do: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkin(Pleroma.Repo)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/conversation.ex b/lib/pleroma/conversation.ex
index bc97b39ca..be5821ad7 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/conversation.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/conversation.ex
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Conversation do
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation.RecipientShip
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
use Ecto.Schema
@@ -39,6 +40,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation do
Repo.get_by(__MODULE__, ap_id: ap_id)
+ def maybe_create_recipientships(participation, activity) do
+ participation = Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ if participation.recipients |> Enum.empty?() do
+ recipients = User.get_all_by_ap_id(activity.recipients)
+ RecipientShip.create(recipients, participation)
+ end
+ end
@doc """
This will
1. Create a conversation if there isn't one already
@@ -60,6 +70,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation do
{:ok, participation} =
Participation.create_for_user_and_conversation(user, conversation, opts)
+ maybe_create_recipientships(participation, activity)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation.ex b/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation.ex
index 5883e4183..ea5b9fe17 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation.ex
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.Participation do
use Ecto.Schema
alias Pleroma.Conversation
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation.RecipientShip
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
@@ -17,6 +18,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.Participation do
field(:read, :boolean, default: false)
field(:last_activity_id, Pleroma.FlakeId, virtual: true)
+ has_many(:recipient_ships, RecipientShip)
+ has_many(:recipients, through: [:recipient_ships, :user])
@@ -65,6 +69,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.Participation do
|> Pleroma.Pagination.fetch_paginated(params)
+ def for_user_and_conversation(user, conversation) do
+ from(p in __MODULE__,
+ where: p.user_id == ^user.id,
+ where: p.conversation_id == ^conversation.id
+ )
+ |> Repo.one()
+ end
def for_user_with_last_activity_id(user, params \\ %{}) do
for_user(user, params)
|> Enum.map(fn participation ->
@@ -81,4 +93,46 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.Participation do
|> Enum.filter(& &1.last_activity_id)
+ def get(_, _ \\ [])
+ def get(nil, _), do: nil
+ def get(id, params) do
+ query =
+ if preload = params[:preload] do
+ from(p in __MODULE__,
+ preload: ^preload
+ )
+ else
+ __MODULE__
+ end
+ Repo.get(query, id)
+ end
+ def set_recipients(participation, user_ids) do
+ user_ids =
+ [participation.user_id | user_ids]
+ |> Enum.uniq()
+ Repo.transaction(fn ->
+ query =
+ from(r in RecipientShip,
+ where: r.participation_id == ^participation.id
+ )
+ Repo.delete_all(query)
+ users =
+ from(u in User,
+ where: u.id in ^user_ids
+ )
+ |> Repo.all()
+ RecipientShip.create(users, participation)
+ :ok
+ end)
+ {:ok, Repo.preload(participation, :recipients, force: true)}
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation_recipient_ship.ex b/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation_recipient_ship.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..932cbd04c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/conversation/participation_recipient_ship.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.Participation.RecipientShip do
+ use Ecto.Schema
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
+ alias Pleroma.Repo
+ alias Pleroma.User
+ import Ecto.Changeset
+ schema "conversation_participation_recipient_ships" do
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
+ belongs_to(:participation, Participation)
+ end
+ def creation_cng(struct, params) do
+ struct
+ |> cast(params, [:user_id, :participation_id])
+ |> validate_required([:user_id, :participation_id])
+ end
+ def create(%User{} = user, participation), do: create([user], participation)
+ def create(users, participation) do
+ Enum.each(users, fn user ->
+ %__MODULE__{}
+ |> creation_cng(%{user_id: user.id, participation_id: participation.id})
+ |> Repo.insert!()
+ end)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/digest_email_worker.ex b/lib/pleroma/digest_email_worker.ex
index 18e67d39b..5644d6a67 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/digest_email_worker.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/digest_email_worker.ex
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.DigestEmailWorker do
import Ecto.Query
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/emoji.ex b/lib/pleroma/emoji.ex
index 052501642..66e20f0e4 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/emoji.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/emoji.ex
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji do
@ets_options [:ordered_set, :protected, :named_table, {:read_concurrency, true}]
@doc false
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/flake_id.ex b/lib/pleroma/flake_id.ex
index ca0610abc..47d61ca5f 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/flake_id.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/flake_id.ex
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.FlakeId do
def autogenerate, do: get()
# -- GenServer API
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
:gen_server.start_link({:local, :flake}, __MODULE__, [], [])
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/gopher/server.ex b/lib/pleroma/gopher/server.ex
index b3319e137..d4e4f3e55 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/gopher/server.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/gopher/server.ex
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gopher.Server do
use GenServer
require Logger
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
config = Pleroma.Config.get(:gopher, [])
ip = Keyword.get(config, :ip, {0, 0, 0, 0})
port = Keyword.get(config, :port, 1234)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/html.ex b/lib/pleroma/html.ex
index 2fae7281c..06e60cba3 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/html.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/html.ex
@@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.HTML.Scrubber.Default do
Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("p", [])
Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("pre", [])
Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("strong", [])
+ Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("sub", [])
+ Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("sup", [])
Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("u", [])
Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("ul", [])
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/scheduled_activity_worker.ex b/lib/pleroma/scheduled_activity_worker.ex
index 65b38622f..8578cab5e 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/scheduled_activity_worker.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/scheduled_activity_worker.ex
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.ScheduledActivityWorker do
@schedule_interval :timer.minutes(1)
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/stats.ex b/lib/pleroma/stats.ex
index 5b242927b..df80fbaa4 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/stats.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/stats.ex
@@ -7,31 +7,56 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Stats do
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
- def start_link do
- agent = Agent.start_link(fn -> {[], %{}} end, name: __MODULE__)
- spawn(fn -> schedule_update() end)
- agent
+ use GenServer
+ @interval 1000 * 60 * 60
+ def start_link(_) do
+ GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, initial_data(), name: __MODULE__)
+ end
+ def force_update do
+ GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :force_update)
def get_stats do
- Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn {_, stats} -> stats end)
+ %{stats: stats} = GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :get_state)
+ stats
def get_peers do
- Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn {peers, _} -> peers end)
+ %{peers: peers} = GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :get_state)
+ peers
- def schedule_update do
- spawn(fn ->
- # 1 hour
- Process.sleep(1000 * 60 * 60)
- schedule_update()
- end)
- update_stats()
+ def init(args) do
+ Process.send(self(), :run_update, [])
+ {:ok, args}
- def update_stats do
+ def handle_call(:force_update, _from, _state) do
+ new_stats = get_stat_data()
+ {:reply, new_stats, new_stats}
+ end
+ def handle_call(:get_state, _from, state) do
+ {:reply, state, state}
+ end
+ def handle_info(:run_update, _state) do
+ new_stats = get_stat_data()
+ Process.send_after(self(), :run_update, @interval)
+ {:noreply, new_stats}
+ end
+ defp initial_data do
+ %{peers: [], stats: %{}}
+ end
+ defp get_stat_data do
peers =
u in User,
@@ -52,8 +77,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Stats do
user_count = Repo.aggregate(User.Query.build(%{local: true, active: true}), :count, :id)
- Agent.update(__MODULE__, fn _ ->
- {peers, %{domain_count: domain_count, status_count: status_count, user_count: user_count}}
- end)
+ %{
+ peers: peers,
+ stats: %{domain_count: domain_count, status_count: status_count, user_count: user_count}
+ }
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/user.ex b/lib/pleroma/user.ex
index b67743846..02011f4e6 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/user.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/user.ex
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User do
alias Pleroma.Web
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils, as: CommonUtils
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth
alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus
@@ -132,6 +133,28 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User do
|> Map.put(:follower_count, follower_count)
+ def follow_state(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
+ follow_activity = Utils.fetch_latest_follow(user, target)
+ if follow_activity,
+ do: follow_activity.data["state"],
+ # Ideally this would be nil, but then Cachex does not commit the value
+ else: false
+ end
+ def get_cached_follow_state(user, target) do
+ key = "follow_state:#{user.ap_id}|#{target.ap_id}"
+ Cachex.fetch!(:user_cache, key, fn _ -> {:commit, follow_state(user, target)} end)
+ end
+ def set_follow_state_cache(user_ap_id, target_ap_id, state) do
+ Cachex.put(
+ :user_cache,
+ "follow_state:#{user_ap_id}|#{target_ap_id}",
+ state
+ )
+ end
def set_info_cache(user, args) do
Cachex.put(:user_cache, "user_info:#{user.id}", user_info(user, args))
@@ -463,6 +486,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User do
Repo.get_by(User, ap_id: ap_id)
+ def get_all_by_ap_id(ap_ids) do
+ from(u in __MODULE__,
+ where: u.ap_id in ^ap_ids
+ )
+ |> Repo.all()
+ end
# This is mostly an SPC migration fix. This guesses the user nickname by taking the last part
# of the ap_id and the domain and tries to get that user
def get_by_guessed_nickname(ap_id) do
@@ -720,6 +750,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User do
|> update_and_set_cache()
+ @spec maybe_fetch_follow_information(User.t()) :: User.t()
def maybe_fetch_follow_information(user) do
with {:ok, user} <- fetch_follow_information(user) do
@@ -777,9 +808,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User do
+ @spec maybe_update_following_count(User.t()) :: User.t()
def maybe_update_following_count(%User{local: false} = user) do
if Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :external_user_synchronization]) do
- {:ok, maybe_fetch_follow_information(user)}
+ maybe_fetch_follow_information(user)
@@ -885,6 +917,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User do
+ # clear any requested follows as well
+ blocked =
+ case CommonAPI.reject_follow_request(blocked, blocker) do
+ {:ok, %User{} = updated_blocked} -> updated_blocked
+ nil -> blocked
+ end
blocker =
if subscribed_to?(blocked, blocker) do
{:ok, blocker} = unsubscribe(blocked, blocker)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub.ex
index cf55c9520..1a8e3ad96 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub.ex
@@ -388,7 +388,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub do
def follow(follower, followed, activity_id \\ nil, local \\ true) do
with data <- make_follow_data(follower, followed, activity_id),
{:ok, activity} <- insert(data, local),
- :ok <- maybe_federate(activity) do
+ :ok <- maybe_federate(activity),
+ _ <- User.set_follow_state_cache(follower.ap_id, followed.ap_id, activity.data["state"]) do
{:ok, activity}
@@ -790,14 +791,20 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub do
defp restrict_muted(query, %{"with_muted" => val}) when val in [true, "true", "1"], do: query
- defp restrict_muted(query, %{"muting_user" => %User{info: info}}) do
+ defp restrict_muted(query, %{"muting_user" => %User{info: info}} = opts) do
mutes = info.mutes
- from(
- activity in query,
- where: fragment("not (? = ANY(?))", activity.actor, ^mutes),
- where: fragment("not (?->'to' \\?| ?)", activity.data, ^mutes)
- )
+ query =
+ from([activity] in query,
+ where: fragment("not (? = ANY(?))", activity.actor, ^mutes),
+ where: fragment("not (?->'to' \\?| ?)", activity.data, ^mutes)
+ )
+ unless opts["skip_preload"] do
+ from([thread_mute: tm] in query, where: is_nil(tm))
+ else
+ query
+ end
defp restrict_muted(query, _), do: query
@@ -898,7 +905,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub do
defp maybe_set_thread_muted_field(query, opts) do
- |> Activity.with_set_thread_muted_field(opts["user"])
+ |> Activity.with_set_thread_muted_field(opts["muting_user"] || opts["user"])
defp maybe_order(query, %{order: :desc}) do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/hellthread_policy.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/hellthread_policy.ex
index 9863454fa..b3c742954 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/hellthread_policy.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/hellthread_policy.ex
@@ -92,5 +92,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.HellthreadPolicy do
def filter(message), do: {:ok, message}
@impl true
- def describe, do: {:ok, %{mrf_hellthread: Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_hellthread])}}
+ def describe,
+ do: {:ok, %{mrf_hellthread: Pleroma.Config.get(:mrf_hellthread) |> Enum.into(%{})}}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public.ex
index 0ae9397ed..5a809a321 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public.ex
@@ -46,5 +46,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublic do
def filter(object), do: {:ok, object}
@impl true
- def describe, do: {:ok, %{mrf_rejectnonpublic: Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_rejectnonpublic])}}
+ def describe,
+ do: {:ok, %{mrf_rejectnonpublic: Pleroma.Config.get(:mrf_rejectnonpublic) |> Enum.into(%{})}}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy.ex
index 74da8d57e..4eaea00d8 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy.ex
@@ -32,5 +32,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicy do
def filter(message), do: {:ok, message}
- def describe, do: {:ok, %{mrf_vocabulary: Pleroma.Config.get(:mrf_vocabulary)}}
+ def describe,
+ do: {:ok, %{mrf_vocabulary: Pleroma.Config.get(:mrf_vocabulary) |> Enum.into(%{})}}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/publisher.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/publisher.ex
index 46edab0bd..262529b84 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/publisher.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/publisher.ex
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Publisher do
def publish_one(%{inbox: inbox, json: json, actor: %User{} = actor, id: id} = params) do
Logger.info("Federating #{id} to #{inbox}")
- host = URI.parse(inbox).host
+ %{host: host, path: path} = URI.parse(inbox)
digest = "SHA-256=" <> (:crypto.hash(:sha256, json) |> Base.encode64())
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Publisher do
signature =
Pleroma.Signature.sign(actor, %{
+ "(request-target)": "post #{path}",
host: host,
"content-length": byte_size(json),
digest: digest,
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/utils.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/utils.ex
index fc5305c58..1c3058658 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/utils.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/utils.ex
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils do
[state, actor, object]
+ User.set_follow_state_cache(actor, object, state)
activity = Activity.get_by_id(activity.id)
{:ok, activity}
@@ -382,12 +383,16 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils do
- def update_follow_state(%Activity{} = activity, state) do
+ def update_follow_state(
+ %Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor, "object" => object}} = activity,
+ state
+ ) do
with new_data <-
|> Map.put("state", state),
changeset <- Changeset.change(activity, data: new_data),
- {:ok, activity} <- Repo.update(changeset) do
+ {:ok, activity} <- Repo.update(changeset),
+ _ <- User.set_follow_state_cache(actor, object, state) do
{:ok, activity}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/chat_channel.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/chat_channel.ex
index f63f4bda1..b543909f1 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/chat_channel.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/chat_channel.ex
@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ChatChannel do
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ChatChannel.ChatChannelState do
+ use Agent
@max_messages 20
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{max_id: 1, messages: []} end, name: __MODULE__)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex
index 2db58324b..72da46263 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
alias Pleroma.Activity
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Formatter
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.ThreadMute
@@ -171,21 +172,25 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
- def get_visibility(%{"visibility" => visibility}, in_reply_to)
+ def get_visibility(_, _, %Participation{}) do
+ {"direct", "direct"}
+ end
+ def get_visibility(%{"visibility" => visibility}, in_reply_to, _)
when visibility in ~w{public unlisted private direct},
do: {visibility, get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
- def get_visibility(%{"visibility" => "list:" <> list_id}, in_reply_to) do
+ def get_visibility(%{"visibility" => "list:" <> list_id}, in_reply_to, _) do
visibility = {:list, String.to_integer(list_id)}
{visibility, get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
- def get_visibility(_, in_reply_to) when not is_nil(in_reply_to) do
+ def get_visibility(_, in_reply_to, _) when not is_nil(in_reply_to) do
visibility = get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)
{visibility, visibility}
- def get_visibility(_, in_reply_to), do: {"public", get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
+ def get_visibility(_, in_reply_to, _), do: {"public", get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
def get_replied_to_visibility(nil), do: nil
@@ -201,7 +206,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
with status <- String.trim(status),
attachments <- attachments_from_ids(data),
in_reply_to <- get_replied_to_activity(data["in_reply_to_status_id"]),
- {visibility, in_reply_to_visibility} <- get_visibility(data, in_reply_to),
+ in_reply_to_conversation <- Participation.get(data["in_reply_to_conversation_id"]),
+ {visibility, in_reply_to_visibility} <-
+ get_visibility(data, in_reply_to, in_reply_to_conversation),
{_, false} <-
{:private_to_public, in_reply_to_visibility == "direct" && visibility != "direct"},
{content_html, mentions, tags} <-
@@ -214,8 +221,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
mentioned_users <- for({_, mentioned_user} <- mentions, do: mentioned_user.ap_id),
addressed_users <- get_addressed_users(mentioned_users, data["to"]),
{poll, poll_emoji} <- make_poll_data(data),
- {to, cc} <- get_to_and_cc(user, addressed_users, in_reply_to, visibility),
- context <- make_context(in_reply_to),
+ {to, cc} <-
+ get_to_and_cc(user, addressed_users, in_reply_to, visibility, in_reply_to_conversation),
+ context <- make_context(in_reply_to, in_reply_to_conversation),
cw <- data["spoiler_text"] || "",
sensitive <- data["sensitive"] || Enum.member?(tags, {"#nsfw", "nsfw"}),
full_payload <- String.trim(status <> cw),
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex
index 22c44a0a3..61b96aba9 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
alias Calendar.Strftime
alias Pleroma.Activity
alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Formatter
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Plugs.AuthenticationPlug
@@ -86,9 +87,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
|> Enum.filter(& &1)
- @spec get_to_and_cc(User.t(), list(String.t()), Activity.t() | nil, String.t()) ::
+ @spec get_to_and_cc(
+ User.t(),
+ list(String.t()),
+ Activity.t() | nil,
+ String.t(),
+ Participation.t() | nil
+ ) ::
{list(String.t()), list(String.t())}
- def get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "public") do
+ def get_to_and_cc(_, _, _, _, %Participation{} = participation) do
+ participation = Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ {Enum.map(participation.recipients, & &1.ap_id), []}
+ end
+ def get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "public", _) do
to = [Pleroma.Constants.as_public() | mentioned_users]
cc = [user.follower_address]
@@ -99,7 +112,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
- def get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "unlisted") do
+ def get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "unlisted", _) do
to = [user.follower_address | mentioned_users]
cc = [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()]
@@ -110,12 +123,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
- def get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "private") do
- {to, cc} = get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "direct")
+ def get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "private", _) do
+ {to, cc} = get_to_and_cc(user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "direct", nil)
{[user.follower_address | to], cc}
- def get_to_and_cc(_user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "direct") do
+ def get_to_and_cc(_user, mentioned_users, inReplyTo, "direct", _) do
if inReplyTo do
{Enum.uniq([inReplyTo.data["actor"] | mentioned_users]), []}
@@ -123,7 +136,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
- def get_to_and_cc(_user, mentions, _inReplyTo, {:list, _}), do: {mentions, []}
+ def get_to_and_cc(_user, mentions, _inReplyTo, {:list, _}, _), do: {mentions, []}
def get_addressed_users(_, to) when is_list(to) do
@@ -253,8 +266,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
defp maybe_add_nsfw_tag(data, _), do: data
- def make_context(%Activity{data: %{"context" => context}}), do: context
- def make_context(_), do: Utils.generate_context_id()
+ def make_context(_, %Participation{} = participation) do
+ Repo.preload(participation, :conversation).conversation.ap_id
+ end
+ def make_context(%Activity{data: %{"context" => context}}, _), do: context
+ def make_context(_, _), do: Utils.generate_context_id()
def maybe_add_attachments(parsed, _attachments, true = _no_links), do: parsed
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/controller_helper.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/controller_helper.ex
index 8a753bb4f..eeac9f503 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/controller_helper.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/controller_helper.ex
@@ -33,4 +33,80 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper do
defp param_to_integer(_, default), do: default
+ def add_link_headers(
+ conn,
+ method,
+ activities,
+ param \\ nil,
+ params \\ %{},
+ func3 \\ nil,
+ func4 \\ nil
+ ) do
+ params =
+ conn.params
+ |> Map.drop(["since_id", "max_id", "min_id"])
+ |> Map.merge(params)
+ last = List.last(activities)
+ func3 = func3 || (&mastodon_api_url/3)
+ func4 = func4 || (&mastodon_api_url/4)
+ if last do
+ max_id = last.id
+ limit =
+ params
+ |> Map.get("limit", "20")
+ |> String.to_integer()
+ min_id =
+ if length(activities) <= limit do
+ activities
+ |> List.first()
+ |> Map.get(:id)
+ else
+ activities
+ |> Enum.at(limit * -1)
+ |> Map.get(:id)
+ end
+ {next_url, prev_url} =
+ if param do
+ {
+ func4.(
+ Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
+ method,
+ param,
+ Map.merge(params, %{max_id: max_id})
+ ),
+ func4.(
+ Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
+ method,
+ param,
+ Map.merge(params, %{min_id: min_id})
+ )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ func3.(
+ Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
+ method,
+ Map.merge(params, %{max_id: max_id})
+ ),
+ func3.(
+ Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
+ method,
+ Map.merge(params, %{min_id: min_id})
+ )
+ }
+ end
+ conn
+ |> put_resp_header("link", "<#{next_url}>; rel=\"next\", <#{prev_url}>; rel=\"prev\"")
+ else
+ conn
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/federator/retry_queue.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/federator/retry_queue.ex
index 3db948c2e..9eab8c218 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/federator/retry_queue.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/federator/retry_queue.ex
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue do
{:ok, %{args | queue_table: queue_table, running_jobs: :sets.new()}}
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
enabled =
if Pleroma.Config.get(:env) == :test,
do: true,
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller.ex
index 7ce2b5b06..8fe7be8be 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller.ex
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIController do
use Pleroma.Web, :controller
- import Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper, only: [json_response: 3]
+ import Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper,
+ only: [json_response: 3, add_link_headers: 5, add_link_headers: 4, add_link_headers: 3]
alias Ecto.Changeset
alias Pleroma.Activity
@@ -342,71 +343,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIController do
json(conn, mastodon_emoji)
- defp add_link_headers(conn, method, activities, param \\ nil, params \\ %{}) do
- params =
- conn.params
- |> Map.drop(["since_id", "max_id", "min_id"])
- |> Map.merge(params)
- last = List.last(activities)
- if last do
- max_id = last.id
- limit =
- params
- |> Map.get("limit", "20")
- |> String.to_integer()
- min_id =
- if length(activities) <= limit do
- activities
- |> List.first()
- |> Map.get(:id)
- else
- activities
- |> Enum.at(limit * -1)
- |> Map.get(:id)
- end
- {next_url, prev_url} =
- if param do
- {
- mastodon_api_url(
- Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- method,
- param,
- Map.merge(params, %{max_id: max_id})
- ),
- mastodon_api_url(
- Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- method,
- param,
- Map.merge(params, %{min_id: min_id})
- )
- }
- else
- {
- mastodon_api_url(
- Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- method,
- Map.merge(params, %{max_id: max_id})
- ),
- mastodon_api_url(
- Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- method,
- Map.merge(params, %{min_id: min_id})
- )
- }
- end
- conn
- |> put_resp_header("link", "<#{next_url}>; rel=\"next\", <#{prev_url}>; rel=\"prev\"")
- else
- conn
- end
- end
def home_timeline(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, params) do
params =
@@ -1797,7 +1733,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIController do
conversations =
Enum.map(participations, fn participation ->
- ConversationView.render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, user: user})
+ ConversationView.render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user})
@@ -1810,7 +1746,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIController do
Repo.get_by(Participation, id: participation_id, user_id: user.id),
{:ok, participation} <- Participation.mark_as_read(participation) do
participation_view =
- ConversationView.render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, user: user})
+ ConversationView.render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user})
|> json(participation_view)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view.ex
index 72c092f25..0ef568f0f 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view.ex
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AccountView do
def render("relationship.json", %{user: %User{} = user, target: %User{} = target}) do
- follow_activity = Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils.fetch_latest_follow(user, target)
+ follow_state = User.get_cached_follow_state(user, target)
requested =
- if follow_activity && !User.following?(target, user) do
- follow_activity.data["state"] == "pending"
+ if follow_state && !User.following?(user, target) do
+ follow_state == "pending"
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex
index 38bdec737..40acc07b3 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView do
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AccountView
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
- def render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, user: user}) do
- participation = Repo.preload(participation, conversation: :users)
+ def render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user}) do
+ participation = Repo.preload(participation, conversation: [], recipients: [])
last_activity_id =
with nil <- participation.last_activity_id do
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView do
# Conversations return all users except the current user.
users =
- participation.conversation.users
+ participation.recipients
|> Enum.reject(&(&1.id == user.id))
accounts =
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view.ex
index 492af1702..42fbdf51b 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view.ex
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
require Pleroma.Constants
alias Pleroma.Activity
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.HTML
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
@@ -70,12 +72,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
def render("index.json", opts) do
replied_to_activities = get_replied_to_activities(opts.activities)
+ parallel = unless is_nil(opts[:parallel]), do: opts[:parallel], else: true
|> safe_render_many(
- Map.put(opts, :replied_to_activities, replied_to_activities)
+ Map.put(opts, :replied_to_activities, replied_to_activities),
+ parallel
@@ -233,6 +237,19 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
object.data["url"] || object.data["external_url"] || object.data["id"]
+ direct_conversation_id =
+ with {_, true} <- {:include_id, opts[:with_direct_conversation_id]},
+ {_, %User{} = for_user} <- {:for_user, opts[:for]},
+ %{data: %{"context" => context}} when is_binary(context) <- activity,
+ %Conversation{} = conversation <- Conversation.get_for_ap_id(context),
+ %Participation{id: participation_id} <-
+ Participation.for_user_and_conversation(for_user, conversation) do
+ participation_id
+ else
+ _e ->
+ nil
+ end
id: to_string(activity.id),
uri: object.data["id"],
@@ -270,7 +287,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
conversation_id: get_context_id(activity),
in_reply_to_account_acct: reply_to_user && reply_to_user.nickname,
content: %{"text/plain" => content_plaintext},
- spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => summary_plaintext}
+ spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => summary_plaintext},
+ direct_conversation_id: direct_conversation_id
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/oauth/token/clean_worker.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/oauth/token/clean_worker.ex
index dca852449..f50098302 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/oauth/token/clean_worker.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/oauth/token/clean_worker.ex
@@ -6,36 +6,30 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token.CleanWorker do
@moduledoc """
The module represents functions to clean an expired oauth tokens.
+ use GenServer
+ @ten_seconds 10_000
+ @one_day 86_400_000
- # 10 seconds
- @start_interval 10_000
@interval Pleroma.Config.get(
- # 24 hours
[:oauth2, :clean_expired_tokens_interval],
- 86_400_000
+ @one_day
- @queue :background
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
- def start_link, do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil)
+ def start_link(_), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{})
def init(_) do
- if Pleroma.Config.get([:oauth2, :clean_expired_tokens], false) do
- Process.send_after(self(), :perform, @start_interval)
- {:ok, nil}
- else
- :ignore
- end
+ Process.send_after(self(), :perform, @ten_seconds)
+ {:ok, nil}
@doc false
def handle_info(:perform, state) do
+ Token.delete_expired_tokens()
Process.send_after(self(), :perform, @interval)
- PleromaJobQueue.enqueue(@queue, __MODULE__, [:clean])
{:noreply, state}
- # Job Worker Callbacks
- def perform(:clean), do: Token.delete_expired_tokens()
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/pleroma_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/pleroma_api_controller.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6d2bf86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/pleroma_api_controller.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.PleromaAPIController do
+ use Pleroma.Web, :controller
+ import Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper, only: [add_link_headers: 7]
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
+ def conversation(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => participation_id}) do
+ with %Participation{} = participation <- Participation.get(participation_id),
+ true <- user.id == participation.user_id do
+ conn
+ |> put_view(ConversationView)
+ |> render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user})
+ end
+ end
+ def conversation_statuses(
+ %{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn,
+ %{"id" => participation_id} = params
+ ) do
+ params =
+ params
+ |> Map.put("blocking_user", user)
+ |> Map.put("muting_user", user)
+ |> Map.put("user", user)
+ participation =
+ participation_id
+ |> Participation.get(preload: [:conversation])
+ if user.id == participation.user_id do
+ activities =
+ participation.conversation.ap_id
+ |> ActivityPub.fetch_activities_for_context(params)
+ |> Enum.reverse()
+ conn
+ |> add_link_headers(
+ :conversation_statuses,
+ activities,
+ participation_id,
+ params,
+ nil,
+ &pleroma_api_url/4
+ )
+ |> put_view(StatusView)
+ |> render("index.json", %{activities: activities, for: user, as: :activity})
+ end
+ end
+ def update_conversation(
+ %{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn,
+ %{"id" => participation_id, "recipients" => recipients}
+ ) do
+ participation =
+ participation_id
+ |> Participation.get()
+ with true <- user.id == participation.user_id,
+ {:ok, participation} <- Participation.set_recipients(participation, recipients) do
+ conn
+ |> put_view(ConversationView)
+ |> render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user})
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
index c8c1c22dd..1eb6f7b9d 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
@@ -259,6 +259,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
+ scope "/api/v1/pleroma", Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI do
+ pipe_through(:authenticated_api)
+ scope [] do
+ pipe_through(:oauth_read)
+ get("/conversations/:id/statuses", PleromaAPIController, :conversation_statuses)
+ get("/conversations/:id", PleromaAPIController, :conversation)
+ end
+ scope [] do
+ pipe_through(:oauth_write)
+ patch("/conversations/:id", PleromaAPIController, :update_conversation)
+ end
+ end
scope "/api/v1", Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex
index 9ee331030..587c43f40 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
@keepalive_interval :timer.seconds(30)
- def start_link do
+ def start_link(_) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{}, name: __MODULE__)
@@ -35,28 +35,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
def init(args) do
- spawn(fn ->
- # 30 seconds
- Process.sleep(@keepalive_interval)
- GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :ping})
- end)
+ Process.send_after(self(), %{action: :ping}, @keepalive_interval)
{:ok, args}
- def handle_cast(%{action: :ping}, topics) do
- Map.values(topics)
+ def handle_info(%{action: :ping}, topics) do
+ topics
+ |> Map.values()
|> List.flatten()
|> Enum.each(fn socket ->
Logger.debug("Sending keepalive ping")
send(socket.transport_pid, {:text, ""})
- spawn(fn ->
- # 30 seconds
- Process.sleep(@keepalive_interval)
- GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :ping})
- end)
+ Process.send_after(self(), %{action: :ping}, @keepalive_interval)
{:noreply, topics}
@@ -120,8 +113,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
|> Map.get("#{topic}:#{item.user_id}", [])
|> Enum.each(fn socket ->
with %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(socket.assigns[:user].ap_id),
- true <- should_send?(user, item),
- false <- CommonAPI.thread_muted?(user, item.activity) do
+ true <- should_send?(user, item) do
{:text, represent_notification(socket.assigns[:user], item)}
@@ -209,7 +201,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView.render("participation.json", %{
participation: participation,
- user: participation.user
+ for: participation.user
|> Jason.encode!()
@@ -243,7 +235,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
%{host: parent_host} <- URI.parse(parent.data["actor"]),
false <- Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomain_match?(domain_blocks, item_host),
false <- Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomain_match?(domain_blocks, parent_host),
- true <- thread_containment(item, user) do
+ true <- thread_containment(item, user),
+ false <- CommonAPI.thread_muted?(user, item) do
_ -> false
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/web.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/web.ex
index 687346554..bfb6c7287 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/web.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/web.ex
@@ -66,9 +66,23 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web do
@doc """
- Same as `render_many/4` but wrapped in rescue block.
+ Same as `render_many/4` but wrapped in rescue block and parallelized (unless disabled by passing false as a fifth argument).
- def safe_render_many(collection, view, template, assigns \\ %{}) do
+ def safe_render_many(collection, view, template, assigns \\ %{}, parallel \\ true)
+ def safe_render_many(collection, view, template, assigns, true) do
+ Enum.map(collection, fn resource ->
+ Task.async(fn ->
+ as = Map.get(assigns, :as) || view.__resource__
+ assigns = Map.put(assigns, as, resource)
+ safe_render(view, template, assigns)
+ end)
+ end)
+ |> Enum.map(&Task.await(&1, :infinity))
+ |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+ end
+ def safe_render_many(collection, view, template, assigns, false) do
Enum.map(collection, fn resource ->
as = Map.get(assigns, :as) || view.__resource__
assigns = Map.put(assigns, as, resource)
diff --git a/priv/repo/migrations/20190205114625_create_thread_mutes.exs b/priv/repo/migrations/20190205114625_create_thread_mutes.exs
index 7e44db121..baaf07253 100644
--- a/priv/repo/migrations/20190205114625_create_thread_mutes.exs
+++ b/priv/repo/migrations/20190205114625_create_thread_mutes.exs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.CreateThreadMutes do
add :user_id, references(:users, type: :uuid, on_delete: :delete_all)
add :context, :string
create_if_not_exists unique_index(:thread_mutes, [:user_id, :context], name: :unique_index)
diff --git a/priv/repo/migrations/20190801154554_create_conversation_participation_recipient_ships.exs b/priv/repo/migrations/20190801154554_create_conversation_participation_recipient_ships.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6e3469d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/repo/migrations/20190801154554_create_conversation_participation_recipient_ships.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.CreateConversationParticipationRecipientShips do
+ use Ecto.Migration
+ def change do
+ create_if_not_exists table(:conversation_participation_recipient_ships) do
+ add(:user_id, references(:users, type: :uuid, on_delete: :delete_all))
+ add(:participation_id, references(:conversation_participations, on_delete: :delete_all))
+ end
+ create_if_not_exists index(:conversation_participation_recipient_ships, [:user_id])
+ create_if_not_exists index(:conversation_participation_recipient_ships, [:participation_id])
+ end
diff --git a/test/config/transfer_task_test.exs b/test/config/transfer_task_test.exs
index dbeadbe87..9074f3b97 100644
--- a/test/config/transfer_task_test.exs
+++ b/test/config/transfer_task_test.exs
@@ -5,14 +5,8 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Config.TransferTaskTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
- setup do
- dynamic = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :dynamic_configuration])
+ clear_config([:instance, :dynamic_configuration]) do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], dynamic)
- end)
test "transfer config values from db to env" do
@@ -31,7 +25,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Config.TransferTaskTest do
value: [live: 15, com: 35]
- Pleroma.Config.TransferTask.start_link()
+ Pleroma.Config.TransferTask.start_link([])
assert Application.get_env(:pleroma, :test_key) == [live: 2, com: 3]
assert Application.get_env(:idna, :test_key) == [live: 15, com: 35]
@@ -50,7 +44,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Config.TransferTaskTest do
assert ExUnit.CaptureLog.capture_log(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.TransferTask.start_link()
+ Pleroma.Config.TransferTask.start_link([])
end) =~
"updating env causes error, key: \"undefined_atom_key\", error: %ArgumentError{message: \"argument error\"}"
diff --git a/test/conversation/participation_test.exs b/test/conversation/participation_test.exs
index 2a03e5d67..a27167d42 100644
--- a/test/conversation/participation_test.exs
+++ b/test/conversation/participation_test.exs
@@ -8,6 +8,50 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.ParticipationTest do
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ test "getting a participation will also preload things" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @#{other_user.nickname}.", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(user)
+ participation = Participation.get(participation.id, preload: [:conversation])
+ assert %Pleroma.Conversation{} = participation.conversation
+ end
+ test "for a new conversation, it sets the recipents of the participation" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ third_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @#{other_user.nickname}.", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(user)
+ participation = Pleroma.Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ assert length(participation.recipients) == 2
+ assert user in participation.recipients
+ assert other_user in participation.recipients
+ # Mentioning another user in the same conversation will not add a new recipients.
+ {:ok, _activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id,
+ "status" => "Hey @#{third_user.nickname}.",
+ "visibility" => "direct"
+ })
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(user)
+ participation = Pleroma.Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ assert length(participation.recipients) == 2
+ end
test "it creates a participation for a conversation and a user" do
user = insert(:user)
conversation = insert(:conversation)
@@ -102,4 +146,23 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Conversation.ParticipationTest do
[] = Participation.for_user_with_last_activity_id(user)
+ test "it sets recipients, always keeping the owner of the participation even when not explicitly set" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => ".", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user_with_last_activity_id(user)
+ participation = Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ assert participation.recipients |> length() == 1
+ assert user in participation.recipients
+ {:ok, participation} = Participation.set_recipients(participation, [other_user.id])
+ assert participation.recipients |> length() == 2
+ assert user in participation.recipients
+ assert other_user in participation.recipients
+ end
diff --git a/test/conversation_test.exs b/test/conversation_test.exs
index aa193e0d4..4e36494f8 100644
--- a/test/conversation_test.exs
+++ b/test/conversation_test.exs
@@ -11,14 +11,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.ConversationTest do
import Pleroma.Factory
- setup_all do
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
- :ok
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
test "it goes through old direct conversations" do
diff --git a/test/emails/mailer_test.exs b/test/emails/mailer_test.exs
index 450bb09c7..ae5effb7a 100644
--- a/test/emails/mailer_test.exs
+++ b/test/emails/mailer_test.exs
@@ -15,11 +15,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emails.MailerTest do
to: [{"Test User", "user1@example.com"}]
- setup do
- value = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, :enabled])
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, :enabled], value) end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, :enabled])
test "not send email when mailer is disabled" do
Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, :enabled], false)
diff --git a/test/http/request_builder_test.exs b/test/http/request_builder_test.exs
index 7febe84c5..170ca916f 100644
--- a/test/http/request_builder_test.exs
+++ b/test/http/request_builder_test.exs
@@ -4,21 +4,19 @@
defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilderTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
alias Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilder
describe "headers/2" do
+ clear_config([:http, :send_user_agent])
test "don't send pleroma user agent" do
assert RequestBuilder.headers(%{}, []) == %{headers: []}
test "send pleroma user agent" do
- send = Pleroma.Config.get([:http, :send_user_agent])
Pleroma.Config.put([:http, :send_user_agent], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:http, :send_user_agent], send)
- end)
assert RequestBuilder.headers(%{}, []) == %{
headers: [{"User-Agent", Pleroma.Application.user_agent()}]
diff --git a/test/object/fetcher_test.exs b/test/object/fetcher_test.exs
index 0ca87f035..895a73d2c 100644
--- a/test/object/fetcher_test.exs
+++ b/test/object/fetcher_test.exs
@@ -159,32 +159,28 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.FetcherTest do
describe "signed fetches" do
+ clear_config([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches])
test_with_mock "it signs fetches when configured to do so",
[] do
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches])
Pleroma.Config.put([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches], true)
assert called(Pleroma.Signature.sign(:_, :_))
- Pleroma.Config.put([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches], option)
test_with_mock "it doesn't sign fetches when not configured to do so",
[] do
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches])
Pleroma.Config.put([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches], false)
refute called(Pleroma.Signature.sign(:_, :_))
- Pleroma.Config.put([:activitypub, :sign_object_fetches], option)
diff --git a/test/plugs/ensure_public_or_authenticated_plug_test.exs b/test/plugs/ensure_public_or_authenticated_plug_test.exs
index ce5d77ff7..d45662a2a 100644
--- a/test/plugs/ensure_public_or_authenticated_plug_test.exs
+++ b/test/plugs/ensure_public_or_authenticated_plug_test.exs
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.EnsurePublicOrAuthenticatedPlugTest do
alias Pleroma.Plugs.EnsurePublicOrAuthenticatedPlug
alias Pleroma.User
+ clear_config([:instance, :public])
test "it halts if not public and no user is assigned", %{conn: conn} do
- set_public_to(false)
+ Config.put([:instance, :public], false)
conn =
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.EnsurePublicOrAuthenticatedPlugTest do
test "it continues if public", %{conn: conn} do
- set_public_to(true)
+ Config.put([:instance, :public], true)
ret_conn =
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.EnsurePublicOrAuthenticatedPlugTest do
test "it continues if a user is assigned, even if not public", %{conn: conn} do
- set_public_to(false)
+ Config.put([:instance, :public], false)
conn =
@@ -43,13 +45,4 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.EnsurePublicOrAuthenticatedPlugTest do
assert ret_conn == conn
- defp set_public_to(value) do
- orig = Config.get!([:instance, :public])
- Config.put([:instance, :public], value)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([:instance, :public], orig)
- end)
- end
diff --git a/test/plugs/http_security_plug_test.exs b/test/plugs/http_security_plug_test.exs
index 7dfd50c1f..7a2835e3d 100644
--- a/test/plugs/http_security_plug_test.exs
+++ b/test/plugs/http_security_plug_test.exs
@@ -7,17 +7,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Plugs.HTTPSecurityPlugTest do
alias Pleroma.Config
alias Plug.Conn
+ clear_config([:http_securiy, :enabled])
+ clear_config([:http_security, :sts])
describe "http security enabled" do
setup do
- enabled = Config.get([:http_securiy, :enabled])
Config.put([:http_security, :enabled], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([:http_security, :enabled], enabled)
- end)
- :ok
test "it sends CSP headers when enabled", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -81,14 +76,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Plugs.HTTPSecurityPlugTest do
test "it does not send CSP headers when disabled", %{conn: conn} do
- enabled = Config.get([:http_securiy, :enabled])
Config.put([:http_security, :enabled], false)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([:http_security, :enabled], enabled)
- end)
conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/instance")
assert Conn.get_resp_header(conn, "x-xss-protection") == []
diff --git a/test/plugs/instance_static_test.exs b/test/plugs/instance_static_test.exs
index e2dcfa3d8..6aabc45a4 100644
--- a/test/plugs/instance_static_test.exs
+++ b/test/plugs/instance_static_test.exs
@@ -8,14 +8,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RuntimeStaticPlugTest do
@dir "test/tmp/instance_static"
setup do
- static_dir = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], @dir)
+ on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf(@dir) end)
+ end
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], static_dir)
- File.rm_rf(@dir)
- end)
+ clear_config([:instance, :static_dir]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], @dir)
test "overrides index" do
diff --git a/test/support/helpers.ex b/test/support/helpers.ex
index 1a92be065..a601b3ec8 100644
--- a/test/support/helpers.ex
+++ b/test/support/helpers.ex
@@ -7,8 +7,52 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Tests.Helpers do
Helpers for use in tests.
+ defmacro clear_config(config_path) do
+ quote do
+ clear_config(unquote(config_path)) do
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ defmacro clear_config(config_path, do: yield) do
+ quote do
+ setup do
+ initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(unquote(config_path))
+ unquote(yield)
+ on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(unquote(config_path), initial_setting) end)
+ :ok
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ defmacro clear_config_all(config_path) do
+ quote do
+ clear_config_all(unquote(config_path)) do
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ defmacro clear_config_all(config_path, do: yield) do
+ quote do
+ setup_all do
+ initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(unquote(config_path))
+ unquote(yield)
+ on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(unquote(config_path), initial_setting) end)
+ :ok
+ end
+ end
+ end
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
+ import Pleroma.Tests.Helpers,
+ only: [
+ clear_config: 1,
+ clear_config: 2,
+ clear_config_all: 1,
+ clear_config_all: 2
+ ]
def collect_ids(collection) do
|> Enum.map(& &1.id)
@@ -30,6 +74,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Tests.Helpers do
|> Poison.encode!()
|> Poison.decode!()
+ defmacro guards_config(config_path) do
+ quote do
+ initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
+ Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
+ on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/tasks/config_test.exs b/test/tasks/config_test.exs
index a9b79eb5b..9cd47380c 100644
--- a/test/tasks/config_test.exs
+++ b/test/tasks/config_test.exs
@@ -11,21 +11,20 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.ConfigTest do
temp_file = "config/temp.exported_from_db.secret.exs"
- dynamic = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :dynamic_configuration])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
on_exit(fn ->
Application.delete_env(:pleroma, :first_setting)
Application.delete_env(:pleroma, :second_setting)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], dynamic)
:ok = File.rm(temp_file)
{:ok, temp_file: temp_file}
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :dynamic_configuration]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
+ end
test "settings are migrated to db" do
assert Repo.all(Config) == []
diff --git a/test/tasks/database_test.exs b/test/tasks/database_test.exs
index a8f25f500..a9925c361 100644
--- a/test/tasks/database_test.exs
+++ b/test/tasks/database_test.exs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.DatabaseTest do
+ alias Pleroma.Activity
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
@@ -22,6 +23,52 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.DatabaseTest do
+ describe "running remove_embedded_objects" do
+ test "it replaces objects with references" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "test"})
+ new_data = Map.put(activity.data, "object", activity.object.data)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ activity
+ |> Activity.change(%{data: new_data})
+ |> Repo.update()
+ assert is_map(activity.data["object"])
+ Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Database.run(["remove_embedded_objects"])
+ activity = Activity.get_by_id_with_object(activity.id)
+ assert is_binary(activity.data["object"])
+ end
+ end
+ describe "prune_objects" do
+ test "it prunes old objects from the database" do
+ insert(:note)
+ deadline = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :remote_post_retention_days]) + 1
+ date =
+ Timex.now()
+ |> Timex.shift(days: -deadline)
+ |> Timex.to_naive_datetime()
+ |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)
+ %{id: id} =
+ :note
+ |> insert()
+ |> Ecto.Changeset.change(%{inserted_at: date})
+ |> Repo.update!()
+ assert length(Repo.all(Object)) == 2
+ Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Database.run(["prune_objects"])
+ assert length(Repo.all(Object)) == 1
+ refute Object.get_by_id(id)
+ end
+ end
describe "running update_users_following_followers_counts" do
test "following and followers count are updated" do
[user, user2] = insert_pair(:user)
diff --git a/test/mix/tasks/pleroma.digest_test.exs b/test/tasks/digest_test.exs
similarity index 100%
rename from test/mix/tasks/pleroma.digest_test.exs
rename to test/tasks/digest_test.exs
diff --git a/test/tasks/relay_test.exs b/test/tasks/relay_test.exs
index 9d260da3e..0d341c8d6 100644
--- a/test/tasks/relay_test.exs
+++ b/test/tasks/relay_test.exs
@@ -69,4 +69,27 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.RelayTest do
assert undo_activity.data["object"] == cancelled_activity.data
+ describe "mix pleroma.relay list" do
+ test "Prints relay subscription list" do
+ :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Relay.run(["list"])
+ refute_receive {:mix_shell, :info, _}
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Relay.get_actor()
+ |> Ecto.Changeset.change(
+ following: [
+ "http://test-app.com/user/test1",
+ "http://test-app.com/user/test1",
+ "http://test-app-42.com/user/test1"
+ ]
+ )
+ |> Pleroma.User.update_and_set_cache()
+ :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Relay.run(["list"])
+ assert_receive {:mix_shell, :info, ["test-app.com"]}
+ assert_receive {:mix_shell, :info, ["test-app-42.com"]}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/tasks/robots_txt_test.exs b/test/tasks/robots_txt_test.exs
index 78a3f17b4..917df2675 100644
--- a/test/tasks/robots_txt_test.exs
+++ b/test/tasks/robots_txt_test.exs
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.RobotsTxtTest do
use ExUnit.Case
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
alias Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.RobotsTxt
+ clear_config([:instance, :static_dir])
test "creates new dir" do
path = "test/fixtures/new_dir/"
file_path = path <> "robots.txt"
- static_dir = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], path)
on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], static_dir)
{:ok, ["test/fixtures/new_dir/", "test/fixtures/new_dir/robots.txt"]} = File.rm_rf(path)
@@ -29,11 +29,9 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.RobotsTxtTest do
test "to existance folder" do
path = "test/fixtures/"
file_path = path <> "robots.txt"
- static_dir = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], path)
on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], static_dir)
:ok = File.rm(file_path)
diff --git a/test/upload/filter/anonymize_filename_test.exs b/test/upload/filter/anonymize_filename_test.exs
index a31b38ab1..6b33e7395 100644
--- a/test/upload/filter/anonymize_filename_test.exs
+++ b/test/upload/filter/anonymize_filename_test.exs
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilenameTest do
alias Pleroma.Upload
setup do
- custom_filename = Config.get([Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text], custom_filename)
- end)
upload_file = %Upload{
name: "an… image.jpg",
content_type: "image/jpg",
@@ -24,6 +18,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilenameTest do
%{upload_file: upload_file}
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text])
test "it replaces filename on pre-defined text", %{upload_file: upload_file} do
Config.put([Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text], "custom-file.png")
{:ok, %Upload{name: name}} = Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename.filter(upload_file)
diff --git a/test/upload/filter/mogrify_test.exs b/test/upload/filter/mogrify_test.exs
index c301440fd..210320d30 100644
--- a/test/upload/filter/mogrify_test.exs
+++ b/test/upload/filter/mogrify_test.exs
@@ -10,13 +10,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Upload.Filter.MogrifyTest do
alias Pleroma.Upload
alias Pleroma.Upload.Filter
- setup do
- filter = Config.get([Filter.Mogrify, :args])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([Filter.Mogrify, :args], filter)
- end)
- end
+ clear_config([Filter.Mogrify, :args])
test "apply mogrify filter" do
Config.put([Filter.Mogrify, :args], [{"tint", "40"}])
diff --git a/test/upload/filter_test.exs b/test/upload/filter_test.exs
index 640cd7107..03887c06a 100644
--- a/test/upload/filter_test.exs
+++ b/test/upload/filter_test.exs
@@ -8,13 +8,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Upload.FilterTest do
alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Upload.Filter
- setup do
- custom_filename = Config.get([Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text], custom_filename)
- end)
- end
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text])
test "applies filters" do
Config.put([Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename, :text], "custom-file.png")
diff --git a/test/upload_test.exs b/test/upload_test.exs
index 95b16078b..6721fe82e 100644
--- a/test/upload_test.exs
+++ b/test/upload_test.exs
@@ -250,12 +250,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UploadTest do
describe "Setting a custom base_url for uploaded media" do
- setup do
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url]) do
Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], "https://cache.pleroma.social")
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], nil)
- end)
test "returns a media url with configured base_url" do
diff --git a/test/uploaders/s3_test.exs b/test/uploaders/s3_test.exs
index a0a1cfdf0..171316340 100644
--- a/test/uploaders/s3_test.exs
+++ b/test/uploaders/s3_test.exs
@@ -11,19 +11,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Uploaders.S3Test do
import Mock
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
- setup do
- config = Config.get([Pleroma.Uploaders.S3])
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Uploaders.S3]) do
bucket: "test_bucket",
public_endpoint: "https://s3.amazonaws.com"
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([Pleroma.Uploaders.S3], config)
- end)
- :ok
describe "get_file/1" do
diff --git a/test/user_test.exs b/test/user_test.exs
index b363b322c..27156f036 100644
--- a/test/user_test.exs
+++ b/test/user_test.exs
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
+ clear_config([:instance, :account_activation_required])
describe "when tags are nil" do
test "tagging a user" do
user = insert(:user, %{tags: nil})
@@ -90,6 +92,17 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
assert activity
+ test "clears follow requests when requester is blocked" do
+ followed = insert(:user, %{info: %{locked: true}})
+ follower = insert(:user)
+ CommonAPI.follow(follower, followed)
+ assert {:ok, [_activity]} = User.get_follow_requests(followed)
+ {:ok, _follower} = User.block(followed, follower)
+ assert {:ok, []} = User.get_follow_requests(followed)
+ end
test "follow_all follows mutliple users" do
user = insert(:user)
followed_zero = insert(:user)
@@ -192,24 +205,64 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
# assert websub
# end
- test "unfollow takes a user and another user" do
- followed = insert(:user)
- user = insert(:user, %{following: [User.ap_followers(followed)]})
+ describe "unfollow/2" do
+ setup do
+ setting = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :external_user_synchronization])
- {:ok, user, _activity} = User.unfollow(user, followed)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :external_user_synchronization], setting)
+ end)
- user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
+ :ok
+ end
- assert user.following == []
- end
+ test "unfollow with syncronizes external user" do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :external_user_synchronization], true)
- test "unfollow doesn't unfollow yourself" do
- user = insert(:user)
+ followed =
+ insert(:user,
+ nickname: "fuser1",
+ follower_address: "http://localhost:4001/users/fuser1/followers",
+ following_address: "http://localhost:4001/users/fuser1/following",
+ ap_id: "http://localhost:4001/users/fuser1"
+ )
- {:error, _} = User.unfollow(user, user)
+ user =
+ insert(:user, %{
+ local: false,
+ nickname: "fuser2",
+ ap_id: "http://localhost:4001/users/fuser2",
+ follower_address: "http://localhost:4001/users/fuser2/followers",
+ following_address: "http://localhost:4001/users/fuser2/following",
+ following: [User.ap_followers(followed)]
+ })
- user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
- assert user.following == [user.ap_id]
+ {:ok, user, _activity} = User.unfollow(user, followed)
+ user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
+ assert user.following == []
+ end
+ test "unfollow takes a user and another user" do
+ followed = insert(:user)
+ user = insert(:user, %{following: [User.ap_followers(followed)]})
+ {:ok, user, _activity} = User.unfollow(user, followed)
+ user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
+ assert user.following == []
+ end
+ test "unfollow doesn't unfollow yourself" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:error, _} = User.unfollow(user, user)
+ user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
+ assert user.following == [user.ap_id]
+ end
test "test if a user is following another user" do
@@ -236,6 +289,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
password_confirmation: "test",
email: "email@example.com"
+ clear_config([:instance, :autofollowed_nicknames])
+ clear_config([:instance, :welcome_message])
+ clear_config([:instance, :welcome_user_nickname])
test "it autofollows accounts that are set for it" do
user = insert(:user)
@@ -252,8 +308,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
assert User.following?(registered_user, user)
refute User.following?(registered_user, remote_user)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :autofollowed_nicknames], [])
test "it sends a welcome message if it is set" do
@@ -269,9 +323,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
assert registered_user.ap_id in activity.recipients
assert Object.normalize(activity).data["content"] =~ "cool site"
assert activity.actor == welcome_user.ap_id
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :welcome_user_nickname], nil)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :welcome_message], nil)
test "it requires an email, name, nickname and password, bio is optional" do
@@ -337,15 +388,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
email: "email@example.com"
- setup do
- setting = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required])
- unless setting do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], setting) end)
- end
- :ok
+ clear_config([:instance, :account_activation_required]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
test "it creates unconfirmed user" do
@@ -992,6 +1036,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
[user: user]
+ clear_config([:instance, :federating])
test ".delete_user_activities deletes all create activities", %{user: user} do
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "2hu"})
@@ -1042,9 +1088,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
[] do
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
{:ok, follower} = User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id("http://mastodon.example.org/users/admin")
{:ok, _} = User.follow(follower, user)
@@ -1056,8 +1100,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
inbox: "http://mastodon.example.org/inbox"
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting)
@@ -1123,8 +1165,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
refute User.auth_active?(local_user)
assert User.auth_active?(confirmed_user)
assert User.auth_active?(remote_user)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], false)
describe "superuser?/1" do
@@ -1169,8 +1209,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
other_user = insert(:user, local: true)
refute User.visible_for?(user, other_user)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], false)
test "returns true when the account is unauthenticated and auth is not required" do
@@ -1187,8 +1225,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
other_user = insert(:user, local: true, info: %{is_admin: true})
assert User.visible_for?(user, other_user)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], false)
@@ -1501,10 +1537,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
describe "following/followers synchronization" do
- setup do
- sync = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :external_user_synchronization])
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :external_user_synchronization], sync) end)
- end
+ clear_config([:instance, :external_user_synchronization])
test "updates the counters normally on following/getting a follow when disabled" do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :external_user_synchronization], false)
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
index 251055ee1..77f5e39fa 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
@@ -16,17 +16,16 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubControllerTest do
setup_all do
Tesla.Mock.mock_global(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating],
+ do: Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
+ )
describe "/relay" do
+ clear_config([:instance, :allow_relay])
test "with the relay active, it returns the relay user", %{conn: conn} do
res =
@@ -43,8 +42,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubControllerTest do
|> get(activity_pub_path(conn, :relay))
|> json_response(404)
|> assert
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :allow_relay], true)
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs
index d723f331f..f20cd2840 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs
@@ -538,6 +538,29 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubTest do
assert Enum.member?(activities, activity_one)
+ test "doesn't return thread muted activities" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ _activity_one = insert(:note_activity)
+ note_two = insert(:note, data: %{"context" => "suya.."})
+ activity_two = insert(:note_activity, note: note_two)
+ {:ok, _activity_two} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity_two)
+ assert [_activity_one] = ActivityPub.fetch_activities([], %{"muting_user" => user})
+ end
+ test "returns thread muted activities when with_muted is set" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ _activity_one = insert(:note_activity)
+ note_two = insert(:note, data: %{"context" => "suya.."})
+ activity_two = insert(:note_activity, note: note_two)
+ {:ok, activity_two} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity_two)
+ assert [_activity_two, _activity_one] =
+ ActivityPub.fetch_activities([], %{"muting_user" => user, "with_muted" => true})
+ end
test "does include announces on request" do
activity_three = insert(:note_activity)
user = insert(:user)
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/mrf_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/mrf_test.exs
index 19e172939..04709df17 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/mrf_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/mrf_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRFTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF
test "subdomains_regex/1" do
@@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRFTest do
describe "describe/0" do
+ clear_config([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
test "it works as expected with noop policy" do
expected = %{
mrf_policies: ["NoOpPolicy"],
@@ -69,7 +72,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRFTest do
test "it works as expected with mock policy" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], [MRFModuleMock])
expected = %{
@@ -79,8 +81,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRFTest do
{:ok, ^expected} = MRF.describe()
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], config)
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs
index fdf6b245e..fc1d190bb 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs
@@ -8,12 +8,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublicTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublic
- setup do
- policy = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_rejectnonpublic])
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_rejectnonpublic], policy) end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config([:mrf_rejectnonpublic])
describe "public message" do
test "it's allowed when address is public" do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs
index 8e86d2219..7203b27da 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs
@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicyTest do
alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy
- setup do
- orig = Config.get!(:mrf_simple)
+ clear_config([:mrf_simple]) do
media_removal: [],
media_nsfw: [],
@@ -21,10 +19,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicyTest do
avatar_removal: [],
banner_removal: []
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put(:mrf_simple, orig)
- end)
describe "when :media_removal" do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/user_allowlist_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/user_allowlist_policy_test.exs
index 6519e2398..72084c0fd 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/user_allowlist_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/user_allowlist_policy_test.exs
@@ -7,12 +7,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.UserAllowListPolicyTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.UserAllowListPolicy
- setup do
- policy = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_user_allowlist]) || []
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_user_allowlist], policy) end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config([:mrf_user_allowlist, :localhost])
test "pass filter if allow list is empty" do
actor = insert(:user)
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy_test.exs
index c3b11d7a1..38309f9f1 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/vocabulary_policy_test.exs
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicy
describe "accept" do
+ clear_config([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept])
test "it accepts based on parent activity type" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], ["Like"])
message = %{
@@ -18,12 +19,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:ok, ^message} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], config)
test "it accepts based on child object type" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], ["Create", "Note"])
message = %{
@@ -35,12 +33,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:ok, ^message} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], config)
test "it does not accept disallowed child objects" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], ["Create", "Note"])
message = %{
@@ -52,12 +47,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:reject, nil} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], config)
test "it does not accept disallowed parent types" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], ["Announce", "Note"])
message = %{
@@ -69,14 +61,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:reject, nil} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :accept], config)
describe "reject" do
+ clear_config([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject])
test "it rejects based on parent activity type" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject], ["Like"])
message = %{
@@ -85,12 +76,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:reject, nil} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject], config)
test "it rejects based on child object type" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject], ["Note"])
message = %{
@@ -102,12 +90,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:reject, nil} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject], config)
test "it passes through objects that aren't disallowed" do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject])
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject], ["Like"])
message = %{
@@ -116,8 +101,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicyTest do
{:ok, ^message} = VocabularyPolicy.filter(message)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_vocabulary, :reject], config)
diff --git a/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs
index bcbc18639..844cd0732 100644
--- a/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -294,20 +294,17 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
describe "POST /api/pleroma/admin/email_invite, with valid config" do
setup do
- registrations_open = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :registrations_open])
- invites_enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :invites_enabled])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], false)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], registrations_open)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], invites_enabled)
- :ok
- end)
[user: insert(:user, info: %{is_admin: true})]
+ clear_config([:instance, :registrations_open]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], false)
+ end
+ clear_config([:instance, :invites_enabled]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], true)
+ end
test "sends invitation and returns 204", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
recipient_email = "foo@bar.com"
recipient_name = "J. D."
@@ -360,18 +357,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
[user: insert(:user, info: %{is_admin: true})]
+ clear_config([:instance, :registrations_open])
+ clear_config([:instance, :invites_enabled])
test "it returns 500 if `invites_enabled` is not enabled", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- registrations_open = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :registrations_open])
- invites_enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :invites_enabled])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], false)
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], false)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], registrations_open)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], invites_enabled)
- :ok
- end)
conn =
|> assign(:user, user)
@@ -381,17 +373,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
test "it returns 500 if `registrations_open` is enabled", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- registrations_open = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :registrations_open])
- invites_enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :invites_enabled])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], true)
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :registrations_open], registrations_open)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :invites_enabled], invites_enabled)
- :ok
- end)
conn =
|> assign(:user, user)
@@ -1402,17 +1386,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
:ok = File.rm(temp_file)
- dynamic = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :dynamic_configuration])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], dynamic)
- end)
%{conn: assign(conn, :user, admin)}
+ clear_config([:instance, :dynamic_configuration]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
+ end
test "create new config setting in db", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
post(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/config", %{
@@ -1961,17 +1941,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
:ok = File.rm(temp_file)
- dynamic = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :dynamic_configuration])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], dynamic)
- end)
%{conn: assign(conn, :user, admin), admin: admin}
+ clear_config([:instance, :dynamic_configuration]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :dynamic_configuration], true)
+ end
test "transfer settings to DB and to file", %{conn: conn, admin: admin} do
assert Pleroma.Repo.all(Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.Config) == []
conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/config/migrate_to_db")
diff --git a/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs b/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs
index 16b3f121d..bcbaad665 100644
--- a/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs
@@ -5,18 +5,66 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPITest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.Activity
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Visibility
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
import Pleroma.Factory
+ clear_config([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions])
+ clear_config([:instance, :limit])
+ clear_config([:instance, :max_pinned_statuses])
+ test "when replying to a conversation / participation, it will set the correct context id even if no explicit reply_to is given" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => ".", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(user)
+ {:ok, convo_reply} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => ".", "in_reply_to_conversation_id" => participation.id})
+ assert Visibility.is_direct?(convo_reply)
+ assert activity.data["context"] == convo_reply.data["context"]
+ end
+ test "when replying to a conversation / participation, it only mentions the recipients explicitly declared in the participation" do
+ har = insert(:user)
+ jafnhar = insert(:user)
+ tridi = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(har, %{
+ "status" => "@#{jafnhar.nickname} hey",
+ "visibility" => "direct"
+ })
+ assert har.ap_id in activity.recipients
+ assert jafnhar.ap_id in activity.recipients
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(har)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(har, %{
+ "status" => "I don't really like @#{tridi.nickname}",
+ "visibility" => "direct",
+ "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id,
+ "in_reply_to_conversation_id" => participation.id
+ })
+ assert har.ap_id in activity.recipients
+ assert jafnhar.ap_id in activity.recipients
+ refute tridi.ap_id in activity.recipients
+ end
test "with the safe_dm_mention option set, it does not mention people beyond the initial tags" do
har = insert(:user)
jafnhar = insert(:user)
tridi = insert(:user)
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], true)
{:ok, activity} =
@@ -27,7 +75,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPITest do
refute tridi.ap_id in activity.recipients
assert jafnhar.ap_id in activity.recipients
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], option)
test "it de-duplicates tags" do
@@ -150,15 +197,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPITest do
test "it returns error when character limit is exceeded" do
- limit = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :limit])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :limit], 5)
user = insert(:user)
assert {:error, "The status is over the character limit"} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "foobar"})
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :limit], limit)
diff --git a/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs b/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs
index 5989d7d29..c281dd1f1 100644
--- a/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
mentioned_user = insert(:user)
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "public")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "public", nil)
assert length(to) == 2
assert length(cc) == 1
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"})
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "public")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "public", nil)
assert length(to) == 3
assert length(cc) == 1
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
mentioned_user = insert(:user)
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "unlisted")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "unlisted", nil)
assert length(to) == 2
assert length(cc) == 1
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"})
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "unlisted")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "unlisted", nil)
assert length(to) == 3
assert length(cc) == 1
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
mentioned_user = insert(:user)
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "private")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "private", nil)
assert length(to) == 2
assert length(cc) == 0
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"})
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "private")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "private", nil)
assert length(to) == 3
assert length(cc) == 0
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
mentioned_user = insert(:user)
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "direct")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "direct", nil)
assert length(to) == 1
assert length(cc) == 0
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"})
mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id]
- {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "direct")
+ {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "direct", nil)
assert length(to) == 2
assert length(cc) == 0
diff --git a/test/web/digest_email_worker_test.exs b/test/web/digest_email_worker_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15002330f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/digest_email_worker_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.DigestEmailWorkerTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ alias Pleroma.DigestEmailWorker
+ alias Pleroma.User
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ test "it sends digest emails" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ date =
+ Timex.now()
+ |> Timex.shift(days: -10)
+ |> Timex.to_naive_datetime()
+ user2 = insert(:user, last_digest_emailed_at: date)
+ User.switch_email_notifications(user2, "digest", true)
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user2.nickname}!"})
+ DigestEmailWorker.perform()
+ assert_received {:email, email}
+ assert email.to == [{user2.name, user2.email}]
+ assert email.subject == "Your digest from #{Pleroma.Config.get(:instance)[:name]}"
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/federator_test.exs b/test/web/federator_test.exs
index 73cfaa8f1..09e54533f 100644
--- a/test/web/federator_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/federator_test.exs
@@ -13,15 +13,17 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.FederatorTest do
setup_all do
Tesla.Mock.mock_global(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
+ end
+ clear_config([:instance, :allow_relay])
+ clear_config([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
+ clear_config([:mrf_keyword])
describe "Publisher.perform" do
test "call `perform` with unknown task" do
assert {
@@ -67,8 +69,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.FederatorTest do
refute_received :relay_publish
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :allow_relay], true)
@@ -231,19 +231,18 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.FederatorTest do
test "it does not crash if MRF rejects the post" do
- policies = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
- mrf_keyword_policy = Pleroma.Config.get(:mrf_keyword)
Pleroma.Config.put([:mrf_keyword, :reject], ["lain"])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.KeywordPolicy)
+ Pleroma.Config.put(
+ [:instance, :rewrite_policy],
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.KeywordPolicy
+ )
params =
|> Poison.decode!()
assert Federator.incoming_ap_doc(params) == :error
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], policies)
- Pleroma.Config.put(:mrf_keyword, mrf_keyword_policy)
diff --git a/test/web/instances/instance_test.exs b/test/web/instances/instance_test.exs
index d28730994..3fd011fd3 100644
--- a/test/web/instances/instance_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/instances/instance_test.exs
@@ -10,14 +10,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Instances.InstanceTest do
import Pleroma.Factory
- setup_all do
- config_path = [:instance, :federation_reachability_timeout_days]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, 1)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
- :ok
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federation_reachability_timeout_days]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federation_reachability_timeout_days], 1)
describe "set_reachable/1" do
diff --git a/test/web/instances/instances_test.exs b/test/web/instances/instances_test.exs
index f0d84edea..dea8e2aea 100644
--- a/test/web/instances/instances_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/instances/instances_test.exs
@@ -7,14 +7,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.InstancesTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
- setup_all do
- config_path = [:instance, :federation_reachability_timeout_days]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, 1)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
- :ok
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federation_reachability_timeout_days]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federation_reachability_timeout_days], 1)
describe "reachable?/1" do
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/conversation_view_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/conversation_view_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2a880705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/conversation_view_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationViewTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ test "represents a Mastodon Conversation entity" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user_with_last_activity_id(user)
+ assert participation
+ conversation =
+ ConversationView.render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user})
+ assert conversation.id == participation.id |> to_string()
+ assert conversation.last_status.id == activity.id
+ assert [account] = conversation.accounts
+ assert account.id == other_user.id
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller_test.exs
index 2febe8b3a..77430e9c9 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/mastodon_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
+ clear_config([:instance, :public])
+ clear_config([:rich_media, :enabled])
test "the home timeline", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
following = insert(:user)
@@ -86,13 +89,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
test "the public timeline when public is set to false", %{conn: conn} do
- public = Config.get([:instance, :public])
Config.put([:instance, :public], false)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([:instance, :public], public)
- end)
assert conn
|> get("/api/v1/timelines/public", %{"local" => "False"})
|> json_response(403) == %{"error" => "This resource requires authentication."}
@@ -261,7 +259,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
assert %{"id" => id, "card" => %{"title" => "The Rock"}} = json_response(conn, 200)
assert Activity.get_by_id(id)
- Config.put([:rich_media, :enabled], false)
test "posting a direct status", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -1634,14 +1631,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
describe "media upload" do
setup do
- upload_config = Config.get([Pleroma.Upload])
- proxy_config = Config.get([:media_proxy])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([Pleroma.Upload], upload_config)
- Config.put([:media_proxy], proxy_config)
- end)
user = insert(:user)
conn =
@@ -1657,6 +1646,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
[conn: conn, image: image]
+ clear_config([:media_proxy])
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Upload])
test "returns uploaded image", %{conn: conn, image: image} do
desc = "Description of the image"
@@ -2624,7 +2616,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
|> Changeset.put_embed(:info, info_change)
|> User.update_and_set_cache()
- Pleroma.Stats.update_stats()
+ Pleroma.Stats.force_update()
conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/instance")
@@ -2642,7 +2634,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
insert(:user, %{local: false, nickname: "u@peer1.com"})
insert(:user, %{local: false, nickname: "u@peer2.com"})
- Pleroma.Stats.update_stats()
+ Pleroma.Stats.force_update()
conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/instance/peers")
@@ -2667,14 +2659,16 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
describe "pinned statuses" do
setup do
- Config.put([:instance, :max_pinned_statuses], 1)
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "HI!!!"})
[user: user, activity: activity]
+ clear_config([:instance, :max_pinned_statuses]) do
+ Config.put([:instance, :max_pinned_statuses], 1)
+ end
test "returns pinned statuses", %{conn: conn, user: user, activity: activity} do
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.pin(activity.id, user)
@@ -2769,10 +2763,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
setup do
Config.put([:rich_media, :enabled], true)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Config.put([:rich_media, :enabled], false)
- end)
user = insert(:user)
%{user: user}
@@ -3127,15 +3117,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
conn: conn,
path: path
} do
- is_public = Config.get([:instance, :public])
Config.put([:instance, :public], false)
conn = get(conn, path)
assert conn.status == 302
assert redirected_to(conn) == "/web/login"
- Config.put([:instance, :public], is_public)
test "does not redirect logged in users to the login page", %{conn: conn, path: path} do
@@ -3910,13 +3897,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
describe "POST /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/confirmation_resend" do
setup do
- setting = Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required])
- unless setting do
- Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
- on_exit(fn -> Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], setting) end)
- end
user = insert(:user)
info_change = User.Info.confirmation_changeset(user.info, need_confirmation: true)
@@ -3931,6 +3911,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
[user: user]
+ clear_config([:instance, :account_activation_required]) do
+ Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
+ end
test "resend account confirmation email", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
|> assign(:user, user)
@@ -3953,9 +3937,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
setup do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
- config = Config.get(:suggestions)
- on_exit(fn -> Config.put(:suggestions, config) end)
host = Config.get([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :url, :host])
url500 = "http://test500?#{host}{user.nickname}"
url200 = "http://test200?#{host}{user.nickname}"
@@ -3977,6 +3958,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
[user: user, other_user: other_user]
+ clear_config(:suggestions)
test "returns empty result when suggestions disabled", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
Config.put([:suggestions, :enabled], false)
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/status_view_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/status_view_test.exs
index 0b167f839..c983b494f 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/status_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/status_view_test.exs
@@ -23,6 +23,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusViewTest do
+ test "returns the direct conversation id when given the `with_conversation_id` option" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ status =
+ StatusView.render("status.json",
+ activity: activity,
+ with_direct_conversation_id: true,
+ for: user
+ )
+ assert status[:pleroma][:direct_conversation_id]
+ end
test "returns a temporary ap_id based user for activities missing db users" do
user = insert(:user)
@@ -133,7 +148,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusViewTest do
conversation_id: convo_id,
in_reply_to_account_acct: nil,
content: %{"text/plain" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(object_data["content"])},
- spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(object_data["summary"])}
+ spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(object_data["summary"])},
+ direct_conversation_id: nil
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_test.exs
index 0c94755df..79699cac5 100644
--- a/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_test.exs
@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxyTest do
use ExUnit.Case
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
import Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.MediaProxyController
- setup do
- enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:media_proxy, :enabled])
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:media_proxy, :enabled], enabled) end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config([:media_proxy, :enabled])
describe "when enabled" do
setup do
diff --git a/test/web/oauth/ldap_authorization_test.exs b/test/web/oauth/ldap_authorization_test.exs
index 0eb191c76..1cbe133b7 100644
--- a/test/web/oauth/ldap_authorization_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/oauth/ldap_authorization_test.exs
@@ -12,21 +12,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.LDAPAuthorizationTest do
@skip if !Code.ensure_loaded?(:eldap), do: :skip
- setup_all do
- ldap_authenticator =
- Pleroma.Config.get(Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator, Pleroma.Web.Auth.PleromaAuthenticator)
- ldap_enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:ldap, :enabled])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put(Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator, ldap_authenticator)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:ldap, :enabled], ldap_enabled)
- end)
- Pleroma.Config.put(Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator, Pleroma.Web.Auth.LDAPAuthenticator)
+ clear_config_all([:ldap, :enabled]) do
Pleroma.Config.put([:ldap, :enabled], true)
+ end
- :ok
+ clear_config_all(Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put(Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator, Pleroma.Web.Auth.LDAPAuthenticator)
@tag @skip
diff --git a/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs b/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs
index 92e156347..b492c7794 100644
--- a/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs
@@ -11,23 +11,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthControllerTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthController
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
- @oauth_config_path [:oauth2, :issue_new_refresh_token]
@session_opts [
store: :cookie,
key: "_test",
signing_salt: "cooldude"
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :account_activation_required])
describe "in OAuth consumer mode, " do
setup do
- oauth_consumer_strategies_path = [:auth, :oauth_consumer_strategies]
- oauth_consumer_strategies = Pleroma.Config.get(oauth_consumer_strategies_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(oauth_consumer_strategies_path, ~w(twitter facebook))
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put(oauth_consumer_strategies_path, oauth_consumer_strategies)
- end)
app: insert(:oauth_app),
@@ -37,6 +29,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthControllerTest do
+ clear_config([:auth, :oauth_consumer_strategies]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put(
+ [:auth, :oauth_consumer_strategies],
+ ~w(twitter facebook)
+ )
+ end
test "GET /oauth/authorize renders auth forms, including OAuth consumer form", %{
app: app,
conn: conn
@@ -775,12 +774,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthControllerTest do
test "rejects token exchange for valid credentials belonging to unconfirmed user and confirmation is required" do
- setting = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required])
- unless setting do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], setting) end)
- end
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
password = "testpassword"
user = insert(:user, password_hash: Comeonin.Pbkdf2.hashpwsalt(password))
@@ -857,16 +851,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthControllerTest do
describe "POST /oauth/token - refresh token" do
- setup do
- oauth_token_config = Pleroma.Config.get(@oauth_config_path)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.get(@oauth_config_path, oauth_token_config)
- end)
- end
+ clear_config([:oauth2, :issue_new_refresh_token])
test "issues a new access token with keep fresh token" do
- Pleroma.Config.put(@oauth_config_path, true)
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:oauth2, :issue_new_refresh_token], true)
user = insert(:user)
app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["read", "write"])
@@ -906,7 +894,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthControllerTest do
test "issues a new access token with new fresh token" do
- Pleroma.Config.put(@oauth_config_path, false)
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:oauth2, :issue_new_refresh_token], false)
user = insert(:user)
app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["read", "write"])
diff --git a/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs b/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs
index 9f756effb..095ae7041 100644
--- a/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs
@@ -15,16 +15,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.OStatus.OStatusControllerTest do
setup_all do
Tesla.Mock.mock_global(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
+ end
describe "salmon_incoming" do
test "decodes a salmon", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
diff --git a/test/web/pleroma_api/pleroma_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/pleroma_api/pleroma_api_controller_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed6b79727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/pleroma_api/pleroma_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.PleromaAPIControllerTest do
+ use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
+ alias Pleroma.Repo
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ test "/api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hi @#{other_user.nickname}!", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(other_user)
+ result =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, other_user)
+ |> get("/api/v1/pleroma/conversations/#{participation.id}")
+ |> json_response(200)
+ assert result["id"] == participation.id |> to_string()
+ end
+ test "/api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id/statuses", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ third_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hi @#{third_user.nickname}!", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hi @#{other_user.nickname}!", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(other_user)
+ {:ok, activity_two} =
+ CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{
+ "status" => "Hi!",
+ "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id,
+ "in_reply_to_conversation_id" => participation.id
+ })
+ result =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, other_user)
+ |> get("/api/v1/pleroma/conversations/#{participation.id}/statuses")
+ |> json_response(200)
+ assert length(result) == 2
+ id_one = activity.id
+ id_two = activity_two.id
+ assert [%{"id" => ^id_one}, %{"id" => ^id_two}] = result
+ end
+ test "PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hi", "visibility" => "direct"})
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(user)
+ participation = Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ assert [user] == participation.recipients
+ assert other_user not in participation.recipients
+ result =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> patch("/api/v1/pleroma/conversations/#{participation.id}", %{
+ "recipients" => [user.id, other_user.id]
+ })
+ |> json_response(200)
+ assert result["id"] == participation.id |> to_string
+ [participation] = Participation.for_user(user)
+ participation = Repo.preload(participation, :recipients)
+ assert user in participation.recipients
+ assert other_user in participation.recipients
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/plugs/federating_plug_test.exs b/test/web/plugs/federating_plug_test.exs
index c01e01124..bb2e1687a 100644
--- a/test/web/plugs/federating_plug_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/plugs/federating_plug_test.exs
@@ -4,15 +4,7 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.FederatingPlugTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
- setup_all do
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating])
test "returns and halt the conn when federating is disabled" do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], false)
diff --git a/test/web/rich_media/helpers_test.exs b/test/web/rich_media/helpers_test.exs
index 92198f3d9..48884319d 100644
--- a/test/web/rich_media/helpers_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/rich_media/helpers_test.exs
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.HelpersTest do
setup do
mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
- rich_media = Config.get([:rich_media, :enabled])
- on_exit(fn -> Config.put([:rich_media, :enabled], rich_media) end)
+ clear_config([:rich_media, :enabled])
test "refuses to crawl incomplete URLs" do
user = insert(:user)
diff --git a/test/web/streamer_test.exs b/test/web/streamer_test.exs
index d47b37efb..96fa7645f 100644
--- a/test/web/streamer_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/streamer_test.exs
@@ -11,15 +11,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.StreamerTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.Streamer
import Pleroma.Factory
- setup do
- skip_thread_containment = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :skip_thread_containment])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], skip_thread_containment)
- end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :skip_thread_containment])
describe "user streams" do
setup do
@@ -414,6 +406,26 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.StreamerTest do
+ test "it doesn't send posts from muted threads" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ user2 = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, user2, user, _activity} = CommonAPI.follow(user2, user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"})
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user2, activity)
+ task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end)
+ Streamer.add_socket(
+ "user",
+ %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user2}}
+ )
+ Streamer.stream("user", activity)
+ Task.await(task)
+ end
describe "direct streams" do
setup do
GenServer.start(Streamer, %{}, name: Streamer)
diff --git a/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_controller_test.exs
index 8bb8aa36d..8ef14b4c5 100644
--- a/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
describe "GET /statuses/public_timeline.json" do
setup [:valid_user]
+ clear_config([:instance, :public])
test "returns statuses", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
@@ -173,8 +174,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
|> get("/api/statuses/public_timeline.json")
|> json_response(403)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :public], true)
test "returns 200 to authenticated request when the instance is not public",
@@ -185,8 +184,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
|> with_credentials(user.nickname, "test")
|> get("/api/statuses/public_timeline.json")
|> json_response(200)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :public], true)
test "returns 200 to unauthenticated request when the instance is public", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -220,6 +217,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
describe "GET /statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json" do
setup [:valid_user]
+ clear_config([:instance, :public])
test "returns 403 to unauthenticated request when the instance is not public", %{conn: conn} do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :public], false)
@@ -227,8 +225,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
|> get("/api/statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json")
|> json_response(403)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :public], true)
test "returns 200 to authenticated request when the instance is not public",
@@ -239,8 +235,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
|> with_credentials(user.nickname, "test")
|> get("/api/statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json")
|> json_response(200)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :public], true)
test "returns 200 to unauthenticated request when the instance is public", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -1176,13 +1170,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
describe "POST /api/account/resend_confirmation_email" do
setup do
- setting = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required])
- unless setting do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], setting) end)
- end
user = insert(:user)
info_change = User.Info.confirmation_changeset(user.info, need_confirmation: true)
@@ -1197,6 +1184,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ControllerTest do
[user: user]
+ clear_config([:instance, :account_activation_required]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true)
+ end
test "it returns 204 No Content", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
|> assign(:user, user)
diff --git a/test/web/twitter_api/util_controller_test.exs b/test/web/twitter_api/util_controller_test.exs
index 640579c09..fe4ffdb59 100644
--- a/test/web/twitter_api/util_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/twitter_api/util_controller_test.exs
@@ -14,20 +14,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do
setup do
Tesla.Mock.mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
- instance_config = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance])
- pleroma_fe = Pleroma.Config.get([:frontend_configurations, :pleroma_fe])
- deny_follow_blocked = Pleroma.Config.get([:user, :deny_follow_blocked])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance], instance_config)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:frontend_configurations, :pleroma_fe], pleroma_fe)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:user, :deny_follow_blocked], deny_follow_blocked)
- end)
+ clear_config([:instance])
+ clear_config([:frontend_configurations, :pleroma_fe])
+ clear_config([:user, :deny_follow_blocked])
describe "POST /api/pleroma/follow_import" do
test "it returns HTTP 200", %{conn: conn} do
user1 = insert(:user)
@@ -260,7 +253,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do
test "returns the state of safe_dm_mentions flag", %{conn: conn} do
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions])
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], true)
response =
@@ -278,8 +270,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do
|> json_response(:ok)
assert response["site"]["safeDMMentionsEnabled"] == "0"
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], option)
test "it returns the managed config", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -534,15 +524,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do
describe "GET /api/pleroma/healthcheck" do
- setup do
- config_healthcheck = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :healthcheck])
- on_exit(fn ->
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :healthcheck], config_healthcheck)
- end)
- :ok
- end
+ clear_config([:instance, :healthcheck])
test "returns 503 when healthcheck disabled", %{conn: conn} do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :healthcheck], false)
diff --git a/test/web/web_finger/web_finger_controller_test.exs b/test/web/web_finger/web_finger_controller_test.exs
index 7d861cbf5..e23086b2a 100644
--- a/test/web/web_finger/web_finger_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/web_finger/web_finger_controller_test.exs
@@ -10,15 +10,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.WebFinger.WebFingerControllerTest do
setup do
mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
+ end
test "GET host-meta" do
response =
diff --git a/test/web/websub/websub_controller_test.exs b/test/web/websub/websub_controller_test.exs
index aa7262beb..59cacbe68 100644
--- a/test/web/websub/websub_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/websub/websub_controller_test.exs
@@ -9,14 +9,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub.WebsubControllerTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.Websub
alias Pleroma.Web.Websub.WebsubClientSubscription
- setup_all do
- config_path = [:instance, :federating]
- initial_setting = Pleroma.Config.get(config_path)
- Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, true)
- on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put(config_path, initial_setting) end)
- :ok
+ clear_config_all([:instance, :federating]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
test "websub subscription request", %{conn: conn} do